knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE) # Skip the vignette when eval = FALSE

Simulation scenarios {.tabset}

Environmental drivers have been incorporated through either forcing function (producer) or egg production function. When applying forcing function, environmental drivers have been linked with phytoplankton. When applying egg production function, only AMO without lag and with lag of one year have been linked with menhaden-like species.

Environmental drivers



required_pkg <- c(
  "here", "ggplot2", "ggcorrplot", "RColorBrewer",
  "tidyverse", "reshape2", "cpm"

pkg_to_install <- required_pkg[!(required_pkg %in%
                                   installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(pkg_to_install)) install.packages(pkg_to_install)

lapply(required_pkg, library, character.only = TRUE)

Biomass over time {.tabset}

ewe_year <- 1985:2017
# EwE functional groups
functional_groups = c(

scenario_code <- paste0(

scenario_name <- c(
  "Base case",
  "Environmental forcing",
  "Fleet dynamics"

labels <- c(
  "Striped Bass 0", "Striped Bass 2-5", "Striped Bass 6+",
  "Atlantic Menhaden 0", "Atlantic Menhaden 1",
  "Atlantic Menhaden 2", "Atlantic Menhaden 3",
  "Atlantic Menhaden 4", "Atlantic Menhaden 5",
  "Atlantic Menhaden 6+",
  "Spiny Dogfish", "Bluefish juv", "Bluefish adult",
  "Weakfish juv", "Weakfish adult",
  "Atlantic Herring 0-1", "Atlantic Herring 2+",
  "Anchovies", "Benthos", "Zooplkanton", "Phytoplankton", "Detritus"

reshape_ewe_data <- function(file_path, file_name, skip_nrows, functional_groups){

  for (id in 1:length(file_path)){
    ewe_temp <- read_ewe_output(
      file_path = file_path[id],
      file_names = file_name,
      skip_nrows = skip_nrows,
      plot = FALSE,
      figure_titles = NULL,
      functional_groups = functional_groups,
      figure_colors = NULL

    time_id <- seq(1, nrow(ewe_temp[[1]]), by = 12)

    ewe_output <- list(ewe_temp[[1]][time_id, ])
    ewe_output[[1]]$Year <- ewe_year

    names(ewe_output[[1]])[2:ncol(ewe_output[[1]])] <- labels
    ewe_output_melt <- reshape2::melt(ewe_output[[1]], id.vars = "Year")
    ewe_output_melt$Scenario <- scenario_name[id]

    if (id==1) {
      ewe_data <- ewe_output_melt
    } else{
      ewe_data <- rbind(ewe_data, ewe_output_melt)


# Reshape biomass data from different scenarios
# file_path <- paste0(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "ewe7ages_ecosim_newF", scenario_code))
file_path <- paste0(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_ecosim_om", scenario_code))
ewe_data <- reshape_ewe_data(file_path = file_path,
                   file_name = "biomass_monthly.csv",
                   skip_nrows = 8,
                   functional_groups = functional_groups)

Biomass trends from cases

subscenarios <- paste0(
subdata <- ewe_data[which(ewe_data$Scenario %in% scenario_name[scenario_code %in% subscenarios]), ]
biomass <- ggplot(subdata, aes(x = Year, y = value, color = Scenario)) +
  geom_line() +
    title = "Comparison between scenarios",
    x = "Year",
    y = "Biomass (million mt)"
  ) +

biomass + facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free_y") + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2")

Total biomass of menhaden-like species from cases that use forcing function and AMO index through egg production

ss_biomass <- subdata[grep("Atlantic Menhaden", subdata$variable), ]
ss_biomass <- aggregate(value~Year+Scenario, ss_biomass, sum)

total_biomass <- ggplot(ss_biomass, aes(x = Year, y = value, color = Scenario)) +
  geom_line() +
    title = "Comparison between scenarios",
    x = "Year",
    y = "Total Biomass (million mt)"
  ) +

total_biomass + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2")
# file_path <- paste0(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_final", "ewe7ages_ecosim_final", scenario_code[1]))
file_path <- paste0(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_ecosim_om", scenario_code[1]))
source(here::here("Rscript", "load_indices.R"))

