Man pages for BigelowLab/genologicsr
A simplified interface between XML nodes and the Genologics RESTful API

A01Check one or more a well names to make sure they follow the...
ArtifactGroupRefClass-classAn ArtifactGroup representation that subclasses from...
ArtifactGroupRefClass_get_artifactsRetrieve a list ArtifactRefClass objects
ArtifactGroupRefNode_DELETEDELETE is disallowed for ArtifactGroup
ArtifactGroupRefNode_POSTPOST is disallowed for artifact groups
ArtifactGroupRefNode_PUTPUT is disallowed for artifact groups
ArtifactRefClass-classAn Artifact representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
ArtifactRefClass_get_artifact_groupsGet the artifact groups associated with this artifact if any
ArtifactRefClass_get_containerGet the artifact container as uri or NodeRefClass
ArtifactRefClass_get_file_artifactRetrieve the artifact's file artifact (if any)
ArtifactRefClass_get_parent_processGet the parent_process assocated with this artifact
ArtifactRefClass_get_sampleGet the sample associated with this artifact
ArtifactRefClass_get_samplesGet the samples associated with this artifact - useful for...
ArtifactRefClass_get_wellnameGet the name of the well in the form A:1
ArtifactRefClass_locationGet a pretty string representing the location
ArtifactRefClass_qc_flagGet the qc flag
ArtifactRefClass_working_flagGet the working flag
ArtifactRefNode_DELETEDELETE is disallowed for artifacts
ArtifactRefNode_POSTPOST is disallowed for artifacts
as_asciiSanitize a character vector to be UTF-8 ASCII
batch_createCreate one or more nodes (Sample and Container only)
batch_retrieveRetrieve a batch resource
batch_updateUpdate one or more XML::xmlNodes using batch resources
build_config_pathCreate a configuration file name in the form of...
build_queryPrepares a contribution to a query list - see 'modify_url'
check_typeGiven a LIMS type code and value, cast the value to be LIMS...
ContainerRefClass-classA Container representation that subclasses from NodeRefClass
ContainerRefClass_get_artifactsRetrieve a named list ArtifactRefClass objects
ContainerRefClass_get_placementsRetrieve a named vector of placements uri
ContainerRefClass_get_samplesRetrieve a named list of artifact XML:xmlNode or...
ContainerRefClass_get_typeRetrieve a named vector of container type attributes (uri and...
ContainerRefClass_n_emptyRetrieve the empty well count
ContainerRefClass_n_occupiedRetrieve the occupied well count
ContainerRefClass_n_wellsRetrieve the well count (occupied + empty)
ContainerRefClass_POSTPOST is disallowed for containers
ContainerRefClass_required_namespacesReturn a character vector of required namespace names
ContainerRefClass_well_occupiedTest if one or more wells are occupied
ContainerTypeRefClass-classA Containertype representation that subclasses from...
cp_downloadDownload files using system cp
create_artifacts_detailsCreate a artifacts details node assembled from one or more...
create_artifacts_linksCreate an artifacts links node from uris suitable for batch...
create_container_nodeCreate a container XML::xmlNode suitable for POSTing
create_containers_detailsCreate a containers details node assembled from one or more...
create_exception_nodeCreate an exception node
create_file_nodeCreate an unresolved file node
create_iom_analyteCreate an 'input-output-map' node for Analyte - useful when...
create_iom_resultfileCreate an 'input-output-map' node for a result file - useful...
create_iom_shared_resultfileCreate an 'input-output-map' node for a shared result file -...
create_lab_nodeCreate a lab/account XML::xmlNode suitable for POSTing
create_process_nodeCreate a process node used for process creation
create_project_nodeCreate a project XML::xmlNode suitable for POSTing
create_researcher_nodeCreate a researcher XML::xmlNode suitable for POSTing
create_routingCreate routing node
create_routing_artifactsCreate or update an artifact routing map
create_sample_nodeCreate a sample XML::xmlNode suitable for POSTing
create_samples_detailsCreate a sample details node assembled from one or more...
create_udf_nodeCreate a UDF XML::xmlNode and possibly add it to a parent...
duck_downloadDownload a file using duck
duck_uploadUpload a file using duck
ExceptionRefClass-classAn Exception representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
extract_udfsExtract a named list of udf vectors from an xmlNode
FieldRefClass-classA User Defined Field configuration representation that...
FieldRefClass_DELETEDELETE is disallowed for field configuration
FieldRefClass_get_typeGet the value of the Udf type
FieldRefClass_POSTPOST is disallowed for field configuration
FieldRefClass_showShow the contents
FileRefClass-classFile.R A File representation that subclasses from...
FileRefClass_downloadDownload the file identified in 'content-location'
genologicsrgenologicsr: R wrapper around the Genologics API
get_childvalueRetrieve the value of a child node(s)
get_configRetrieve a configuration value
get_NSMAPRetrieve the Genologics namespace map
get_udfsRetrieve the values of one or more udfs
get_uriGet a uri with option to depaginate
has_duckTest if duck is installed on the host platform See <URL:...
has_rsyncTest if rsync is installed on the host platform Perhaps silly...
has_scpTest if scp is installed on the host platform Perhaps silly...
