
Defines functions colVars_dgCMatrix .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix RsparseMatrix CsparseMatrix new_RsparseMatrix new_CsparseMatrix .infer_sparseMatrix_type_from_input_type

### =========================================================================
### Low-level manipulation of sparseMatrix derivatives (from Matrix package)
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Low-level CsparseMatrix and RsparseMatrix constructors
### NOT exported

### Returns "double" or "logical".
.infer_sparseMatrix_type_from_input_type <- function(input_type)
    switch(input_type, 'double'=, 'integer'=, 'raw'="double",
           stop(wmsg("unsupported input type: ", input_type)))

new_CsparseMatrix <- function(dim, p, i, x, dimnames=NULL)
    stopifnot(is.integer(dim), length(dim) == 2L)
    ans_dimnames <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dimnames(dimnames, dim)
    if (is.null(x))
        return(new("ngCMatrix", Dim=dim, p=p, i=i, Dimnames=ans_dimnames))
    x_type <- typeof(x)
    ans_type <- .infer_sparseMatrix_type_from_input_type(x_type)
    ans_class <- if (ans_type == "double") "dgCMatrix" else "lgCMatrix"
    if (ans_type != x_type)
        storage.mode(x) <- ans_type
    new(ans_class, Dim=dim, p=p, i=i, x=x, Dimnames=ans_dimnames)

new_RsparseMatrix <- function(dim, p, j, x, dimnames=NULL)
    stopifnot(is.integer(dim), length(dim) == 2L)
    ans_dimnames <- S4Arrays:::normarg_dimnames(dimnames, dim)
    if (is.null(x))
        return(new("ngRMatrix", Dim=dim, p=p, j=j, Dimnames=ans_dimnames))
    x_type <- typeof(x)
    ans_type <- .infer_sparseMatrix_type_from_input_type(x_type)
    ans_class <- if (ans_type == "double") "dgRMatrix" else "lgRMatrix"
    if (ans_type != x_type)
        storage.mode(x) <- ans_type
    new(ans_class, Dim=dim, p=p, j=j, x=x, Dimnames=ans_dimnames)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### High-level CsparseMatrix and RsparseMatrix constructors
### NOT exported
### Note that CsparseMatrix() is a simpler version of Matrix::sparseMatrix()
### that is typically 50%-60% faster and more memory efficient.
### For both constructors:
### - 'i', 'j', 'nzdata' must be **parallel** atomic vectors.
### - 'i' and 'j' must be integer vectors with no NAs.
### - 'nzdata' must be a double, integer, raw, or logical vector, with no
###   zeros (NAs are ok).

CsparseMatrix <- function(dim, i, j, nzdata, dimnames=NULL)
    stopifnot(is.integer(dim), length(dim) == 2L,
              is.integer(i), is.integer(j), is.atomic(nzdata))
    oo <- order(j, i)
    ans_i <- i[oo] - 1L  # CsparseMatrix objects want this zero-based
    ans_p <- c(0L, cumsum(tabulate(j[oo], nbins=dim[[2L]])))
    ans_x <- nzdata[oo]
    new_CsparseMatrix(dim, ans_p, ans_i, ans_x, dimnames=dimnames)

RsparseMatrix <- function(dim, i, j, nzdata, dimnames=NULL)
    stopifnot(is.integer(dim), length(dim) == 2L,
              is.integer(i), is.integer(j), is.atomic(nzdata))
    oo <- order(i, j)
    ans_j <- j[oo] - 1L  # RsparseMatrix objects want this zero-based
    ans_p <- c(0L, cumsum(tabulate(i[oo], nbins=dim[[1L]])))
    ans_x <- nzdata[oo]
    new_RsparseMatrix(dim, ans_p, ans_j, ans_x, dimnames=dimnames)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Critically endangered coercions from/to sparseMatrix derivatives
### This simply brings back some basic coercion methods originally defined
### in the Matrix package but that the lazy Matrix maintainers have decided
### to eradicate from the surface of Earth in an attempt to make the life
### of their users no so easy.

