Man pages for Bioconductor/annotate
Annotation for microarrays

accessionToUIDA function to convert accession values to NCBI UIDs.
ACCNUMStatsProvides statistics on the types of ids used for the ACCNUM...
annotate-defunctDefunct Functions in Package 'annotate'
annPkgNameGet annotation package name from chip name
aqListGOIDsList GO Identifiers by GO Ontology
blastSequencesRun a blast query to NCBI for either a string or an entrez...
buildChromLocationA function to generate an instantiation of a chromLocation...
buildPubMedAbstA function to generate an instantiation of a pubMedAbst class
chrCatsReturns a list of chromosome locations from a MAP environment
chromLocation-classClass chromLocation, a class for describing genes and their...
compatibleVersionsfunction to check to see if the packages represented by the...
dropECodeDrop GO labels for specified Evidence Codes
entrezGeneByIDCreate a Query String for an Entrez Gene Identifier
entrezGeneQueryCreate a Query String for Entrez Genes
filterGOByOntologyFilter GO terms by a specified GO ontology
findNeighborsA function to locate neighboring genes within a defined range...
genbankA function to open the browser to Genbank with the selected...
getAnnMapGet annotation map
getEvidenceGet the Evidence codes for a set of GO terms.
getGOTermFunctions to Access GO data.
getOntologyGet GO terms for a specified ontology
getPMInfoextract publication details and abstract from...
getSeq4AccQueries the NCBI database to obtain the sequence for a given...
getSYMBOLFunctions to deal with Data Packages
getTDRowsFunctions to create hypertext links that can be placed in a...
GO2heatmapCompute a heatmap for the specified data, for either a GO...
GOmnplotA function to plot by group means against each other.
hasGOannoteCheck for GO annotation
hgByChromsA dataset to show the human genome base pair locations per...
hgCLengthsA dataset which contains the lengths (in base pairs) of the...
hgu95AchrolocAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
hgu95AchromAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
hgu95AllAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
hgu95AProbLocschromLocation instance hgu95AProbLocs, an example of a...
hgu95AsymAnnotation data for the Affymetrix HGU95A GeneChip
homoData-classClass "homoData"
htmlpageFunctions to build HTML pages
HTMLPage-classClasses to represent HTML pages
isValidkeyGet or verify valid IDs for a package or OrgDb object.
LL2homologyDEPRECATED Functions that find the homology data for a given...
makeAnchorA Function To Generate HTML Anchors
mapOrgsFunctions to map to organism IDs used by NCBI homology.
organismConvenience function for getting the organism from an object...
p2LLA function to map from probes to unique Entrez Gene IDs
pmAbst2HTMLHTML Generation for PubMed Abstracts
pm.abstGrepAn interface to grep for PubMed abstracts.
pm.getabstObtain the abstracts for a set PubMed list.
pmid2MIAMEuse web to populate MIAME instance with pubmed details
PMIDAmatA function to compute the probe to PubMed id incidence...
pmidQueryA function to query PubMed
pm.titlesObtain the titles of the PubMed abstracts.
pubmedA function to open the browser to Pubmed with the selected...
pubMedAbst-classClass pubMedAbst, a class to handle PubMed abstracts, and...
PWAmatA function to compute the probe to KEGG pathway incidence...
readGEOAnnFunction to extract data from the GEO web site
serializeEnvA Function To Serialize Environment
setRepositoryFunctions to add arbitrary repositories
UniGeneQueryCreate a Query String for a UniGene Identifier
updateSymbolsToValidKeysTake a list of symbols and translate them into the best...
usedChromGenesA function to select used genes on a chromosome from an...
Bioconductor/annotate documentation built on May 5, 2024, 4:15 a.m.