
In this example we will build a predictor to classify breast tumours as being either of Luminal A subtype or otherwise. The process is identical for classifying three or more labels, and the example uses minimal data for quick runtime.

For this we will use data from the The Cancer Genome Atlas, and will integrate three types of -omic data:


Get and prepare data

In this example, we use curated multi-modal data from The Cancer Genome Atlas, gotten from the BioConductor curatedTCGAData package. Data for all cancer types profiled in TCGA are available through this package; see this tutorial for details.



In this example, we use curated data from The Cancer Genome Atlas, through the BioConductor curatedTCGAData package. The goal is to classify a breast tumour into either a Luminal A subtype or otherwise. The predictor will integrate clinical variables selected by the user, along with gene expression data.

Here we load the required packages and download clinical and gene expression data.


Let's take a look at the available data for breast cancer, without downloading any (set Note that the new release of BioConductor (3.13) actually allows users to fetch one of two versions of TCGA data.

curatedTCGAData(diseaseCode="BRCA", assays="*",, version="1.1.38")

Now let's actually download the data, getting just the three layers we need:

brca <- suppressMessages(curatedTCGAData("BRCA",
                               , version="1.1.38"))

This call returns a MultiAssayExperiment object. Recall that this is a container for storing multiple assays performed on the same set of samples. See this tutorial to learn more.

Let's briefly explore the brca MultiAssayExperiment object.


assays() returns a list with all -omic data associated with this object.


names() shows the datatypes in each slot of assays():


So miRNA data is in slot 1, gene expression in slot 2, etc.,

We can subset the data to see what it looks like. Let's do that for the miRNA data, looking at just the first five measures:

mir <- assays(brca)[["BRCA_miRNASeqGene-20160128"]]

Patient metadata is contained in the colData() slot. Rows contain data for each patient and columns contain measures such as clinical characteristics:

pheno <- colData(brca)

This next code block prepares the TCGA data. This includes:

In practice you would prepare the dataset once and save it to file, then separately load it before running netDx; i.e. decouple data processing and running the predictor. The data processing code has been moved into a supporting file, prepare_data.R. You can explore it after the lab to see how some things are achieved (e.g. removing duplicate samples). For now, let's just run it.

brca <- prepareData(brca,setBinary=TRUE)

The important thing is to create ID and STATUS columns in the sample metadata table. netDx uses these to get the patient identifiers and labels, respectively.

pheno <- colData(brca)
table(pheno$STATUS,useNA="always")  # good practice: useNA="always" shows missing values

Create feature design rules

Now let's set up the data for input to netDx.

netDx allows the user to define how data is converted into patient similarity networks (or PSNs), which are the features that go into the model. This is done specifically by telling the model how to:

The relevant input parameters are:

Let's start by loading the netDx package.


Let's set up each of the input arguments one by one.


What is this: groupList tells netDx how to group measures within a layer, to generate a PSN. Measures could be individual genes, proteins, CpG bases (in DNA methylation data), clinical variables, etc.,

In this simple example we just create a single PSN for each datatype, containing all measures from that datatype.

expr <- assays(brca)
groupList <- list()
for (k in 1:length(expr)) { # loop over all layers
    cur <- expr[[k]]; nm <- names(expr)[k]

    # all measures from this layer go into our single PSN
    groupList[[nm]] <- list(nm=rownames(cur)) 

    # assign same layer name as in input data
    names(groupList[[nm]])[1] <- nm;

Notice that groupList is a two tiered list, or list-of-lists. The first tier is for each data layers, with names matching those in assays(brca). The second tier contains all the PSNs we want to make for that layer. In this lab exercise we create only one PSN per data layer, using all the measures from an -omic assay. e.g. One PSN based on similarity across entire transcriptome, one for methylome, etc.,). So in this lab exercise, the inner tier simply contains one entry, with all measures for the given layer.

This design will get more interesting in Lab 2, when we create pathway-level features.

Let's take a look at groupList. Here is the first tier:


And the second tier:


Define patient similarity for each network

The makeNets function tells the predictor how to create networks from provided input data.

This function requires dataList,groupList, and netDir as input variables. The residual ... parameter is to pass additional variables to makePSN_NamedMatrix(), notably numCores (number of parallel jobs).

netDx requires that this function have:

makeNets <- function(dataList, groupList, netDir,...) {
    netList <- c() # initialize before is.null() check

    layerNames <- c("BRCA_miRNASeqGene-20160128",

    for (nm in layerNames){             ## for each layer
        if (!is.null(groupList[[nm]])){ ## must check for null for each layer
            netList_cur <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(
                rownames(dataList[[nm]]),   ## names of measures (e.g. genes, CpGs)
                groupList[[nm]],            ## how to group measures in that layer
                netDir,                     ## leave this as-is, netDx will figure out where this is.
                writeProfiles=TRUE,         ## use Pearson correlation-based similarity

            netList <- c(netList,netList_cur)   ## just leave this in
    return(unlist(netList)) ## just leave this in 

Build predictor

Finally we call the function that runs the netDx predictor. We provide:

The call below runs 10 train/test splits. Within each split, it:

In practice a good starting point is featScoreMax=10, featSelCutoff=9 and numSplits=10L, but these parameters depend on the sample sizes in the dataset and heterogeneity of the samples.

This step can take a few hours based on the current parameters, so we're commenting this out for the tutorial and will simply load the results.

nco <- round(parallel::detectCores()*0.75) # use 75% available cores
message(sprintf("Using %i of %i cores", nco, parallel::detectCores()))
t0 <- Sys.time()
set.seed(42) # make results reproducible
outDir <- paste(tempdir(),randAlphanumString(),
if (file.exists(outDir)) unlink(outDir,recursive=TRUE)
model <- suppressMessages(buildPredictor(
    dataList=brca,          ## your data
    groupList=groupList,    ## grouping strategy
    makeNetFunc=makeNets,   ## function to build PSNs
    outDir=outDir,          ## output directory
    trainProp=0.8,          ## pct of samples to use to train model in
                            ## each split
    numSplits=2L,           ## number of train/test splits
 featSelCutoff=1L,      ## threshold for calling something
                            ## feature-selected
    featScoreMax=2L,        ## max score for feature selection
 numCores=nco,          ## set higher for parallelizing
 keepAllData=FALSE, ## set to TRUE for debugging or low-level files used by the dictor
t1 <- Sys.time()

Examine results

Now we get model output, including performance for various train/test splits and consistently high-scoring features.

In the function below, we define top-scoring features as those which score two out of two in at least half of the train/test splits:

results <- getResults(model,unique(colData(brca)$STATUS),

results contains performance, selectedFeatures for each patient label, and the table of feature scores.


Look at the performance:


Look at feature scores for all labels, across all train-test splits:


Let's examine our confusion matrix:

confMat <- confusionMatrix(model)

Note: Rows of this matrix don't add up to 100% because the matrix is an average of the confusion matrices from all of the train/test splits.

And here are selected features, which are those scoring 2 out of 2 in at least half of the splits. This threshold is simply for illustration. In practice we would run at least 10 train/test splits (ideally 100+), and look for features that score 7+ out of 10 in >70% splits.


We finally get the integrated PSN and visualize it using a tSNE plot:

## this call doesn't work in Rstudio; for now we've commented this out and saved the PSN file. 
psn <- getPSN(brca,groupList,makeNets,results$selectedFeatures)

tsne <- tSNEPlotter(



BaderLab/netDx documentation built on Sept. 26, 2021, 9:13 a.m.