woba_plus: *Calculate wOBA and related metrics for any set of data*

View source: R/metrics_woba_plus.R

woba_plusR Documentation

Calculate wOBA and related metrics for any set of data


This function allows you to calculate wOBA for any given set of data, provided the right variables are in the data set. The function currently returns both wOBA per plate appearance on wOBA per instance of fair contact.





A data frame of statistics that includes, at a minimum, the following columns: uBB (unintentional walks), HBP (Hit By Pitch), X1B (singles), X2B (doubles), X3B (triples), HR (home runs), AB (at-bats), SH (sacrifice hits), SO (strike outs), and season.


Returns a tibble with the wOBA factors calculated and the following columns:

col_name types
bbref_id character
season integer
Name character
Age numeric
Level character
Team character
G numeric
PA numeric
AB numeric
R numeric
H numeric
X1B numeric
X2B numeric
X3B numeric
HR numeric
RBI numeric
BB numeric
IBB numeric
uBB numeric
SO numeric
HBP numeric
SH numeric
SF numeric
GDP numeric
SB numeric
CS numeric
BA numeric
OBP numeric
SLG numeric
OPS numeric
wOBA numeric
wOBA_CON numeric


   df <- bref_daily_batter("2015-08-01", "2015-10-03") 

BillPetti/baseballr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m.