
Defines functions propInfo

Documented in propInfo

#' Get Information about BioLockJ Properties
#' @describeIn propInfo
#' @inheritParams callBioLockJ
#' @param property the name of a property
#' @param config a BioLockJ config file (or properties file) to reference
#' @param module a BioLockJ module
#' @return propInfo: a list of property objects, where each element has named values for "property" (ie name), "type", and "description" and (when applicable) "default".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' propInfo()
propInfo <- function(){
    json_lines = callBioLockJApi(args)
    json_str = paste(json_lines, collapse="")
    obj = rjson::fromJSON(json_str)
BioLockJ-Dev-Team/BioLockR documentation built on March 9, 2021, 10:43 p.m.