localize-defunct: DEFUNCT - Copy packages, folders, or files to or from google...

localize-defunctR Documentation

DEFUNCT - Copy packages, folders, or files to or from google buckets


localize(): recursively synchronizes files from a Google storage bucket (source) to the local file system (destination). This command acts recursively on the source directory, and does not delete files in destination that are not in 'source.

delocalize(): synchronize files from a local file system (source) to a Google storage bucket (destination). This command acts recursively on the source directory, and does not delete files in destination that are not in source.


localize(source, destination, dry = TRUE)

delocalize(source, destination, unlink = FALSE, dry = TRUE)



character(1), a google storage bucket or local file system directory location.


character(1), a google storage bucket or local file system directory location.


logical(1), when TRUE (default), return the consequences of the operation without actually performing the operation.


logical(1) remove (unlink) the file or directory in source. Default: FALSE.


localize(): exit status of function gsutil_rsync().

delocalize(): exit status of function gsutil_rsync()

Bioconductor/AnVIL documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 9:50 a.m.