
Defines functions .reverseComplement_PDict

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### vmatchPattern/vcountPattern for BSgenome

setMethod("vmatchPattern", "BSgenome",
    function(pattern, subject,
             max.mismatch=0, min.mismatch=0, with.indels=FALSE, fixed=TRUE,
             algorithm="auto", exclude="", maskList=logical(0),
             userMask=IRangesList(), invertUserMask=FALSE)
        matchFUN <- function(posPattern, negPattern, chr,
                             max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                             min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                             with.indels = with.indels,
                             fixed = fixed,
                             algorithm = algorithm) {
            posMatches <-
              matchPattern(pattern = posPattern, subject = chr,
                           max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                           min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                           with.indels = with.indels,
                           fixed = fixed,
                           algorithm = algorithm)
            negMatches <-
              matchPattern(pattern = negPattern, subject = chr,
                           max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                           min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                           with.indels = with.indels,
                           fixed = fixed,
                           algorithm = algorithm)
            COUNTER <<- COUNTER + 1L
            seqnames <- names(seqlengths)
            GRanges(seqnames =
                    Rle(factor(seqnames[COUNTER], levels = seqnames),
                        length(posMatches) + length(negMatches)),
                    ranges =
                    c(as(posMatches, "IRanges"), as(negMatches, "IRanges")),
                    strand =
                    Rle(strand(c("+", "-")),
                        c(length(posMatches), length(negMatches))),
                    seqlengths = seqlengths)

        if (!is(pattern, "DNAString"))
            pattern <- DNAString(pattern)
        algorithm <- Biostrings:::normargAlgorithm(algorithm)
        if (Biostrings:::isCharacterAlgo(algorithm))
            stop("'subject' must be a single (non-empty) string ",
                 "for this algorithm")
        pattern <- Biostrings:::normargPattern(pattern, DNAStringSet())
        max.mismatch <- Biostrings:::normargMaxMismatch(max.mismatch)
        min.mismatch <-
          Biostrings:::normargMinMismatch(min.mismatch, max.mismatch)
        with.indels <- Biostrings:::normargWithIndels(with.indels)
        fixed <- Biostrings:::normargFixed(fixed, DNAStringSet())

        posPattern <- pattern
        negPattern <- reverseComplement(posPattern)
        bsParams <-
          new("BSParams", X = subject, FUN = matchFUN, exclude = exclude,
              simplify = FALSE, maskList = logical(0), userMask = userMask,
              invertUserMask = invertUserMask)
        COUNTER <- 0L
        seqlengths <- seqlengths(subject)
        matches <-
          bsapply(bsParams, posPattern = posPattern, negPattern = negPattern,
                  seqlengths = seqlengths,
                  max.mismatch = max.mismatch, min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                  with.indels = with.indels, fixed = fixed,
                  algorithm = algorithm)
        nms <- factor(names(matches), levels = names(seqlengths))
        nms <- nms[unlist(lapply(matches, length), use.names=FALSE) > 0]
        matches <- do.call(c, unname(matches))
        runValue(seqnames(matches)) <- nms
        genome(matches) <- genome(subject)
        seqinfo(matches) <- seqinfo(subject)

setMethod("vcountPattern", "BSgenome",
    function(pattern, subject,
             max.mismatch=0, min.mismatch=0, with.indels=FALSE, fixed=TRUE,
             algorithm="auto", exclude="", maskList=logical(0),
             userMask=IRangesList(), invertUserMask=FALSE)
        countFUN <- function(posPattern, negPattern, chr,
                             max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                             min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                             with.indels = with.indels,
                             fixed = fixed,
                             algorithm = algorithm) {
            data.frame(strand = strand(c("+", "-")),
                       count =
                       c(countPattern(pattern = posPattern, subject = chr,
                                      max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                                      min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                                      with.indels = with.indels,
                                      fixed = fixed,
                                      algorithm = algorithm),
                         countPattern(pattern = negPattern, subject = chr,
                                      max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                                      min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                                      with.indels = with.indels,
                                      fixed = fixed,
                                      algorithm = algorithm)))

