#' Organize Data Frame Events
#' Gather various shiny inputs from an OCCD dataset and return a single
#' standardized events dataset
#' @param df_name A character string containing the name of the OCCD ADaM data
#' set to organize. Ex: "ADAE"
#' @param df_domain_abbr A character string of the shorthand abbreviation for
#' the same dataset, usually whatever comes after "AD". Ex: "AE"
#' @param df_desc A character string that provides the full name/description of
#' the dataset. Ex: "Adverse Events"
#' @param df_st_date_vars A character vector containing possible date variables
#' to summarize the events of interest. If more than 1 date variable is
#' provided in the vector, then the first element that exists in the data will
#' be used. Ex: if df_st_date_vars = c("AESTDT","ASTDT"), then AESTDT will be
#' used if it exists in the data set provided above. However, if AESTDT is
#' missing, then ASTDT will be used if it exists.
#' @param event_desc_vars A character vector containing the names of multiple
#' variables needed from the data set above for event_desc.
#' @param event_desc A character string containing the name of a variable or
#' even an expression to compute the event description to be displayed and
#' contains the variables in event_desc_vars
#' @param mi_input_checkbox A character vector of event names selected. Some
#' possible event names include "Milestones", "Adverse Events", "Con Meds",
#' "Labs", "Medical History", etc...
#' @param mi_input_apply_filter Logical; If \code{TRUE} then toggle data frame used
#' to build events to "mi_filtered_dat", which is pre-filtered data frame from
#' IDEAFilter
#' @param mi_loaded_adams A character vector of available dataframes in
#' mi_datafile
#' @param mi_datafile A list of data frames
#' @param mi_filtered_dat The output from IDEAFilter, a pre-filtered dataset
#' @param mi_usubjid Character patient number, in the standard USUBJID format
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom shinyjs alert
#' @importFrom purrr map_chr
#' @return Data frame standardized from various OCCDs class files
#' @family indvExp Functions
#' @noRd
org_df_events <- function(
, df_domain_abbr
, df_desc
, df_st_date_vars
, df_en_date_vars
, event_desc_vars
, event_desc
, mi_input_checkbox
, mi_input_apply_filter
, mi_loaded_adams
, mi_datafile
, mi_filtered_dat
, mi_usubjid
if (df_name %in% mi_loaded_adams & df_domain_abbr %in% c(mi_input_checkbox)) {
# do any of the df_st_date_vars exist?
if(any(df_st_date_vars %in% colnames(mi_datafile[[df_name]]))){
# If so, which df_st_date_var should we use? They should be ordered
# left-to-right from most-preferred to least-preferred
st_date_var_str <- df_st_date_vars[df_st_date_vars %in% colnames(mi_datafile[[df_name]])][1]
st_date_var <- sym(st_date_var_str)
if (!missing(df_en_date_vars)) {
en_date_var_str <- df_en_date_vars[df_en_date_vars %in% colnames(mi_datafile[[df_name]])][1]
if (!is.na(en_date_var_str)) {
en_date_var <- sym(en_date_var_str)
} else {
en_date_var_str <- ""
en_date_var <- sym("NA")
} else {
en_date_var_str <- ""
en_date_var <- sym("NA")
dat <-
# conditionally toggle which dataset is used
(if(mi_input_apply_filter == TRUE) mi_datafile[[df_name]] %>% semi_join(mi_filtered_dat) else mi_datafile[[df_name]]) %>%
filter(USUBJID == mi_usubjid) %>%
filter(!is.na(!!st_date_var) ) %>%
mutate(EVENTTYP = df_desc, DOMAIN = df_domain_abbr) %>%
select(USUBJID, EVENTTYP, !!st_date_var, any_of(en_date_var_str), one_of(event_desc_vars), DOMAIN) %>%
distinct() %>%
START = !!st_date_var,
END = if (en_date_var_str == "") NA else !!en_date_var,
tab_st = ifelse(as.character(START) == "", NA_character_, as.character(START)), # disp chr in DT
tab_en = ifelse(as.character(END) == "", NA_character_, as.character(END)) # disp chr in DT
) %>%
DECODE = event_desc
) %>%
select(-starts_with(df_domain_abbr), -!!st_date_var, -any_of(en_date_var_str)) %>%
distinct(.keep_all = TRUE)
} else{
if(df_domain_abbr %in% c(mi_input_checkbox)){
shinyjs::alert(paste0("Cannot add Adverse Events: no ", st_date_var_str, " variable exists in the loaded ", df_name, "."))
dat <- NULL
} else {
dat <- NULL
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