retrosheet_data: *Get, Parse, and Format Retrosheet Event and Roster Files*

View source: R/retrosheet_data.R

retrosheet_dataR Documentation

Get, Parse, and Format Retrosheet Event and Roster Files


This function requires the use of the ⁠Chadwick CLI⁠. Follow the directions at the repository for installation of the CLI release for your platform. Specifically from the ⁠Chadwick CLI⁠ tools, this function requires the cwevent application to be available from the command line. For unix platform users: the retrosheet_data() function uses the system() interface under the hood. For Windows and other platform users: the retrosheet_data() function interacts with the cwevent application using the shell() interface under the hood.


  path_to_directory = NULL,
  years_to_acquire = most_recent_mlb_season() - 1,
  sequence_years = FALSE



(default: NULL) A file path that if set, either:

  1. creates a new directory, or

  2. uses the path to an existing directory


(format: YYYY) The seasons to collect. Single, multiple, and sequential years can be passed. If passing multiple years, enclose in a vector (i.e. c(2017,2018)). Defaults to most_recent_mlb_season().


(logical, default: FALSE): If the seasons passed in the years_to_acquire parameter should be sequenced so that the function returns all years including and between the vector passed, set the argument to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.


retrosheet_data(path_to_directory = NULL, 
                years_to_acquire =  most_recent_mlb_season()-1, 
                sequence_years = FALSE)


If path_to_directory is not set (default), the process will return a named list of tibbles: 'events' and 'rosters' for each season provided to years_to_acquire If path_to_directory is set, will also write two csv files to the unzipped directory: 1) a combined csv of the event data for a given year and 2) a combined csv of each team's roster for each year provided to years_to_acquire

BillPetti/baseballr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m.