sources_ocean_colour: Ocean colour data sources

View source: R/sources_ocean_colour.R

sources_ocean_colourR Documentation

Ocean colour data sources


Data sources providing ocean colour data.


sources_ocean_colour(name, formats, time_resolutions, ...)

sources_ocean_color(name, formats, time_resolutions, ...)



character vector: only return data sources with name or id matching these values


character: for some sources, the format can be specified. See the list of sources above for details


character: for some sources, the time resolution can be specified. See the list of sources above for details


: additional source-specific parameters. See the list of sources above for details


  • "Oceandata SeaWiFS Level-3 mapped monthly 9km chl-a": Monthly remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the SeaWiFS satellite at 9km spatial resolution

  • "Oceandata MODIS Aqua Level-3 mapped daily 4km chl-a": Daily remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the MODIS Aqua satellite at 4km spatial resolution

  • "Oceandata MODIS Aqua Level-3 mapped monthly 9km chl-a": Monthly remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the MODIS Aqua satellite at 9km spatial resolution

  • "Oceandata VIIRS Level-3 mapped daily 4km chl-a": Daily remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the VIIRS satellite at 4km spatial resolution

  • "Oceandata VIIRS Level-3 mapped monthly 9km chl-a": Monthly remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the VIIRS satellite at 9km spatial resolution

  • "Oceandata VIIRS Level-3 mapped seasonal 9km chl-a": Seasonal remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the VIIRS satellite at 9km spatial resolution

  • "Oceandata VIIRS Level-3 binned daily RRS": Daily remote-sensing reflectance from VIIRS. RRS is used to produce standard ocean colour products such as chlorophyll concentration

  • "Oceandata MODIS Aqua Level-3 binned daily RRS": Daily remote-sensing reflectance from MODIS Aqua. RRS is used to produce standard ocean colour products such as chlorophyll concentration

  • "Oceandata SeaWiFS Level-3 binned daily RRS": Daily remote-sensing reflectance from SeaWiFS. RRS is used to produce standard ocean colour products such as chlorophyll concentration

  • "Oceandata VIIRS Level-3 mapped 32-day 9km chl-a": Rolling 32-day composite remote-sensing chlorophyll-a from the VIIRS satellite at 9km spatial resolution

  • "Southern Ocean summer chlorophyll-a climatology (Johnson)": Climatological summer chlorophyll-a layer for the Southern Ocean south of 40S, following the OC3M algorithm of Johnson et al. (2013)

The returned tibble contains more information about each source.


a tibble with columns as specified by bb_source


See the doc_url and citation field in each row of the returned tibble for references associated with these particular data sources

See Also

sources_altimetry, sources_biological, sources_meteorological, sources_oceanographic, sources_reanalysis, sources_sdm, sources_seaice, sources_sst, sources_topography


## Not run: 
## define a configuration and add the monthly SeaWiFS data to it
cf <- bb_config("/my/file/root")
src <- sources_ocean_colour("Oceandata SeaWiFS Level-3 mapped monthly 9km chl-a")
cf <- bb_add(cf,src)

## End(Not run)

AustralianAntarcticDivision/blueant documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 10:23 a.m.