#' Create a pool connection to a PostgreSQL database either using a config file or environment variables
#' If both exist, config file is given priority
#' @param config_file A yml config file with database credentials. Default is \code{config.yml} in root of project
#' @param config_value The set of config vars to use from the config file
#' @param envars_prefix The prefix of the environment variables to use to connect
#' @param ... Arguments passed to config::get
#' @return A database connection object
#' @export
connect_to_pg <- function(config_file = here::here("config.yml"), config_value = "default", envars_prefix = "DEFAULT_DATABASE_", ...) {
if (file.exists(config_file)) {
# fetch config vars from file
config_vars <- config::get(value = config_value, file = config_file, ...)
db_name <- config_vars$database
db_host <- config_vars$server
db_user <- config_vars$uid
db_passwd <- config_vars$pwd
db_port <- config_vars$port
} else {
# If config file does not exist
# Attempt to get config vars from environment variables
db_name <- Sys.getenv(paste0(envars_prefix, "NAME"))
db_host <- Sys.getenv(paste0(envars_prefix, "HOST"))
db_user <- Sys.getenv(paste0(envars_prefix, "USER"))
db_passwd <- Sys.getenv(paste0(envars_prefix, "PASSWORD"))
db_port <- Sys.getenv(paste0(envars_prefix, "PORT"))
# create database connection pool object
db_conn <- pool::dbPool(
drv = RPostgres::Postgres(),
dbname = db_name,
host = db_host,
user = db_user,
password = db_passwd,
port = db_port
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