
Defines functions read_geoid

Documented in read_geoid

#' Read Earth Gravitation Model
#' Global 2.5 Minute Geoid Undulations, a big raster from multiple files. We just create a temporary
#' virtual raster from the source files, and return as a RasterLayer.
#' Each file is an ESRI GRID raster data set of 2.5-minute geoid undulation values covering a 45 x 45 degree area.
#' Each raster file has a 2.5-minute cell size and is a subset of the global 2.5 x 2.5-minute grid of pre-computed
#' geoid undulation point values found on the EGM2008-WGS 84 Version web page. This ESRI GRID format represents a
#' continuous surface of geoid undulation values where each 2.5-minute raster cell derives its value from the original
#' pre-computed geoid undulation point value located at the SW corner of each cell.
#' @param xylim an extent, in longlat, or an object that provides one
#' @param force if TRUE ignore cached virtual saved file, and recompute (try this if it otherwise fails)
#' @return RasterLayer, longitude latitue grid of geoid level
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' geoid <- read_geoid()
#' }
read_geoid <- function(xylim = NULL, force = FALSE) {

  test <- system("gdalinfo", ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
  if (test == 127) stop("cannot read Geoid files on this system (ask the authors of raadtools)")
  ## just do it quick and dirty
  geoid_tile_vrt <- getOption("raadtools.geoid_tile_vrt")
  tiles <- raadfiles::geoid_files()

  if (is.null(geoid_tile_vrt) || !file.exists(geoid_tile_vrt)) {
    geoid_tile_vrt <- tempfile(fileext = ".vrt")
    system(sprintf("gdalbuildvrt %s %s", geoid_tile_vrt, paste(tiles$fullname, collapse = " ")), ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

  r <- raster::raster(geoid_tile_vrt)
  ## so far so good, let's update the option
  options(raadtools.geoid_tile_vrt = geoid_tile_vrt)
  if (!is.null(xylim)) r <- raster::crop(r, xylim)
  names(r) <- "EGM2008"
AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on June 11, 2024, 9:15 a.m.