# Load ewe value data
file_path <- paste0(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_ecosim_om", scenario_code))
ewe_value <- reshape_ewe_data(file_path = file_path,
                   file_name = "value_monthly.csv",
                   skip_nrows = 8,
                   functional_groups = functional_groups)
ewe_effort <- effort_all[, "F.menhaden"]

ewe_faa <- read.csv(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "fatage.csv"))
fatage_all[year_id, grep("AtlanticMenhaden", colnames(fatage_all))]

# Load striped bass biomass
bass_biomass <- subdata[grep("Striped Bass", subdata$variable), ]
bass_biomass <- aggregate(value~Year+Scenario, bass_biomass, sum)

year_id <- seq(1, nrow(amo_unsmooth_lag1), by = 12)

amo0 <- amo_unsmooth_lag0[year_id, ]
amo1 <- amo_unsmooth_lag1[year_id, ]
pcp <- precipitation[year_id, ]
pdsi <- palmer_drought_severity_index[year_id, ]
sst <- kaplan_sst[year_id, ]
value_temp <- ewe_value[grep("Atlantic Menhaden", ewe_value$variable), ]
value <- aggregate(value~Year+Scenario, value_temp , sum)
value_amo0 <- value$value[value$Scenario == "PDSI+AMO0+Fleet dynamics"]
value_amo1 <- value$value[value$Scenario == "PDSI+AMO1+Fleet dynamics"]
effort <- ewe_effort$F.menhaden[year_id]
fishing_mortality <- apply(ewe_faa[, grep("menhaden", colnames(ewe_faa))], 1, max)


lm_results <- ccf_lag <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(subscenarios), ncol= length(indices_name))
rownames(lm_results) <- scenario_name[scenario_code %in% subscenarios]
colnames(lm_results) <- indices_name
rownames(ccf_lag) <- scenario_name[scenario_code %in% subscenarios]
colnames(ccf_lag) <- indices_name

cpm_results <- matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol = length(subscenarios))
rownames(cpm_results) <- "ChangePoint"
colnames(cpm_results) <- scenario_name[scenario_code %in% subscenarios]

for (i in 1:length(subscenarios)){

  biomass_temp <- subdata[grep("Atlantic Menhaden", subdata$variable), ]
  biomass_temp <- biomass_temp[which(biomass_temp$Scenario == scenario_name[scenario_code %in% subscenarios[i]]), ]

  total_biomass <- aggregate(value~Year, biomass_temp, sum)$value

  temp_data <- data.frame(
    Biomass = total_biomass,
    AMO0 = amo0$scaled_value,
    AMO1 = amo1$scaled_value,
    PCP = pcp$scaled_value, 
    PDSI = pdsi$scaled_value,
    SST = sst$scaled_value,
    VALUE_AMO0 = value_amo0,
    VALUE_AMO1 = value_amo1, 
    FISHING_EFFORT = effort,
    FISHING_MORTALITY = fishing_mortality,
    BASS_BIOMASS = bass_biomass$value[bass_biomass$Scenario== scenario_name[scenario_code %in% subscenarios[i]]]

  change_dection <- cpm::detectChangePointBatch(total_biomass, cpmType = "Mann-Whitney", alpha = 0.05)
  cpm_results[1, i] <- change_dection$changePoint

  for (j in 1:length(indices_name)){
    ccf_results <- ccf(temp_data$Biomass, temp_data[,j+1], plot=FALSE, lag.max = 7, type = "correlation")
    ccf_lag[i, j] <- paste0(-ccf_results$lag[,,1][which.max(abs(ccf_results$acf[1:8,,1]))], 
                            ifelse(ccf_results$acf[,,1][which.max(abs(ccf_results$acf[1:8,,1]))] > 0, "+", "-"))
    lm_results[i, j] <- paste0(round(summary(lm(temp_data$Biomass ~ temp_data[,j+1]))$coefficients[2, 1], digits = 2), 
                             if(summary(lm(temp_data$Biomass ~ temp_data[,j+1]))$coefficients[2, 4] <= 0.05) {"*"})


