getMafTumors <- function(){
root <- ""
maf <- fread("",
data.table = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE)
tumor <- unlist(lapply(maf$filename, function(x){unlist(str_split(x,"\\."))[2]}))
proj <- TCGAbiolinks:::getGDCprojects()
disease <- gsub("TCGA-","",proj$project_id)
idx <- grep("disease_type",colnames(proj))
names(disease) <- paste0(proj[[idx]], " (",proj$project_id,")")
disease <- sort(disease)
ret <- disease[disease %in% tumor]
# Created with getMafTumors
updateSelectizeInput(session, 'tcgaMafTumorFilter', choices = maf.tumor, server = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$tcgaMafSearchBt, {
output$tcgaMutationtbl <- DT::renderDataTable({
tumor <- isolate({input$tcgaMafTumorFilter})
getPath <- parseDirPath(get.volumes(isolate({input$workingDir})), input$workingDir)
if (length(getPath) == 0) getPath <- paste0(Sys.getenv("HOME"),"/TCGAbiolinksGUI")
withProgress(message = 'Download in progress',
detail = 'This may take a while...', value = 0, {
tbl <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor, directory = getPath,
save.csv = isolate({input$saveMafcsv}),
pipelines = isolate({input$tcgaMafPipeline}))
incProgress(1, detail = "Download completed")
createAlert(session, "tcgaMutationmessage", "tcgaMutationAlert", title = "No results found", style = "warning",
content = "Sorry there are no results for your query.", append = FALSE)
} else if(nrow(tbl) ==0) {
createAlert(session, "tcgaMutationmessage", "tcgaMutationAlert", title = "No results found", style = "warning",
content = "Sorry there are no results for your query.", append = FALSE)
} else {
closeAlert(session, "tcgaMutationAlert")
if(grepl("varscan", isolate({input$tcgaMafPipeline}), = TRUE)) {
workflow.type <- "VarScan2 Variant Aggregation and Masking"
} else if( isolate({input$tcgaMafPipeline}) == "muse") {
workflow.type <- "MuSE Variant Aggregation and Masking"
} else if( isolate({input$tcgaMafPipeline}) == "somaticsniper") {
workflow.type <- "SomaticSniper Variant Aggregation and Masking"
} else if(grepl("mutect", isolate({input$tcgaMafPipeline}), = TRUE)) {
workflow.type <- "MuTect2 Variant Aggregation and Masking"
} else {
stop("Please select the pipeline argument (muse, varscan2, somaticsniper, mutect2)")
query <- GDCquery(paste0("TCGA-",tumor),
data.category = "Simple Nucleotide Variation",
data.type = "Masked Somatic Mutation",
workflow.type = workflow.type)
fout <- file.path(getPath, getResults(query)$file_name)
save(tbl,file = gsub("maf.gz","rda",fout))
closeAlert(session, "tcgaMutationAlert")
if(isolate({input$saveMafcsv})) {
createAlert(session, "tcgaMutationmessage", "tcgaMutationAlert", title = "Download completed", style = "success",
content = paste0("Saved file: <br><ul>",fout,"</ul><ul>", gsub(".gz",".csv",fout), "</ul>"), append = FALSE)
} else {
createAlert(session, "tcgaMutationmessage", "tcgaMutationAlert", title = "Download completed", style = "success",
content = paste0("Saved file: ", gsub("maf.gz","rda",fout)), append = FALSE)
Add the following code to your website.
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