integer-utils: Some utility functions to operate on integer vectors

integer-utilsR Documentation

Some utility functions to operate on integer vectors


Some low-level utility functions to operate on ordinary integer vectors.


isSequence(x, of.length=length(x))

toListOfIntegerVectors(x, sep=",")

## more to come...



For isSequence(): An integer vector.

For toListOfIntegerVectors(): A character vector where each element is a string containing comma-separated integers in decimal representation. Alternatively x can be a list of raw vectors, in which case it's treated like if it was sapply(x, rawToChar).


The expected length of the integer sequence.


The separator represented as a single-letter string.


isSequence() returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether x is identical to seq_len(of.length) or not.

toListOfIntegerVectors() is a fast and memory-efficient implementation of

    lapply(strsplit(x, sep, fixed=TRUE), as.integer)

but, unlike the above code, it will raise an error if the input contains NAs or strings that don't represent integer values.


A list parallel to x where each list element is an integer vector.


Hervé Pagès

See Also

  • The seq_len function in the base package.

  • The strsplit function in the base package.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## isSequence()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
isSequence(1:5)               # TRUE
isSequence(5:1)               # FALSE
isSequence(0:5)               # FALSE
isSequence(integer(0))        # TRUE
isSequence(1:5, of.length=5)  # TRUE (the expected length)
isSequence(1:5, of.length=6)  # FALSE (not the expected length)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## toListOfIntegerVectors()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

x <- c("1116,0,-19",
       " +55291 , 2476,",
       "7778889, 426900, -4833,5659,6470,6721,7096",
       "19184 , -99999")

y <- toListOfIntegerVectors(x)

## When it doesn't choke on an NA or string that doesn't represent
## an integer value, toListOfIntegerVectors() is equivalent to
## the function below but is faster and more memory-efficient:
toListOfIntegerVectors2 <- function(x, sep=",")
    lapply(strsplit(x, sep, fixed=TRUE), as.integer)
y2 <- toListOfIntegerVectors2(x)
stopifnot(identical(y, y2))

Bioconductor/S4Vectors documentation built on Feb. 11, 2025, 11:31 a.m.