
Defines functions etopoMask gshhsMask

Documented in etopoMask gshhsMask

#' A land mask based on the GSHHS data set
#' Generate a land mask function based on the Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database.
#' The mask is provided at two (approximate) spatial resolutions: 0.1 degree and 0.05 degrees. The latter requires significantly more memory.
#' The mask is constant and the \code{tm} argument to the mask is ignored.
#' @param res numeric: the spatial resolution of the mask, in degrees (either 0.1 or 0.05)
#' @return function that returns a logical indicating whether the point is at sea (TRUE) or on land (FALSE)
#' @seealso \code{\link{surrogateAR}}
#' @references Wessel P, Smith WHF (1996) A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline Database. J. Geophys. Res. 101: 8741-8743. \url{https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/gshhs.html}
#' @examples
#' mask  <- gshhsMask() ## initialize land mask function
#' mask(0, c(100, -65)) ## test point lon,lat
#' @export
gshhsMask <- function(res = 0.1, latmin = -90, latmax = 90) {
    if (!res %in% c(0.1, 0.05)) res <- 0.1
    land.mask <- readPNG(system.file("extdata", paste0("land_mask_gshhs-", res, ".png"), package = "availability")) ## 0 = land, 1 = ocean
    if (length(dim(land.mask)) > 1) land.mask <- land.mask[, , 1]
    land.lon <- seq(from = -180+res/2, to = 180-res/2, length.out = dim(land.mask)[2])
    land.lat <- seq(from = 90-res/2, to = -90+res/2, length.out = dim(land.mask)[1])
    function(tm, pt) {
        (pt[[2]] > latmin) & (pt[[2]] < latmax) & (land.mask[which.min(abs(land.lat-pt[[2]])), which.min(abs(land.lon-((pt[[1]]+180)%%360-180)))] > 0)

##' @rdname gshhsMask
##' @export
landmask_init <- gshhsMask

## slightly faster, but has unexpected behaviour at edges, so don't use for now
##landmask_init <- function() {
##    land.mask <- readPNG(system.file("extdata", "land_mask-0.1-nosub.png", package = "availability")) ## 0 = land, 1 = ocean
##    land.mask <- land.mask[nrow(land.mask):1, ] ## reverse in latitude
##    land.lon <- seq(from = -180, to = 180, length.out = dim(land.mask)[2])
##    lon.bin <- abs(land.lon[2]-land.lon[1])
##    land.lat <- seq(from = -90, to = 0, length.out = dim(land.mask)[1])
##    lat.bin <- abs(land.lat[2]-land.lat[1])
##    test_point <- function(pt) {
##        lonidx <- .bincode((pt[1]+180)%%360-180, land.lon-lon.bin/2)
##        latidx <- .bincode(pt[2], land.lat-lat.bin/2)
##        land.mask[latidx, lonidx] > 0
##    }
##    test_point

##' A land mask based on the full ETOPO1 dataset
##' Generate a land mask function based on ETOPO1 topography. The
##' etopo geotiff is not bundled with the package and must be
##' downloaded from
##' \url{https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/global.html}.
##' When the mask is intially created, a native raster (grd, gri)
##' version of the geotiff is created in the directory \code{tmp},
##' which must be writable. This file can be deleted when the
##' computation is finished.
##' The \code{land} argument determines whether the mask function
##' returns \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} for land. The mask is constant
##' and the \code{tm} argument to the mask is ignored.
##' @title Land Mask
##' @param basename the name of the etopo geotiff (without file extension).
##' @param path the path to a folder containing the etopo geotiff
##' @param tmp the path to a writeable folder
##' @param land the logical value to return for land.
##' @return a logical indicating whether the point is land or sea.
##' @importFrom raster raster writeRaster extract
##' @export
etopoMask <- function(basename = "ETOPO1_Bed_c_geotiff", path = ".", tmp = path, land = FALSE) {
  tif <- file.path(path, paste0(basename, ".tif"))
  grd <- file.path(tmp, paste0(basename, ".grd"))

  if(!file.exists(grd)) writeRaster(raster(tif), grd)
  etopo <- raster(grd)

    function(tm, pt) pt[2] < 90 & pt[2] > -90 & extract(etopo, cbind((pt[1]+180)%%360-180, pt[2])) >= 0
    function(tm, pt) pt[2] < 90 & pt[2] > -90 & extract(etopo, cbind((pt[1]+180)%%360-180, pt[2])) <= 0
AustralianAntarcticDataCentre/availability documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 7:26 a.m.