ncaa_game_logs: *Get NCAA Baseball Game Logs*

View source: R/ncaa_game_logs.R

ncaa_game_logsR Documentation

Get NCAA Baseball Game Logs


Get NCAA Baseball Game Logs


ncaa_game_logs(player_id, year, type = "batting", span = "game", ...)



A player's unique id. Can be found using the get_ncaa_baseball_roster function.


The year of interest.


The kind of statistics you want to return. Current options are 'batting' or 'pitching'.


The span of time; can either be 'game' for game logs in a season, or 'career' which returns seasonal stats for a player's career.


Additional arguments passed to an underlying function like httr.


A data frame containing player and school information as well as game by game statistics

col_name types
player_id numeric
player_name character
Date character
Opponent character
Result character
App numeric
G numeric
GS numeric
IP numeric
CG numeric
H numeric
R numeric
ER numeric
BB numeric
SO numeric
SHO numeric
BF numeric
P-OAB numeric
2B-A numeric
3B-A numeric
Bk numeric
HR-A numeric
WP numeric
HB numeric
IBB numeric
Inh Run numeric
Inh Run Score numeric
SHA numeric
SFA numeric
Pitches numeric
GO numeric
FO numeric
W numeric
L numeric
SV numeric
OrdAppeared numeric
KL numeric
pickoffs character


  try(ncaa_game_logs(player_id = 2649785, year = 2023, type = "pitching", span = "game"))
  try(ncaa_game_logs(player_id = 2477974, year = 2023, type = "pitching", span = "career"))
  try(ncaa_game_logs(player_id = 2680961, year = 2023, type = "batting", span = "game"))
  try(ncaa_game_logs(player_id = 2486588, year = 2023, type = "batting", span = "career"))

BillPetti/baseballr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m.