
Defines functions check_status_code

# Check HTTP status code
# Generic check function that checks HTTP status codes coming back from ALA
# requests.
# @param x string: a status code, or an object of class "response"
# (from e.g. httr's GET)
# @param on_redirect function: optional function to evaluate in the case of a
# redirect (3xx) code. By default a warning is issued.
# @param on_client_error function: optional function to evaluate in the case of
# a client error (4xx) code. By default an error is thrown.
# @param on_server_error function: optional function to evaluate in the case of
# a server error (5xx) code. By default an error is thrown.
# @param extra_info string: additional diagnostic info that will be shown to
# the user for 4xx or 5xx codes, where x is not a full response object
# @return integer: simplified status code (0 = success (2xx codes), 1 = warning
# (3xx codes))
# @references \url{http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/HTRESP.html}
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# require(httr)
# out <- GET(url = "https://www.ala.org.au/")
# check_status_code(out) ## pass the whole response object
# check_status_code(out$headers$status) ## or pass the status code explicitly
# }

check_status_code <- function(x, on_redirect = NULL, on_client_error = NULL,
                             on_server_error = NULL, extra_info = "") {
    was_full_response <- FALSE
    if (inherits(x, "response")) {
        ## if this is a response object, extract the status code
        ## we may also be able to get meaningful diagnostic info out of the
        ## message body in some cases
        was_full_response <- TRUE
        xstatus <- x$headers$status
        if (is.null(xstatus)) {
            ## newer httr has changed, try this
            xstatus <- as.character(x$status_code)
            was_full_response <- TRUE
        ## check again
        if (is.null(xstatus)) {
            warning("error in http status checking: skipped. ",
            was_full_response <- FALSE
            xstatus <- "200" ## default to OK
    } else {
        ## expect either string (e.g. "500") or integer
        if (!see_if(is.string(x))) {
            if (!see_if(is.count(x))) {
                stop("expecting either http response object, or status code as
                     string or numeric")
            } else {
                ## is integer - convert to string
                x <- as.character(x)
        xstatus <- x
    switch(substr(xstatus, 1, 1),
            "2" = { ## 2xx are all success codes
                return(0) },
            "3" = { ## 3xx are redirection codes
                ## probably indicates that we are using the wrong URL for a
                ## service
                ## the code may or may not work depending on whether e.g. a
                ## redirect was followed
                if (!is.null(on_redirect)) {
                } else {
                    ## just issue a warning for now
                    warning("HTTP status code ", xstatus,
                            " received.\nThis may be OK: if there are problems,
                            please notify the package maintainers.")
            "4" = { ## 4xx are client errors, e.g. 404 not found
                ## an error here probably indicates a problem in the ALA4R code
                ## ? should this be an error or a warning?
                if (!is.null(on_client_error)) {
                } else {
                    diag_msg <- paste0("  Either there was an error with your 
                                       request or in the ",
                                       " package, or the servers are down. ",
                    if (was_full_response) {
                        x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(x, type = "text",
                                                        encoding = "UTF-8"))
                        if (!is.null(x$message)) {
                            diag_msg <- paste(diag_msg,
                                              "\nThe error message was:",
                                              x$message, sep = " ")
                    } else {
                        if (nchar(extra_info) > 0) {
                            diag_msg <- paste(diag_msg, "\n  Some additional
                                              diagnostic information that might
                                              help:", extra_info, sep = " ")
                    stop("HTTP status code ", xstatus, " received.\n",
            "5" = { ## 5xx are server errors
                if (!is.null(on_server_error)) {
                } else {
                    diag_msg <- paste0("  Either there was an error with the
                                       request, or the servers may be down
                                       (try again later). ",
                    if (was_full_response) {
                        x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content(x, type = "text",
                                                        encoding = "UTF-8"))
                        if (!is.null(x$message)) {
                            diag_msg <- paste(diag_msg,
                                              "\nThe error message was:",
                                              x$message, sep = " ")
                    } else {
                        if (nchar(extra_info) > 0) {
                            diag_msg <- paste(diag_msg, "\n  Some additional
                                              diagnostic information that might
                                              help:", extra_info, sep = " ")
                    stop("HTTP status code ", xstatus, " received.\n",
    warning("Unexpected HTTP status code ", x, " received.\n  ",
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.