Slope of linear regression model from cases that use forcing function and AMO index through egg production

knitr::kable(lm_results, caption = "Slope of linear regression model from cases that use forcing function and AMO index through egg production")

knitr::kable(cpm_results, caption = "Change point detection using CPM package")

knitr::kable(ccf_lag, caption = "Cross correlation lag")


Sinple-species stock assessment input data simulation {.tabset}


options(digits = 2)

# specify working directories ---------------------------------------------

project_path <- here::here()
# ewe_output_path <- file.path(project_path, "data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim", "ewe7ages_ecosim_new", "ecosim_base_run")
# ewe_output_path <- file.path(project_path, "data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim", "ewe7ages_ecosim_new", "ecosim_forcing_pdsi_egg_amo1")
# ewe_output_path <- file.path(project_path, "data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "ewe7ages_ecosim_newF", "ecosim_base_run")
# ewe_output_path <- file.path(project_path, "data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "ewe7ages_ecosim_newF", "ecosim_forcing_pdsi_egg_amo1")
ewe_output_path <- file.path(project_path, "data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "ewe7ages_ecosim_newF", "ecosim_forcing_pdsi_egg_amo0_fd")

menhadenSA_output_path <- file.path(project_path, "data", "AtlanticMenhadenSA")

# read Atlantic menhaden Beaufort Assessment Model output data --------

menhadenSA_output <- dget(file.path(menhadenSA_output_path, "am019.rdat"))

years <- 1985:2017
ages <- 0:6

# fishery selectivity
fishery_sel <- IFA4EBFM::logistic(
  pattern = "double_logistic",
  x = ages,
  slope_asc = 3.1,
  location_asc = 1.8,
  slope_desc = 0.88,
  location_desc = 0.01
) # CRS 1972 selectivity

# F-at-age
phase1_nyear <- 12
f_full <- c(
  seq(0.25, 0.7, length = phase1_nyear),
  seq(0.7, 0.15, length = length(years) - phase1_nyear)
) *
  exp(rnorm(length(years), mean = 0, sd = 0.2))
fatage <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(f_full), ncol = length(fishery_sel))
rownames(fatage) <- years
colnames(fatage) <- paste0("menhaden", ages)
for (i in 1:length(f_full)) {
  fatage[i, ] <- f_full[i] * fishery_sel

write.csv(fatage, file.path(project_path, "data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "fatage.csv"))


skip_nrows <- 8
species <- 4:10
species_labels <- paste0("age", ages)
species_vec <- paste0("X", species)

# Load biomass data
temp <- scan(file.path(ewe_output_path, "biomass_annual.csv"), what = "", sep = "\n")
data <- temp[-c(1:skip_nrows)]
data <- read.table(
  text = as.character(data),
  sep = ",",
  col.names = read.table(text = temp[skip_nrows], sep = ",")

data <- data[, c("", species_vec)]
data[, species_vec] <- data[, species_vec] * 1000000  # biomass in mt
colnames(data) <- c("year", species_labels)

#data[, species_labels] <- data[, species_labels] / rowSums(data[, species_labels])
baa <- reshape2::melt(data, id.vars = c("year"))
colnames(baa) <- c("Year", "Age", "Biomass")

p <- ggplot(data=baa, aes(x=Age, fill=Age, y=Biomass)) +
      geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='identity') +
      facet_wrap(~Year) +
        title = "Biomass-at-age",
        x = "Age",
        y = "Proportion"
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))