        if (!is(pattern, "DNAString"))
            pattern <- DNAString(pattern)
        algorithm <- Biostrings:::normargAlgorithm(algorithm)
        if (Biostrings:::isCharacterAlgo(algorithm))
            stop("'subject' must be a single (non-empty) string ",
                 "for this algorithm")
        pattern <- Biostrings:::normargPattern(pattern, DNAStringSet())
        max.mismatch <- Biostrings:::normargMaxMismatch(max.mismatch)
        min.mismatch <- Biostrings:::normargMinMismatch(min.mismatch, max.mismatch)
        with.indels <- Biostrings:::normargWithIndels(with.indels)
        fixed <- Biostrings:::normargFixed(fixed, DNAStringSet())

        posPattern <- pattern
        negPattern <- reverseComplement(posPattern)
        bsParams <-
          new("BSParams", X = subject, FUN = countFUN, exclude = exclude,
              simplify = FALSE, maskList = logical(0), userMask = userMask,
              invertUserMask = invertUserMask)
        counts <-
          bsapply(bsParams, posPattern = posPattern, negPattern = negPattern,
                  max.mismatch = max.mismatch, min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                  with.indels = with.indels, fixed = fixed,
                  algorithm = algorithm)
        cbind(data.frame(seqname =
                         rep(factor(names(counts), levels = names(counts)),
                             each = 2)),
              do.call(rbind, unname(counts)))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### vmatchPDict/vcountPDict for BSgenome

### A reverseComplement() for rectangular (i.e. constant-width) PDict objects.
### Note that the error messages make sense within the context of vmatchPDict()
### or vcountPDict() only so would need to be modified if this was to be moved
### to the Biostrings package to become the reverseComplement() method for
### PDict objects.
.reverseComplement_PDict <- function(pdict)
    error_msg <- c("variable-width PDict objects are not supported at ",
                   "the moment when 'subject' is a BSgenome object")
    if (is(pdict, "TB_PDict")) {
        if (!(isConstant(width(pdict@threeparts@head)) &&
        x <- reverseComplement(pdict@dict0)
        tb.start <- 1L + width(pdict@threeparts@tail)[[1L]]
        tb.end <- -1L - width(pdict@threeparts@head)[[1L]]
        algorithm <- class(pdict@threeparts@pptb)
        return(PDict(x, tb.start=tb.start, tb.end=tb.end, algorithm=algorithm))
    if (is(pdict, "MTB_PDict")) {
        if (!pdict@constant_width)
        x <- reverseComplement(pdict@dict0)
        max.mismatch <- length(pdict@threeparts_list) - 1L
        algorithm <- class(pdict@threeparts_list[[1L]]@pptb)
        return(PDict(x, max.mismatch=max.mismatch, algorithm=algorithm))
    stop(wmsg(class(pdict), " objects are not supported at the moment ",
              "when 'subject' is a BSgenome object"))

setMethod("vmatchPDict", "BSgenome",
    function(pdict, subject,
             max.mismatch=0, min.mismatch=0, fixed=TRUE,
             algorithm="auto", verbose=FALSE, exclude="",
        matchFUN <- function(posPDict, negPDict, chr,
                             max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                             min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                             fixed = fixed,
                             algorithm = algorithm,
                             verbose = verbose) {
            posMatches <-
              matchPDict(pdict = posPDict, subject = chr,
                         max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                         min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                         fixed = fixed,
                         algorithm = algorithm,
                         verbose = verbose)
            posCounts <- elementNROWS(posMatches)
            negMatches <-
              matchPDict(pdict = negPDict, subject = chr,
                         max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                         min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                         fixed = fixed,
                         algorithm = algorithm,
                         verbose = verbose)
            negCounts <- elementNROWS(negMatches)
            COUNTER <<- COUNTER + 1L
            seqnames <- names(seqlengths)
            GRanges(seqnames =
                    Rle(factor(seqnames[COUNTER], levels = seqnames),
                        sum(posCounts) + sum(negCounts)),
                    ranges = c(unlist(posMatches), unlist(negMatches)),
                    strand =
                    Rle(strand(rep(c("+", "-"))),
                        c(sum(posCounts), sum(negCounts))),
                    index =
                    c(Rle(seq_len(length(posMatches)), posCounts),
                      Rle(seq_len(length(negMatches)), negCounts)),
                    seqlengths = seqlengths)

