DataFrame-combine: Combine DataFrame objects along their rows or columns, or...

DataFrame-combineR Documentation

Combine DataFrame objects along their rows or columns, or merge them


Various methods are provided to combine DataFrame objects along their rows or columns, or to merge them.


In the code snippets below, all the input objects are expected to be DataFrame objects.


Creates a new DataFrame object by aggregating the rows of the input objects. Very similar to, except in the handling of row names. If all elements have row names, they are concatenated and made unique. Otherwise, the result does not have row names. The returned DataFrame object inherits its metadata and metadata columns from the first input object.


Creates a new DataFrame object by aggregating the columns of the input objects. Very similar to The returned DataFrame object inherits its metadata from the first input object. The metadata columns of the returned DataFrame object are obtained by combining the metadata columns of the input object with combineRows().

combineRows(x, ...):

combineRows() is a generic function documented in the man page for RectangularData objects (see ?RectangularData). The method for DataFrame objects behaves as documented in that man page.

combineCols(x, ..., use.names=TRUE):

combineCols() is a generic function documented in the man page for RectangularData objects (see ?RectangularData). The method for DataFrame objects behaves as documented in that man page.

combineUniqueCols(x, ..., use.names=TRUE):

This function is documented in the man page for RectangularData objects (see ?RectangularData).

merge(x, y, ...):

Merges two DataFrame objects x and y, with arguments in ... being the same as those allowed by the base merge(). It is allowed for either x or y to be a data.frame.


Michael Lawrence, Hervé Pagès, and Aaron Lun

See Also

  • DataFrame-utils for other common operations on DataFrame objects.

  • DataFrame objects.

  • TransposedDataFrame objects.

  • RectangularData objects.

  • cbind and merge in the base package.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## rbind()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

x1 <- DataFrame(A=1:5, B=letters[1:5], C=11:15)
y1 <- DataFrame(B=c(FALSE, NA, TRUE), C=c(FALSE, NA, TRUE), A=101:103)
rbind(x1, y1)

x2 <- DataFrame(A=Rle(101:103, 3:1), B=Rle(51:52, c(1, 5)))
y2 <- DataFrame(A=runif(2), B=Rle(c("a", "b")))
rbind(x2, y2)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## combineRows()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

y3 <- DataFrame(A=runif(2))
combineRows(x2, y3)

y4 <- DataFrame(B=Rle(c("a", "b")), C=runif(2))
combineRows(x2, y4)
combineRows(y4, x2)
combineRows(y4, x2, DataFrame(D=letters[1:3], B=301:303))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## combineCols()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

X <- DataFrame(x=1)
Y <- DataFrame(y="A")
Z <- DataFrame(z=TRUE)

combineCols(X, Y, Z, use.names=FALSE)

Y <- DataFrame(y=LETTERS[1:2])
rownames(X) <- "foo"
rownames(Y) <- c("foo", "bar")
rownames(Z) <- "bar"

combineCols(X, Y, Z)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## combineUniqueCols()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

X <- DataFrame(x=1)
Y <- DataFrame(y=LETTERS[1:2], dup=1:2)
Z <- DataFrame(z=TRUE, dup=2L)

rownames(X) <- "foo"
rownames(Y) <- c("foo", "bar")
rownames(Z) <- "bar"

combineUniqueCols(X, Y, Z)

Z$dup <- 3
combineUniqueCols(X, Y, Z)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## merge()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

x6 <- DataFrame(key=c(155, 2, 33, 17, 2, 26, 1), aa=1:7)
y6 <- DataFrame(key=1:26, bb=LETTERS)
merge(x6, y6, by="key")
merge(x6, y6, by="key", all.x=TRUE)

Bioconductor/S4Vectors documentation built on July 20, 2024, 6:52 a.m.