avworkflow_config-defunct: DEFUNCT - Workflow configuration

avworkflow_config-defunctR Documentation

DEFUNCT - Workflow configuration


Functions on this help page facilitate getting, updating, and setting workflow configuration parameters. See ?avworkflows for additional relevant functionality.

avworkflow_namespace() and avworkflow_name() are utility functions to record the workflow namespace and name required when working with workflow configurations. avworkflow() provides a convenient way to provide workflow namespace and name in a single command, namespace/name.

avworkflow_configuration_get() returns a list structure describing an existing workflow configuration.

avworkflow_configuration_inputs() returns a data.frame template for the inputs defined in a workflow configuration. This template can be used to provide custom inputs for a configuration.

avworkflow_configuration_outputs() returns a data.frame template for the outputs defined in a workflow configuration. This template can be used to provide custom outputs for a configuration.

avworkflow_configuration_update() returns a list structure describing a workflow configuration with updated inputs and / or outputs.

avworkflow_configuration_set() updates an existing configuration in Terra / AnVIL, e.g., changing inputs to the workflow.

avworkflow_configuration_template() returns a template for defining workflow configurations. This template can be used as a starting point for providing a custom configuration.


avworkflow_namespace(workflow_namespace = NULL)

avworkflow_name(workflow_name = NULL)

avworkflow(workflow = NULL)

  workflow_namespace = avworkflow_namespace(),
  workflow_name = avworkflow_name(),
  namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
  name = avworkspace_name()



  inputs = avworkflow_configuration_inputs(config),
  outputs = avworkflow_configuration_outputs(config)

  namespace = avworkspace_namespace(),
  name = avworkspace_name(),
  dry = TRUE


## S3 method for class 'avworkflow_configuration'
print(x, ...)



character(1) AnVIL workflow namespace, as returned by, e.g., the namespace column of avworkflows().


character(1) AnVIL workflow name, as returned by, e.g., the name column of avworkflows().


character(1) representing the combined workflow namespace and name, as namespace/name.


character(1) AnVIL workspace namespace as returned by, e.g., avworkspace_namespace()


character(1) AnVIL workspace name as returned by, eg., avworkspace_name().


a named list describing the full configuration, e.g., created from editing the return value of avworkflow_configuration_set() or avworkflow_configuration_template().


the new inputs to be updated in the workflow configuration. If none are specified, the inputs from the original configuration will be used and no changes will be made.


the new outputs to be updated in the workflow configuration. If none are specified, the outputs from the original configuration will be used and no changes will be made.


logical(1) when TRUE (default), report the consequences but do not perform the action requested. When FALSE, perform the action.


Object of class avworkflow_configuration.


additional arguments to print(); unused.


The exact format of the configuration is important.

One common problem is that a scalar character vector "bar" is interpretted as a json 'array' ⁠["bar"]⁠ rather than a json string "bar". Enclose the string with jsonlite::unbox("bar") in the configuration list if the length 1 character vector in R is to be interpretted as a json string.

A second problem is that an unquoted unboxed character string unbox("foo") is required by AnVIL to be quoted. This is reported as a warning() about invalid inputs or outputs, and the solution is to provide a quoted string unbox('"foo"').


avworkflow_namespace(), and avworkflow_name() return character(1) identifiers. avworkflow() returns the character(1) concatenated namespace and name. The value returned by avworkflow_name() will be percent-encoded (e.g., spaces " " replaced by "%20").

avworkflow_configuration_get() returns a list structure describing the configuration. See avworkflow_configuration_template() for the structure of a typical workflow.

avworkflow_configuration_inputs() returns a data.frame providing a template for the configuration inputs, with the following columns:

  • inputType

  • name

  • optional

  • attribute

The only column of interest to the user is the attribute column, this is the column that should be changed for customization.

avworkflow_configuration_outputs() returns a data.frame providing a template for the configuration outputs, with the following columns:

  • name

  • outputType

  • attribute

The only column of interest to the user is the attribute column, this is the column that should be changed for customization.

avworkflow_configuration_update() returns a list structure describing the updated configuration.

avworkflow_configuration_set() returns an object describing the updated configuration. The return value includes invalid or unused elements of the config input. Invalid or unused elements of config are also reported as a warning.

avworkflow_configuration_template() returns a list providing a template for configuration lists, with the following structure:

  • namespace character(1) configuration namespace.

  • name character(1) configuration name.

  • rootEntityType character(1) or missing. the name of the table (from avtables()) containing the entitites referenced in inputs, etc., by the keyword 'this.'

  • prerequisites named list (possibly empty) of prerequisites.

  • inputs named list (possibly empty) of inputs. Form of input depends on method, and might include, e.g., a reference to a field in a table referenced by avtables() or a character string defining an input constant.

  • outputs named list (possibly empty) of outputs.

  • methodConfigVersion integer(1) identifier for the method configuration.

  • methodRepoMethod named list describing the method, with character(1) elements described in the return value for avworkflows().

    • methodUri

    • sourceRepo

    • methodPath

    • methodVersion. The REST specification indicates that this has type integer, but the documentation indicates either integer or string.

  • deleted logical(1) of uncertain purpose.

See Also

The help page ?avworkflows for discovering, running, stopping, and retrieving outputs from workflows.

Bioconductor/AnVIL documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 9:50 a.m.