# Create fishery ----------------------------------------------------------

fishery_sample_num <- cbind(
  menhadenSA_output$t.series$acomp.cRs.n[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)],
  menhadenSA_output$t.series$acomp.cBs.n[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)],
  menhadenSA_output$t.$acomp.cBn.n[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)],
  menhadenSA_output$t.series$acomp.cRn.n[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)]
fishery_sample_num[fishery_sample_num==-99999] <- 0

fishery <- create_fishery(
  file_path = file.path(ewe_output_path, "catch_annual.csv"),
  skip_nrows = 8,
  species = 4:10,
  species_labels = paste0("age", ages),
  ewe_years = 0:32,
  data_years = years,
  fleet_num = 1,
  selectivity = NULL,
  CV = rep(0.05, length(years)),
  sample_num = apply(fishery_sample_num, 1, sum),
  waa_path = file.path(ewe_output_path, "weight_annual.csv")

# Total catch in biomass
om <- data.frame (
  Year = years, 
  Catch = fishery$om_total_catch_biomass,
  Model = "OM"

obs <- data.frame (
  Year = years, 
  Catch = fishery$obs_total_catch_biomass$fleet1,
  Model = "OBS"

year_id <- which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)
bam <- data.frame (
  Year = years, 
  Catch = (menhadenSA_output$t.series$L.cBs.ob[year_id] + menhadenSA_output$t.series$L.cBn.ob[year_id] + menhadenSA_output$t.series$L.cRs.ob[year_id] + menhadenSA_output$t.series$L.cRn.ob[year_id]) * 1000,
  Model = "BAM"

#data <- rbind(om, obs, bam)
data <- rbind(om, obs)
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = Year, y = Catch, color = Model)) +
  geom_line() +
    title = "Comparison between models",
    x = "Year",
    y = "Total Catch (mt)"
  ) +


om <- fishery$om_caa_abundance/rowSums(fishery$om_caa_abundance)
om$Year <- years
om$Model <- "OM"
om <- reshape2::melt(om, id.vars = c("Year", "Model"))
colnames(om) <- c("Year", "Model", "Age", "Catch")

obs <- fishery$obs_caa_prop$fleet1
obs$Year <- years
obs$Model <- "OBS"
obs <- reshape2::melt(obs, id.vars = c("Year", "Model"))
colnames(obs) <- c("Year", "Model", "Age", "Catch")

data <- list(om=om, obs=obs)
## OM catch-at-age
p <- ggplot(data=data$om, aes(x=Age, fill=Age, y=Catch)) +
      geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='identity') +
      facet_wrap(~Year) +
        title = "OM catch-at-age",
        x = "Age",
        y = "Proportion"
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) 


## Observed catch-at-age
p <- ggplot(data=data$obs, aes(x=Age, fill=Age, y=Catch)) +
      geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='identity') +
      facet_wrap(~Year) +
        title = "Observed catch-at-age",
        x = "Age",
        y = "Proportion"
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45))

# Create survey ----------------------------------------------------------

# selectivity settings
survey_num <- 2

survey_name <- c("survey1", "survey2")

# set up survey time
# Need to check Table 26 from BAM assessment: Length cutoffs used to distinguish age-0 from age-1+ Atlantic menhaden at different regions.

survey1_year <- 1990:2017 # Adult Index (survey1): age 1+ fish; September - January; Time of the year when menhaden were most abundant in this region

survey2_year <- 1985:2017 # Adult Index (survey2): age 1+ fish; March - May

survey_time <- list(
  survey1 = data.frame(
    year = survey1_year,
    month = rep(10, length(survey1_year)) # Oct 15
  survey2 = data.frame(
    year = survey2_year,
    month = rep(4, length(survey2_year)) # April 15

