predict_gmean_bymot_jack_xpr: Geometric mean (gmean) by motif (bymot) by jackknife (jack)...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value


Take a numeric vector and return the predicted vector computed as the geometric mean of all elements belonging to a same motif.


predict_amean_bymot_jack_xpr(fct, assMotifs, jack, xpr)



a vector of numeric values (assembly properties).


a vector of labels of same length as fct (assembly motifs).


a vector of two elements. The first one jack[1] specifies the size of subset, the second one jack[2] specifies the number of subsets.


a vector of labels of length(fct) (assembly experiments).


Prediction is computed using geometric mean gmean by motif bymot in a whole (WITHOUT taking into account species contribution). The elements belonging to a same motif are divided into jack[2] subsets of jack[1] elements. Prediction is computed by excluding jack[1] elements, of which the element to predict. If the total number of elements belonging to the motif is lower than jack[1]*jack[2], prediction is computed by Leave-One-Out (LOO).


Return a vector of length(fct), of which values are computed as the geometric mean of all vector elements, over several experiments, excepted the value of element to predict that have been left out.

BenitoJaillard/combinAna documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:17 a.m.