ArtifactRefClass_get_wellname: Get the name of the well in the form A:1

ArtifactRefClass_get_wellnameR Documentation

Get the name of the well in the form A:1


Get the name of the well in the form A:1


character (possibly "")

See Also

Other Artifact: ArtifactRefClass_get_container, ArtifactRefClass_get_file_artifact, ArtifactRefClass_get_parent_process, ArtifactRefClass_get_samples, ArtifactRefClass_get_sample, ArtifactRefClass_location, ArtifactRefClass_qc_flag, ArtifactRefClass_working_flag, ArtifactRefNode_DELETE, ArtifactRefNode_POST

BigelowLab/genologicsr documentation built on June 7, 2024, 3:15 a.m.