# set up survey selectivity
# survey1_sel <- IFA4EBFM::logistic(
#   pattern = "double_logistic",
#   x = ages,
#   slope_asc = 2.2,
#   location_asc = 3.0,
#   slope_desc = 3.0,
#   location_desc = 3.5
# )
# survey1_sel <- IFA4EBFM::logistic(
#   pattern = "simple_logistic",
#   x = ages,
#   slope_asc = 2.2,
#   location_asc = 3.0
# )

survey1_sel <- IFA4EBFM::logistic(
  pattern = "double_logistic",
  x = ages,
  slope_asc = 4.3,
  location_asc = 2.3,
  slope_desc = 3.5,
  location_desc = 2.3

survey2_sel <- IFA4EBFM::logistic(
  pattern = "double_logistic",
  x = ages,
  slope_asc = 4.3,
  location_asc = 2.3,
  slope_desc = 3.5,
  location_desc = 2.3

survey_selectivity <- list(
  survey1 =
    matrix(rep(survey1_sel, times = length(years)), ncol = length(ages), byrow = TRUE),
    row.names = years
  survey2 =
    matrix(rep(survey2_sel, times = length(years)), ncol = length(ages), byrow = TRUE),
    row.names = years,

survey_selectivity <- lapply(survey_selectivity, setNames, paste("age", ages))

# set up catchability
survey_catchability <- list(
  survey1 = menhadenSA_output$t.series$q.nad[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)],
  survey2 = menhadenSA_output$t.series$q.mad[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)]

survey_catchability <- lapply(survey_catchability, setNames, years)

# set up CV
# survey_CV <- list(
#   survey1 = menhadenSA_output$t.series$cv.U.nad[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)],
#   survey2 = menhadenSA_output$t.series$cv.U.mad[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)]
# )

survey_CV <- list(
  survey1 = rep(0.1, length(years)),
  survey2 = rep(0.1, length(years))

survey_CV <- lapply(survey_CV, setNames, years)

# set up sample number
survey_sample_num <- list(
  survey1 = menhadenSA_output$t.series$lcomp.nad.nfish[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)],
  #survey2 = menhadenSA_output$t.series$lcomp.mad.nfish[which(menhadenSA_output$t.series$year %in% years)]
  survey2 = rep(1000, length= length(years))
survey_sample_num <- lapply(survey_sample_num, setNames, years)

for (i in 1:length(survey_sample_num)) {
  survey_sample_num[[i]][survey_sample_num[[i]] == -99999] <- NA

# set up age-length population structure
length_bin <- seq(10.0, 600, 10) / 10 # in cm
mid_length_bin <- seq(15, 605, 10) / 10 # in cm
nbin <- length(length_bin)
bin_width <- 1

length_CV <- list(
  survey1 = 0.12,
  survey2 = 0.17

# Create survey
survey <- IFA4EBFM::create_survey(
  file_path = file.path(ewe_output_path, "biomass_monthly.csv"),
  skip_nrows = 8,
  species = 4:10,
  species_labels = paste0("age", ages),
  years = years,
  survey_num = survey_num,
  survey_time = survey_time,
  selectivity = survey_selectivity,
  catchability = survey_catchability,
  CV = survey_CV,
  sample_num = survey_sample_num,
  waa_path = file.path(ewe_output_path, "weight_monthly.csv"),
  length_bin = length_bin,
  mid_length_bin = mid_length_bin,
  nbin = nbin,
  bin_width = bin_width,
  length_CV = length_CV

Survey selectivity patterns

plot(0:6, as.numeric(survey_selectivity$survey1[1, ]), 
     type="o", pch=1, col=1, lty=1,
     xlab = "Age", ylab = "Selectivity")
lines(0:6, as.numeric(survey_selectivity$survey2[1, ]), pch=2, col=2, lty=2, type="o")
       pch= 1:2,
       col = 1:2, 