InputOutputMapRefClass-classAn Input-Output-Map representation that subclasses from...
InputOutputMapRefClass_DELETEDELETE is disallowed for artifacts
InputOutputMapRefClass_GETGET is disallowed for input-output-map
InputOutputMapRefClass_POSTPOST is disallowed for input-output-map
InputOutputMapRefClass_PUTPUT is disallowed for input-output-map
InstrumentRefClass_POSTPOST is disallowed for instruments
InstrumentRefClass_PUTPUT is disallowed for instruments
is_exceptionTest XML::xmlNode or NodeRefClass is an exception
is_xmlNodeTest if an object inherits from XML::XMLAbstractNode
LabRefClass-classA Lab/Account representation that subclasses from...
LimsInstantiate a LimsRefClass object
LimsRefClass_ATTACHATTACH a file - not really a RESTful action but a combination...
LimsRefClass_batchcreateCreate one or more Nodes (samples, containers only)
LimsRefClass_batchretrieveGet one or more nodes by uri by batch (artifacts, files,...
LimsRefClass_batchupdateUpdate one or more Nodes (artifacts, samples, containers...
LimsRefClass_BROWSEBROWSE a URI in a browser if in interactive session
LimsRefClass_checkVerify a response and return xmlNode, possible an exception...
LimsRefClass-classReference class for Lims instance
LimsRefClass_create_exceptionCreate an exception node
LimsRefClass_DELETEDELETE a resource
LimsRefClass_GETGET a resource, a wrapper around get_uri
LimsRefClass_get_artifactgroupsGet artifact group(s) in the system
LimsRefClass_get_artifactsGet one or more artifacts using queries on name, type,...
LimsRefClass_get_byLimsidRetrieve a resource by limsid
LimsRefClass_get_containersGet one or more containers by name, state, etc
LimsRefClass_get_containertypesGet the container type(s) in the system
LimsRefClass_get_fieldsGet one or more fields (UDF) as Nodes
LimsRefClass_get_instrumentsRetrieve a list of InstrumentRefClass or data.frame of the...
LimsRefClass_get_labsGet one or more Labs - does not leverage /batch/retrieve...
LimsRefClass_get_max_requestsRetrieve the max requests value by name
LimsRefClass_get_or_create_containersGet or create containers by name and type
LimsRefClass_get_processesGet one or more Processes - does not leverage /batch/retrieve...
LimsRefClass_get_processtypesGet one or more process-types as Nodes
LimsRefClass_get_projectsGet one or more Projects - does not leverage /batch/retrieve...
LimsRefClass_get_researchersRetrieve a list of ResearcherRefNodes or a data.frame of the...
LimsRefClass_get_samplesGet one or more samples using queries on name, projectlimsid,...
LimsRefClass_get_workflowsRetrieve a list of WorkflowRefClass
LimsRefClass_LISTLIST the URI's a resource with qualifiers
LimsRefClass_name_hostModify the URL provided to point to the named server
LimsRefClass_POSTPOST a resource
LimsRefClass_PUSHPUSH a file - not really a RESTful action but a combination...
LimsRefClass_PUTPUT a resource
LimsRefClass_set_max_requestsSet the max requests value by name
LimsRefClass_show-SamplePrint a pretty summary
LimsRefClass_uriBuild a uri staring with the baseuri
LimsRefClass_userpwdRetrieve the user and password
LimsRefClass_validate_sessionValidate the session by testing the version
list_resourceList URIs in a resource such as samples or containers.
NodeRefClass_add_namespacesAdd namespaces to the XML::xmlNode as required - useful...
NodeRefClass_ATTACHATTACH a file to this node
NodeRefClass_BROWSEBROWSE this node in a browser if in interactive session
NodeRefClass-classThe root class that wraps XML::xmlNode
NodeRefClass_DELETEDELETE this node
NodeRefClass_GETGET an update of this node
NodeRefClass_get_attached_filesRetrieve the attached file associated with an entity
NodeRefClass_get_childvGet the value of the value of a child or ""
NodeRefClass_get_fieldGet the contents of a UDF field
NodeRefClass_get_limsidRetrieve the limsid (if any)
NodeRefClass_get_typeGet the value of the type field or ""
NodeRefClass_get_udfsExtract the UDFs into a list of udf vectors each with 'name',...
NodeRefClass_has_childDetermine if this node has a child, test by name of...
NodeRefClass_has_limsDetermine if http transactions (GET, PATCH, POST, HEAD, PUT,...
NodeRefClass_newCalled when the object is instantiated. NodeRefClass is a...
NodeRefClass_POSTPOST this node
NodeRefClass_PUTPUT this node
NodeRefClass_required_namespacesReturn a character vector of required namespace names
NodeRefClass_set_udfsSet the value of the value of one or more UDF children. If...
