
#' Unzip only files matching a pattern
#' @param zip_file (character) path to ZIP file
#' @param pattern (character) see [utils::glob2rx] and [stringr::regex]
#' @param junkpaths (logical) if `TRUE`, use only the basename of the stored filepath (discard subdirectory names)
#' @param ... further arguments to [utils::unzip]
#' @param verbose (logical)
#' @importFrom stringr str_trunc
#' @importFrom strtools str_csv
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @export
unzip_only <- function (zip_file, pattern = NULL, junkpaths = FALSE, ..., verbose = getOption("verbose")) {

  msg <- function (...) if(isTRUE(verbose)) message("[unzip_only] ", ...)

  if (is.null(pattern)) {
    pattern <- ".*"

  exdir <- tempfile(pattern = basename(zip_file)) # NOT tempdir()
  msg("exdir() is: ", exdir)
  msg("pattern is: ", pattern)

  # Get the names of all files in the ZIP archive. Don't unzip it just yet.
  file_set <- utils::unzip(zip_file, list = TRUE)
  file_names <- file_set[["Name"]]
  which_match <- which(str_detect(file_names, pattern = pattern))
  matching_files <- file_names[which_match]
  msg("matching files are: ", str_trunc(str_csv(matching_files), width = 60))

  # Create a temporary subdirectory.
  # Unzip only those files matching `pattern`.
        files = matching_files,
        exdir = exdir,
        junkpaths = junkpaths,


BAAQMD/shptools documentation built on March 13, 2023, 6:54 a.m.