Survey index over time

om <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0))
for (i in 1:length(survey$om_abundance_index)){
  temp <- data.frame(
  Year = as.numeric(names(survey$om_abundance_index[[i]])), 
  Index = survey$om_abundance_index[[i]],
  Model = "OM",
  Survey = names(survey$om_abundance_index)[i]
  om <- rbind(om, temp)

obs <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=4, nrow=0))
for (i in 1:length(survey$obs_abundance_index)){
  temp <- data.frame(
  Year = as.numeric(names(survey$obs_abundance_index[[i]])), 
  Index = survey$obs_abundance_index[[i]],
  Model = "OBS",
  Survey = names(survey$obs_abundance_index)[i]
  obs <- rbind(obs, temp)

data <- rbind(om, obs)
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = Year, y = Index, color = Model)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~Survey, scales = "free_y") +
    title = "Comparison between models",
    x = "Year",
    y = "Abundance Index"
  ) +

Survey length composition

## Survey 1
obs <-$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3[[1]])
obs$Year <- as.numeric(row.names(survey$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3[[1]]))
obs$Model <- "OBS"
obs$Survey <- names(survey$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3)[1]

obs <- na.omit(obs)

obs <- reshape2::melt(obs, id.vars = c("Year", "Model", "Survey"))
colnames(obs) <- c("Year", "Model", "Survey", "Length_Bin", "Value")

obs$Length_Bin <- as.numeric(as.character(obs$Length_Bin))
p <- ggplot(data=obs, aes(x=Length_Bin, fill=Length_Bin, y=Value)) +
  geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='identity') +
  facet_wrap(~Year) +
    title = names(survey$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3)[1],
    x = "Length Bins (cm)",
    y = "Proportion"

## Survey 2
obs <-$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3[[2]])
obs$Year <- as.numeric(row.names(survey$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3[[2]]))
obs$Model <- "OBS"
obs$Survey <- names(survey$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3)[2]

obs <- na.omit(obs)

obs <- reshape2::melt(obs, id.vars = c("Year", "Model", "Survey"))
colnames(obs) <- c("Year", "Model", "Survey", "Length_Bin", "Value")

obs$Length_Bin <- as.numeric(as.character(obs$Length_Bin))
p <- ggplot(data=obs, aes(x=Length_Bin, fill=Length_Bin, y=Value)) +
  geom_bar(position='dodge', stat='identity') +
  facet_wrap(~Year) +
    title = names(survey$obs_lencomp_proportion_ss3)[2],
    x = "Length Bins (cm)",
    y = "Proportion"
biodata <- create_biodata(nsex=1, narea=1, ages=ages, years=years,
                          length_bin=length_bin, mid_length_bin=mid_length_bin,
                          nbin=nbin, bin_width=bin_width, length_CV=length_CV,
                          annual_weight_path=file.path(ewe_output_path, "weight_annual.csv"),
                          monthly_weight_path=file.path(ewe_output_path, "weight_monthly.csv"),
                          species_labels=paste0("age", ages),
                          lw_a=0.01, lw_b=3,
                          t0 = -0.1,
                          winf = 0.237,
                          maturity_at_age=c(0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), # From both BAM and EwE
                          natural_mortality_at_age=c(1.76, 1.31, 1.03, 0.9, 0.81, 0.76, 0.72) # From both BAM and EwE

sa_data <- list(
    fishery = fishery,
    survey = survey,
    biodata = biodata


Stock Synthesis 3 results {.tabset}

# Install required R packages -------------------------------------
required_pkg <- c(
  "devtools", "here"

pkg_to_install <- required_pkg[!(required_pkg %in%
  installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(pkg_to_install)) install.packages(pkg_to_install)

lapply(required_pkg, library, character.only = TRUE)

  ref = "c53f82fcfb3f54296d79ba3a4163990150981285"

# Case 0: default stock assessment run ----------------------------
# Load simulated input data
file_path <- paste0(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_final", "ewe7ages_ecosim_final", scenario_code[1]))
source(here::here("Rscript", "load_indices.R"))
file_path <- here::here("data", "data_rich", "OM1")
originalwd <- getwd()

depletion <- FALSE
depletion_ratio <- 0.8 # tried values between 0.3 - 0.8

model_year <- 1985:2012
projection_year <- 2013:2017

  file_path = file_path,
  r0 = 12, steepness = 0.5, sigmar = 0.25,
  projection_f = 0.75, projection_catch = NULL,
  sa_data = sa_data, model_year = model_year,
  projection_year = projection_year,
  use_depletion = FALSE, depletion_ratio = NULL, 
  initial_equilibrium_catch = TRUE