        posPDict <- pdict
        if (is(posPDict, "PDict")) {
            negPDict <- .reverseComplement_PDict(posPDict)
        } else {
            if (!is(posPDict, "DNAStringSet"))
                posPDict <- DNAStringSet(posPDict)
            negPDict <- reverseComplement(posPDict)
        max.mismatch <- Biostrings:::normargMaxMismatch(max.mismatch)
        min.mismatch <-
          Biostrings:::normargMinMismatch(min.mismatch, max.mismatch)
        fixed <- Biostrings:::normargFixed(fixed, DNAStringSet())
        algorithm <- Biostrings:::normargAlgorithm(algorithm)
        if (Biostrings:::isCharacterAlgo(algorithm))
            stop("'subject' must be a single (non-empty) string ",
                 "for this algorithm")
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(verbose))
            stop("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE")

        bsParams <-
          new("BSParams", X = subject, FUN = matchFUN, exclude = exclude,
              simplify = FALSE, maskList = logical(0))
        COUNTER <- 0L
        seqlengths <- seqlengths(subject)
        matches <-
                  posPDict = posPDict, negPDict = negPDict,
                  seqlengths = seqlengths,
                  max.mismatch = max.mismatch, min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                  fixed = fixed, algorithm = algorithm, verbose = verbose)
        nms <- factor(names(matches), levels = names(seqlengths))
        nms <- nms[unlist(lapply(matches, length), use.names=FALSE) > 0]
        matches <- do.call(c, unname(matches))
        runValue(seqnames(matches)) <- nms
        genome(matches) <- genome(subject)
        seqinfo(matches) <- seqinfo(subject)

setMethod("vcountPDict", "BSgenome",
    function(pdict, subject,
             max.mismatch=0, min.mismatch=0, fixed=TRUE,
             algorithm="auto", collapse=FALSE, weight=1L, verbose=FALSE,
             exclude="", maskList=logical(0))
        countFUN <- function(posPDict, negPDict, chr,
                             max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                             min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                             fixed = fixed,
                             algorithm = algorithm,
                             verbose = verbose) {
            posCounts <-
              countPDict(pdict = posPDict, subject = chr,
                         max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                         min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                         fixed = fixed,
                         algorithm = algorithm,
                         verbose = verbose)
            negCounts <-
              countPDict(pdict = negPDict, subject = chr,
                         max.mismatch = max.mismatch,
                         min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                         fixed = fixed,
                         algorithm = algorithm,
                         verbose = verbose)
            DataFrame(strand =
                      Rle(strand(c("+", "-")),
                          c(length(posCounts), length(negCounts))),
                      index =
                      count = c(Rle(posCounts), Rle(negCounts)))

        posPDict <- pdict
        if (is(posPDict, "PDict")) {
            negPDict <- .reverseComplement_PDict(posPDict)
        } else {
            if (!is(posPDict, "DNAStringSet"))
                posPDict <- DNAStringSet(posPDict)
            negPDict <- reverseComplement(posPDict)
        max.mismatch <- Biostrings:::normargMaxMismatch(max.mismatch)
        min.mismatch <-
          Biostrings:::normargMinMismatch(min.mismatch, max.mismatch)
        fixed <- Biostrings:::normargFixed(fixed, DNAStringSet())
        algorithm <- Biostrings:::normargAlgorithm(algorithm)
        if (Biostrings:::isCharacterAlgo(algorithm))
            stop("'subject' must be a single (non-empty) string ",
                 "for this algorithm")
        if (!identical(collapse, FALSE))
            stop("'collapse' is not supported in BSgenome method")
        if (!identical(weight, 1L))
            stop("'weight' is not supported in BSgenome method")
        if (!isTRUEorFALSE(verbose))
            stop("'verbose' must be TRUE or FALSE")