### --- from ordinary matrix to [d|l|n]gCMatrix and [d|l|n]gRMatrix ---

### Not deprecated yet. Cold feet maybe?
#setAs("matrix", "dgCMatrix",
#    function(from)
#        as(as(as(from, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")

### Deprecated in Matrix 1.7-0
setAs("matrix", "dgRMatrix",
        as(as(as(from, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "RsparseMatrix")

### Deprecated in Matrix 1.7-0
setAs("matrix", "lgCMatrix",
        as(as(as(from, "lMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")

### Never supported by Matrix?
setAs("matrix", "lgRMatrix",
        as(as(as(from, "lMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "RsparseMatrix")

### Deprecated in Matrix 1.7-0
setAs("matrix", "ngCMatrix",
        as(as(as(from, "nMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")

### Never supported by Matrix?
setAs("matrix", "ngRMatrix",
        as(as(as(from, "nMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "RsparseMatrix")

### --- other useful coercions ---

### Deprecated in Matrix 1.7-0
setAs("dgCMatrix", "ngCMatrix",
    function(from) as(from, "nMatrix")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Coercion from Array derivative to sparseMatrix derivative

### These coercions will work out-of-the-box on any Array derivative that
### supports coercion to SparseArray.
.from_Array_to_sparseMatrix <- function(from, to)
    ## If 'from' is a SparseArray derivative, 'as(from, "SparseArray")' will
    ## be a no-op and thus doing 'as(as(from, "SparseArray"), to)' below will
    ## lead to an infinite recursion. We explicitly guard against this.
    if (is(from, "SparseArray"))
        stop(wmsg("coercion from ", class(from), " to ",
                  to, " is not supported"))
    as(as(from, "SparseArray"), to)

setAs("Array", "dgCMatrix",
    function(from) .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix(from, "dgCMatrix")
setAs("Array", "dgRMatrix",
    function(from) .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix(from, "dgRMatrix")
setAs("Array", "lgCMatrix",
    function(from) .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix(from, "lgCMatrix")
setAs("Array", "lgRMatrix",
    function(from) .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix(from, "lgRMatrix")
setAs("Array", "ngCMatrix",
    function(from) .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix(from, "ngCMatrix")
setAs("Array", "ngRMatrix",
    function(from) .from_Array_to_sparseMatrix(from, "ngRMatrix")

### These coercions will work out-of-the-box on any Array derivative that
### supports type() and coercion to [d|l]gCMatrix and to [d|l]gRMatrix.
setAs("Array", "CsparseMatrix",
        ans_type <- .infer_sparseMatrix_type_from_input_type(type(from))
        ans_class <- if (ans_type == "double") "dgCMatrix" else "lgCMatrix"
        as(from, ans_class)
setAs("Array", "RsparseMatrix",
        ans_type <- .infer_sparseMatrix_type_from_input_type(type(from))
        ans_class <- if (ans_type == "double") "dgRMatrix" else "lgRMatrix"
        as(from, ans_class)

### We give the preference to the CsparseMatrix representation (compressed
### column-oriented form).
setAs("Array", "sparseMatrix",
    function(from) as(from, "CsparseMatrix")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### colMins_dgCMatrix()
### colMaxs_dgCMatrix()
### colRanges_dgCMatrix()
### colVars_dgCMatrix()
### NOT exported
### IMPORTANT NOTE: The functions below precede the sparseMatrixStats package
### so we probaby don't need them anymore. Do NOT turn them into formal S4
### methods for dgCMatrix objects to avoid conflicts with the methods defined
### in the sparseMatrixStats package!
### They do NOT propagate the colnames. The corresponding methods defined in
### matrixStats didn't either at the time this was implemented.

colMins_dgCMatrix <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
        stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    SparseArray.Call("C_colMins_dgCMatrix", x, na.rm)

colMaxs_dgCMatrix <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
        stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    SparseArray.Call("C_colMaxs_dgCMatrix", x, na.rm)

### About 2x faster than the method for dgCMatrix objects defined
### in sparseMatrixStats.
colRanges_dgCMatrix <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
        stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    SparseArray.Call("C_colRanges_dgCMatrix", x, na.rm)

### About 2.5x faster than the method for dgCMatrix objects defined
### in sparseMatrixStats.
colVars_dgCMatrix <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE)
    stopifnot(is(x, "dgCMatrix"))
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(na.rm))
        stop(wmsg("'na.rm' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
    SparseArray.Call("C_colVars_dgCMatrix", x, na.rm)
Bioconductor/SparseArray documentation built on July 17, 2024, 6:06 a.m.