prepareOracle: A helper function for using oracle estimates for...

Description Usage Arguments Value


A helper function for using oracle estimates for estimateEffects.


prepareOracle(data, model_options, modeling_formula)



the dataframe. Will be coerced from "tbl_df" to data.frame.


passed to glmer or perhaps glm(in future).


see fitModel

This function checks whether the oracle parameters passed through model_options to estimateEffects are in appropriate order. User should supply only the formula that would be used to model treatment on predictors. See Details for how to use with random effect models and glmer.

model_options must be a list with numeric vectors fixefs and var_comp. The vector fixefs must have names. This function will provide a check that the names of fixefs are equal to the names that are generated by the call to model.matrix.

For mixed effect model, note that that random intercept's term in the modeling formula (e.g., ( 1 | cluster_ID ) ) must be omitted from formula.


A list of elements, perhaps including

BarkleyBG/stabilizedinterference documentation built on May 23, 2019, 8:37 a.m.