        bsParams <-
          new("BSParams", X = subject, FUN = countFUN, exclude = exclude,
              simplify = FALSE, maskList = logical(0))
        counts <-
                  posPDict = posPDict, negPDict = negPDict,
                  max.mismatch = max.mismatch, min.mismatch = min.mismatch,
                  fixed = fixed, algorithm = algorithm, verbose = verbose)
        DataFrame(DataFrame(seqname =
                            Rle(factor(names(counts), levels = names(counts)),
                                unlist(lapply(counts, nrow),
                                       use.names = FALSE))),
                  do.call(rbind, unname(counts)))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### matchPWM/countPWM for BSgenome

setMethod("matchPWM", "BSgenome",
    function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", exclude="", maskList=logical(0))
        matchFUN <- function(posPWM, negPWM, chr, seqlengths, min.score) {
            posMatches <-
              matchPWM(pwm = posPWM, subject = chr, min.score = min.score)
            posScores <-
              PWMscoreStartingAt(pwm = posPWM, subject = chr,
                                 starting.at = start(posMatches))
            negMatches <-
              matchPWM(pwm = negPWM, subject = chr, min.score = min.score)
            negScores <-
              PWMscoreStartingAt(pwm = negPWM, subject = chr,
                                 starting.at = start(negMatches))
            COUNTER <<- COUNTER + 1L
            seqnames <- names(seqlengths)
            GRanges(seqnames =
                    Rle(factor(seqnames[COUNTER], levels = seqnames),
                        length(posMatches) + length(negMatches)),
                    ranges =
                    c(as(posMatches, "IRanges"), as(negMatches, "IRanges")),
                    strand =
                    Rle(strand(c("+", "-")),
                        c(length(posMatches), length(negMatches))),
                    score = c(posScores, negScores),
                    string =
                    seqlengths = seqlengths)

        ## checking 'pwm'
        pwm <- Biostrings:::.normargPwm(pwm)
        ## checking 'min.score'
        min.score <- Biostrings:::.normargMinScore(min.score, pwm)

        posPWM <- pwm[DNA_BASES, , drop = FALSE]
        negPWM <- reverseComplement(posPWM)
        bsParams <-
          new("BSParams", X = subject, FUN = matchFUN, exclude = exclude,
              simplify = FALSE, maskList = logical(0))
        COUNTER <- 0L
        seqlengths <- seqlengths(subject)
        matches <-
          bsapply(bsParams, posPWM = posPWM, negPWM = negPWM,
                  seqlengths = seqlengths, min.score = min.score)
        nms <- factor(names(matches), levels = names(seqlengths))
        nms <- nms[unlist(lapply(matches, length), use.names=FALSE) > 0]
        matches <- do.call(c, unname(matches))
        runValue(seqnames(matches)) <- nms
        ## create compact DNAStringSet
        string <- factor(mcols(matches)[["string"]])
        mcols(matches)[["string"]] <-
        genome(matches) <- genome(subject)
        seqinfo(matches) <- seqinfo(subject)

setMethod("countPWM", "BSgenome",
    function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", exclude="", maskList=logical(0))
        countFUN <- function(posPWM, negPWM, chr, min.score) {
            data.frame(strand = strand(c("+", "-")),
                       count =
                       c(countPWM(pwm = posPWM, subject = chr,
                                  min.score = min.score),
                         countPWM(pwm = negPWM, subject = chr,
                                  min.score = min.score)))

        ## checking 'pwm'
        pwm <- Biostrings:::.normargPwm(pwm)
        ## checking 'min.score'
        min.score <- Biostrings:::.normargMinScore(min.score, pwm)

        posPWM <- pwm[DNA_BASES, , drop = FALSE]
        negPWM <- reverseComplement(posPWM)
        bsParams <-
          new("BSParams", X = subject, FUN = countFUN, exclude = exclude,
              simplify = FALSE, maskList = logical(0))
        counts <-
          bsapply(bsParams, posPWM = posPWM, negPWM = negPWM,
                  min.score = min.score)
        cbind(data.frame(seqname =
                         rep(factor(names(counts), levels = names(counts)),
                             each = 2)),
              do.call(rbind, unname(counts)))
Bioconductor/BSgenome documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 4:24 p.m.