mlb_high_low_stats: *Acquire high/low stats for Major and Minor Leagues*

View source: R/mlb_high_low_stats.R

mlb_high_low_statsR Documentation

Acquire high/low stats for Major and Minor Leagues


Acquire high/low stats for Major and Minor Leagues


  team_ids = NULL,
  league_ids = NULL,
  sport_ids = NULL,
  game_type = NULL,
  stat_group = NULL,
  limit = NULL



The organization type for return information (Required). Valid values include:

  • player

  • team

  • division

  • league

  • sport


The season for which you want to return information (Required).


The stat to sort the return (Required). Valid values can be found from 'stat_lookup_param' below

stat_name stat_lookup_param is_counting stat_label stat_groups org_types high_low_types
at_bats atBats TRUE At bats hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
total_plate_appearances plateAppearances TRUE Total plate appearances hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
runs runs TRUE Runs hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
runs_batted_in rbi TRUE Runs batted in hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
home_team_runs runs TRUE Home team runs hitting TEAM GAME
away_team_runs runs TRUE Away team runs hitting TEAM GAME
hits hits TRUE Hits hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
hits_risp hitsRisp TRUE Hits risp hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
home_team_hits hits TRUE Home team hits hitting TEAM GAME
away_team_hits hits TRUE Away team hits hitting TEAM GAME
total_bases totalBases TRUE Total bases hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
doubles doubles TRUE Doubles hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
triples triples TRUE Triples hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
home_runs homeRuns TRUE Home runs hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
extra_base_hits extraBaseHits TRUE Extra base hits hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
walks baseOnBalls TRUE Walks hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
strikeouts strikeouts TRUE Strikeouts hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
stolen_bases stolenBases TRUE Stolen bases hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
caught_stealing caughtStealing TRUE Caught stealing hitting , pitching, fielding PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
sacrifice_flies sacFlies TRUE Sacrifice flies hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
sacrifice_bunts sacBunts TRUE Sacrifice bunts hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
hit_by_pitches hitByPitch TRUE Hit by pitches hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
left_on_base leftOnBase TRUE Left on base hitting PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
ground_into_double_plays groundIntoDoublePlay TRUE Ground into double plays hitting , pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM
strikes strikes TRUE Strikes pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
pitches pitchesThrown TRUE Pitches pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
balks balks TRUE Balks pitching PLAYER, TEAM PLAYER, TEAM , GAME
innings_pitched inningsPitched TRUE Innings pitched pitching PLAYER PLAYER
errors errors TRUE Errors fielding TEAM
home_team_errors errors TRUE Home team errors fielding TEAM
away_team_errors errors TRUE Away team errors fielding TEAM
chances chances TRUE Chances fielding TEAM
put_outs putOuts TRUE Put outs fielding TEAM
assists assists TRUE Assists fielding TEAM
double_plays doublePlays TRUE Double plays fielding TEAM
attendance attendance TRUE Attendance game TEAM GAME
game_time gameDuration TRUE Game time game TEAM GAME
delay_time gameDuration TRUE Delay time game TEAM GAME
longest gameDuration TRUE Longest game TEAM
shortest gameDuration TRUE Shortest game TEAM
inning innings TRUE Inning game TEAM GAME
win_streak winStreak TRUE Win streak streak TEAM
loss_streak lossStreak TRUE Loss streak streak TEAM

The team_id(s) for which to return information.


The league_id(s) for which to return information.


The sport_id(s) for which to return information.


The game_type for which to return information.


Stat group for which to return information. Valid values include:


Number of records as the limit of the return.


Returns a tibble with the following columns

col_name types
total_splits integer
season integer
date character
is_home logical
rank integer
game_innings integer
stat_at_bats integer
team_id integer
team_name character
team_link character
opponent_id integer
opponent_name character
opponent_link character
game_pk integer
game_link character
game_number integer
game_content_link character
home_team_id integer
home_team_name character
home_team_link character
away_team_id integer
away_team_name character
away_team_link character
combined_stats logical
group_display_name character
game_type_id character
game_type_description character
sort_stat_name character
sort_stat_lookup_param character
sort_stat_is_counting logical
sort_stat_label character


  try(mlb_high_low_stats(org_type = 'Team', season = 2020, sort_stat = 'atBats'))

BillPetti/baseballr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m.