# Run SS3 ----------------------------------------------------------

system(paste(file.path(file_path, "ss_win.exe"), file.path(file_path, ""), sep = " "), show.output.on.console = TRUE)

# get FMSY
ss3list <- SS_output(
  dir = file_path,
  verbose = TRUE,
  printstats = TRUE

fmsy <- ss3list$derived_quants$Value[ss3list$derived_quants$Label == "annF_MSY"]

# Re-run SS3 with projection_f = fmsy
  file_path = file_path,
  r0 = 12, steepness = 0.55, sigmar = 0.5,
  projection_f = fmsy, projection_catch = NULL,
  sa_data = sa_data, model_year = model_year,
  projection_year = projection_year,
  use_depletion = FALSE, depletion_ratio = NULL,
  initial_equilibrium_catch = TRUE

system(paste(file.path(file_path, "ss_win.exe"), file.path(file_path, ""), sep = " "), show.output.on.console = TRUE)
on.exit(setwd(originalwd), add = TRUE)
# plot r4ss -------------------------------------------------------

# read the model output and print diagnostic messages
ss3list <- SS_output(
  dir = file_path,
  verbose = TRUE,
  printstats = TRUE

# plots the results

Compare "true" values from OM and SS3 results

# Compare SS3 estimate with EwE "true" values ---------------------
# Comparisons
functional_groups <- c(

age_name <- paste0("AtlanticMenhaden", 0:6)

# Biomass
biomass <- read_ewe_output(
  file_path = ewe_output_path,
  file_names = "biomass_monthly.csv",
  skip_nrows = 8,
  plot = FALSE,
  figure_titles = NULL,
  functional_groups = functional_groups,
  figure_colors = NULL

time_id <- seq(1, nrow(biomass[[1]]), by = 12)
biomass_ewe <- apply(biomass[[1]][, age_name], 1, sum) * 1000000

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
model_year_id <- which(ss3list$timeseries$Yr %in% model_year)
projection_year_id <- which(ss3list$timeseries$Yr %in% projection_year)
ylim <- range(biomass_ewe[time_id], ss3list$timeseries$Bio_all)
plot(c(model_year, projection_year),
  xlab = "Year", ylab = "Biomass (mt)",
  ylim = ylim,
  pch = 16
lines(model_year, ss3list$timeseries$Bio_all[model_year_id], lty = 1)
#par(new = TRUE)
#plot(model_year, ss3list$timeseries$Bio_all[model_year_id], lty = 1, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
  lty = 2
#axis(side = 4, at = pretty(range(ss3list$timeseries$Bio_all[model_year_id])))
  c("EWE", "SS3 Estimation", "SS3 projection"),
  bty = "n",
  pch = c(16, NA, NA),
  lty = c(NA, 1, 2)
cor(biomass_ewe[time_id], c(ss3list$timeseries$Bio_all[model_year_id], ss3list$timeseries$Bio_all[projection_year_id]))

# Abundance
waa <- read_ewe_output(
  file_path = ewe_output_path,
  file_names = "weight_monthly.csv",
  skip_nrows = 8,
  plot = FALSE,
  figure_titles = NULL,
  functional_groups = functional_groups,
  figure_colors = NULL

abundance_ewe <- apply(biomass[[1]][, age_name] * 1000000 / waa[[1]][, age_name], 1, sum)[time_id]

