
Defines functions trend_assessment

Documented in trend_assessment

#' Assess trends for indicator
#' @description  This assessment covers both the indicator and the constituent species.
#' An assessment is made of the indicator over the time period given, examining whether
#' the initial indicator value falls within the credible interval of the final year.
#' Over the same time period the change in each species is assessed and reported.
#' @param dat An object returned by lambda_interpolation or bma
#' @param method Which indicator method was used to produce the data. One of "lambda" or "bma".
#' @param start_year (Optional) a numeric value, defaults to the first year
#' @param end_year (Optional) a numeric value, defaults to the last year
#' @param species_stat (Optional) character, the statistic used to average across a species
#' yearly change values to arrive at a single value per species. This can be 
#' either 'mean' (default) or 'median'.
#' @return Returns a list of two elements, a summary of the species and indicator
#' assessments. A plot of the species assessment is returned to the device. 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ### Running from an array ####
#' set.seed(123)
#' # number of species
#' nsp = 50
#' # number of years
#' nyr = 40
#' #number of iterations
#' iter = 500
#' # Build a random set of data
#' myArray <- array(data = rnorm(n = nsp*nyr*iter,
#'                               mean = 0.5,
#'                               sd = 0.1),
#'                  dim = c(nsp, nyr, iter),
#'                  dimnames = list(paste0('SP',1:nsp),
#'                                  1:nyr,
#'                                  1:iter))
#' # Ensure values are bounded by 0 and 1
#' myArray[myArray > 1] <- 1
#' myArray[myArray < 0] <- 0
#' # Run the lambda_indicator method on this data                
#' myIndicator <- lambda_indicator(myArray)
#' # Plot the trend stack
#' trend_assessment(myIndicator)

trend_assessment <- function(dat,
                             method = "lambda",
                             start_year = NULL,
                             end_year = NULL,
                             species_stat = 'mean'){
  # Sense check
  if(!method %in% c("lambda", "bma")) stop("Method must be one of 'lambda' or 'bma'")
  if(method == "lambda") {
    # lambda method
    if(is.null(start_year)) start_year <- min(dat$summary$year)
    if(is.null(end_year)) end_year <- max(dat$summary$year)
    sp_assess <- species_assessment(dat = dat$LogLambda,
                                    method = method,
                                    start_year = start_year + 1,
                                    end_year = end_year,
                                    species_stat = species_stat,
                                    plot = FALSE)
    ind_assessment <- indicator_assessment(summary_table = dat$summary,
                                           start_year = start_year,
                                           end_year = end_year)
    return(list(species_assessment = sp_assess,
                indicator_asssessment = ind_assessment))
  } else {
    # bma method
    if(is.null(start_year)) start_year <- min(dat$year)
    if(is.null(end_year)) end_year <- max(dat$year)
    sp_assess <- species_assessment(dat = dat,
                                    method = method,
                                    start_year = start_year,
                                    end_year = end_year,
                                    species_stat = species_stat,
                                    plot = FALSE)
    ind_assessment <- indicator_assessment(summary_table = dat,
                                           start_year = start_year,
                                           end_year = end_year)
    return(list(species_assessment = sp_assess,
                indicator_asssessment = ind_assessment))
BiologicalRecordsCentre/BRCindicators documentation built on April 22, 2024, 2:32 p.m.