NodeRefClass_showShow the contents
NodeRefClass_toStringConvert the XML node to string
NodeRefClass_unamesRetrieve a vector of unique child names
NodeRefClass_updateUpdate the node information
parse_nodeConvert a node to an object inheriting from NodeRefClass
pluralConvert to plural from singular
ProcessRefClass-classAn Process representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
ProcessRefClass_date_runRetrieve the date run as string or POSIXct
ProcessRefClass_get_artifactsGet either the input or the output artifacts (or both!) as...
ProcessRefClass_get_file_artifactsRetrieve file artifacts (either input, output or both) - very...
ProcessRefClass_get_inputoutputmapGet the input-output-maps as InputOutputMapRefClass or a...
ProcessRefClass_get_parent_processGet the parent_process assocated with this process
ProcessRefClass_get_typeRetrieve the process type, overrides NodeRefClass_get_type
ProcessRefClass_instrumentRetrieve instrument information (if any)
ProcessRefClass_technicianRetrieve the technican "First Last" name
ProcessTypeRefClass-classA Processtype representation that subclasses from...
ProcessTypeRefClass_get_fieldsRetrieve a named list of fields
ProcessTypeRefClass_get_inputsRetrieve a named list of process-inputs
ProcessTypeRefClass_get_outputsRetrieve a named list of process-output
ProjectRefClass-classA Project representation that subclasses from NodeRefClass
ProjectRefClass_get_artifactsRetrieve the artifacts associated with a project
ProjectRefClass_get_containersRetrieve the containers associated with a project
ProjectRefClass_get_dateRetrieve a date "open", "close" or "invoice"
ProjectRefClass_get_researcherRetrieve the Researcher assigned to the project
ProjectRefClass_get_samplesRetrieve the samples associated with a project
ProjectRefNode_DELETEDELETE is disallowed for Project
ProjectRefNode_POSTPOST is disallowed for projects - although see this... <URL:...
ProjectsRefClass-classA Projects representation that subclasses from NodeRefClass...
ProjectsRefClass_DELETEDELETE is disabled for ProjectsRefNodes
ProjectsRefClass_get_projectsRetrieve a list of projects
ProjectsRefClass_get_projects_uriRetrieve a list of project uri
ProjectsRefClass_PUTPUT is disabled for ProjectsRefNodes
ProtocolRefClass-classA Protocol representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
read_configRead a configuration file
ResearcherRefClass-classA Researcher representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
ResearcherRefClass_DELETEOverride the DELETE method to push user to use the GUI
ResearcherRefClass_get_credentialsGet the credentials as a string. If the researcher is...
ResearcherRefClass_get_labGet the lab uri or LabRefClass
ResearcherRefClass_get_nameGet the user's First Last name (overrides...
ResearcherRefClass_get_usernameGet the user's username
ResearcherRefClass_POSTOverride the POST method to push user to use the GUI
ResearcherRefClass_updateUpdate the object fields
rsync_downloadDownload a file using rsync - rsync and then rename
rsync_uploadUpload a local file using rsync.
SampleRefClass-classA Sample representation that subclasses from NodeRefClass
SampleRefClass_get_all_artifactsGet ALL associated artifacts. This can be painfully slow and...
SampleRefClass_get_artifactGet artifact as uri or Node. It is possible that...
SampleRefClass_get_biosourceGet Biosource description
SampleRefClass_get_containerGet the sample container as uri or NodeRefClass
SampleRefClass_get_locationGet location as 'containerName_placement'
SampleRefClass_get_projectGet project as uri or Node
SampleRefNode_DELETEDELETE is disallowed for samples
SampleRefNode_POSTPOST is disallowed for samples
scp_downloadDownload a file using scp
scp_uploadUpload a file using scp.
set_udfsSet one or more UDF fields in an xmlNode.
singularConvert to singular from plural
split_vectorSplit a vector into groups of MAX (or possibly fewer)
StageRefClass-classA Stage representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
StageRefClass_get_protocolGet the protocol as uri or Node
StageRefClass_get_stepGet the Step as uri or Node
StageRefClass_get_workflowGet the workflow as uri or Node
StepRefClass-classA Step representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
trimuriSplit a uri around the "?" or other character. For example,...
try_GETGet a uri with option to retry up to 'tries' times. Useful...
udf_type2RRetrieve a named vector of UDF types to R types
unamesReturn a vector of unique names from a objeect. The object...
WorkflowRefClass-classA Workflow representation that sublcasses from NodeRefClass
WorkflowRefClass_get_protocolsGet one or more protocols
WorkflowRefClass_get_stagesGet one or more stages
xml_attsExtract the attributes from a simple XML::xmlNode object
xml_nameExtract the name from a simple XML::xmlNode object
xml_stringConvert XML::xmlNode or NodeRefClass to character
xmlStringConvert XML::xmlNode or NodeRefClass to character
xml_valueExtract the value from a simple XML::xmlNode object
BigelowLab/genologicsr documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:42 p.m.