ylim <- range(abundance_ewe, ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1` * 1000)
plot(c(model_year, projection_year),
  xlab = "Year", ylab = "Abundance",
  ylim = ylim,
  pch = 16
lines(model_year, ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1`[model_year_id] * 1000, lty = 1)
#par(new = TRUE)
#plot(model_year, ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1`[model_year_id] * 1000, lty = 1, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
#axis(side = 4, at = pretty(range(ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1`[model_year_id] * 1000)))
  ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1`[projection_year_id] * 1000,
  lty = 2
  c("EWE", "SS3 Estimation", "SS3 projection"),
  bty = "n",
  pch = c(16, NA, NA),
  lty = c(NA, 1, 2)

cor(abundance_ewe, c(ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1`[model_year_id] * 1000, ss3list$timeseries$`SmryNum_SX:1_GP:1`[projection_year_id] * 1000))
# Recruitment
waa <- read_ewe_output(
  file_path = ewe_output_path,
  file_names = "weight_monthly.csv",
  skip_nrows = 8,
  plot = FALSE,
  figure_titles = NULL,
  functional_groups = functional_groups,
  figure_colors = NULL

recruit_ewe <- biomass[[1]][, "AtlanticMenhaden0"][time_id] * 1000000 / waa[[1]][, "AtlanticMenhaden0"][time_id]

recruit_ss3 <- data.frame(
  year = c(model_year, projection_year),
  recruit = ss3list$natage$`1`[which(ss3list$natage$`Beg/Mid` == "B" & ss3list$natage$Yr %in% c(model_year, projection_year))] * 1000

ylim <- range(recruit_ewe, recruit_ss3$recruit)
plot(c(model_year, projection_year),
  xlab = "Year", ylab = "Abundance of age-0 fish",
  ylim = ylim,
  pch = 16
lines(model_year, recruit_ss3$recruit[recruit_ss3$year %in% model_year],
     lty = 1)
# par(new = TRUE)
# plot(model_year, recruit_ss3$recruit[recruit_ss3$year %in% model_year],
#   lty = 1, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = ""
# )
# axis(side = 4, at = pretty(range(recruit_ss3$recruit[recruit_ss3$year %in% model_year])))
  recruit_ss3$recruit[recruit_ss3$year %in% projection_year],
  lty = 2
  c("EWE", "SS3 Estimation", "SS3 projection"),
  bty = "n",
  pch = c(16, NA, NA),
  lty = c(NA, 1, 2)

# Mortality
maa <- read.csv(here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "ewe7ages_ecosim_newF", "ecosim_forcing_pdsi_egg_amo0_fd", "FAA.csv"))
mortality_ewe <- apply(maa[, grep("menhaden", colnames(maa))], 1, max)[time_id] 

# mortality <- read.csv(file = here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages", "updated_f.csv"))
# mortality_ewe <- apply(mortality[seq(1, nrow(mortality), by=12), grep("AtlanticMenhaden", colnames(mortality))], 1, max)

#mortality <- read.csv(file = here::here("data", "ewe", "7ages_newsim_newF", "fatage.csv"))
# mortality_ewe <- apply(mortality[, 2:ncol(mortality)], 1, max)
# mortality_ewe <- apply(mortality[, 2:ncol(mortality)], 1, mean)

ylim <- range(mortality_ewe, ss3list$timeseries$`F:_1`)
plot(c(model_year, projection_year),
  xlab = "Year", ylab = "Mortality",
  ylim = ylim,
  pch = 16
lines(model_year, ss3list$timeseries$`F:_1`[model_year_id], lty = 1)
# par(new = TRUE)
# plot(model_year, ss3list$timeseries$`F:_1`[model_year_id],
#   lty = 1, type = "l", , axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = ""
# )
# axis(side = 4, at = pretty(range(ss3list$timeseries$`F:_1`[model_year_id])))
  lty = 2
  c("EWE F", "SS3 F", "SS3 FMSY"),
  bty = "n",
  pch = c(16, NA, NA),
  lty = c(NA, 1, 2)


Bai-Li-NOAA/IFA4EBFM documentation built on May 1, 2024, 9:24 p.m.