bb_handler_argo: Handler for Argo profile data sources

View source: R/argo_handler.R

bb_handler_argoR Documentation

Handler for Argo profile data sources


This is a handler function to be used with Argo data. Tested with the Global Data Access Centre in Monterey, USA (US Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment) and Ifremer data centre, not yet tested with others. This function is not intended to be called directly, but rather is specified as a method option in bb_source.





: parameters passed to bb_rget


This handler can take several method arguments as specified in the bb_source constructor:

  • profile_type string: either "merge" [default] or "synthetic" (currently only available from certain DACs)

  • institutions character: vector of institution codes. Only profiles from these institutions will be downloaded (current institution codes are "AO", "BO", "IF", "HZ", "CS", "IN")

  • parameters character: vector of parameter codes. Only profiles with one or more of these parameters will be downloaded (current parameter set is "BBP470", "BBP532", "BBP700", "BISULFIDE", "CDOM", "CHLA", "CNDC", "CP660", "DOWN_IRRADIANCE380", "DOWN_IRRADIANCE412", "DOWN_IRRADIANCE443", "DOWN_IRRADIANCE490", "DOWN_IRRADIANCE555", "DOWNWELLING_PAR", "DOXY", "NITRATE", "PH_IN_SITU_TOTAL", "PRES", "PSAL", "TEMP", "TURBIDITY", "UP_RADIANCE412", "UP_RADIANCE443", "UP_RADIANCE490", "UP_RADIANCE555")

  • latitude_filter function: this function is applied to each profile's latitude value; only profiles for which this function returns TRUE will be downloaded

  • longitude_filter function: as for latitude_filter, but applied to longitude

See sources_oceanographic for more details and examples.


TRUE on success


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AustralianAntarcticDivision/blueant documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 10:23 a.m.