
Understanding Data Access

All downloads in naturecounts require a free NatureCounts account (sign up here).

Not all data hosted by NatureCounts is immediately available to users. Different data sets have different access levels (also called akn_levels). A full description of these different levels is available from the NatureCounts site.

Briefly, there are five levels and the R package naturecounts can potentially access three of these levels (for most users).

Data at access level 5 are considered public data and are available to all users. Data at access levels 4 and 3 are private/semi-public projects/collections. To access this data you must request access (see Requesting Access, below).

Data at access level 2 are visible in counts returned by nc_count() and in metadata returned by meta_collections() , etc., but are not downloadable through nc_data_dl() in the naturecounts R package without special permissions.

Data at access level 1 are not visible through the naturecounts R package without special permissions.

Requesting Access

You can request access to full or partial datasets at levels 3 and 4 through the NatureCounts data request page. To request partial access, choose the filters and walk through the steps. To request full access, choose the collection and check the "Full access?" box in Step 2.

Once a request has been submitted it has to be approved by the appropriate data custodian.

What Do I Have Access To?

To see what you have access to you can use three functions: nc_permissions(), nc_count() and nc_requests().

Full Access - nc_permissions() or nc_count()

You can see which data you have full access to (i.e. you have access to all data within a specific collection) with either the nc_permissions() or nc_count() functions.

To get a list of collections to which you have access, use the nc_permissions() function.

nc_permissions(username = "sample")

To additionally get the amount of data in each of these collections, user the nc_count() function.

nc_count(username = "sample")

To see which data you do not (currently) have access to, use the show = "all" argument.

nc_count(username = "sample", show = "all")

Data where access is "by request" is available through the online request portal. Data where access is "no access" may be available as counts, but is not generally accessible as a download of raw data.

Partial Access - nc_requests()

You can see which data you have partial access to (i.e. you have requested access to part of a collection or part of a series of collections through the online portal) with the nc_requests() function.

nc_requests(username = "USER")

An example of the output you might see:

  request_id requestOrigin                     requestLabel      collection   status nrecords
1     155882           web                    steffi's test          QCOWLS  pending    12640
2     155886           web                 steffi's test SK   SKATLAS1BE_DO approved    99872
3     155886           web                 steffi's test SK SKATLAS1BE_SUMM approved    42203
4     155886           web                 steffi's test SK      SKATLAS1PC approved    27916
5     155888           web steffi's test partial projects 1     PFW-US-EAST  pending   368672
6     155888           web steffi's test partial projects 1     PFW-US-WEST  pending   282745
7     155889           web steffi's test partial projects 2     PFW-US-EAST  pending     1269
8     155889           web steffi's test partial projects 2     PFW-US-WEST  pending     4080
1                                       date_type (s); project ('QCOWLS')
2 date_type (s); project ('SKATLAS1BE_DO','SKATLAS1BE_SUMM','SKATLAS1PC')
3 date_type (s); project ('SKATLAS1BE_DO','SKATLAS1BE_SUMM','SKATLAS1PC')
4 date_type (s); project ('SKATLAS1BE_DO','SKATLAS1BE_SUMM','SKATLAS1PC')
5   date_type (s); project ('PFW-US-EAST','PFW-US-WEST'); species (14280)
6   date_type (s); project ('PFW-US-EAST','PFW-US-WEST'); species (14280)
7   date_type (s); project ('PFW-US-EAST','PFW-US-WEST'); species (14320)
8   date_type (s); project ('PFW-US-EAST','PFW-US-WEST'); species (14320)

The status field/column shows which requests have been approved, are pending or have been declined.

How Do I Download Accessible Data?

Full Access

Data to which you have full access can be directly downloaded via the nc_data_dl() function.

bittern <- nc_data_dl(species = 2490, username = "sample", info = "nc_example")

Note that request_ids are created for web requests (above) and are also created for api requests: data downloaded via the nc_data_dl() function if a request_id was not provided.

The following examples use the "testuser" user which is not available to you. You can quickly sign up for a free account of your own to access and play around with these examples. Simply replace testuser with your own username.

For example, the previous download created an api request_id. To see request_ids created through this R package, use the argument type = "api" in nc_requests().

nc_requests(username = "testuser", type = "api")[1,]

This data can be re-downloaded (more quickly) by using this stored request_id.

old <- nc_data_dl(request_id = 185663, username = "testuser")

How Do I Download Specially Requested Data?

Approved requests can either be downloaded by hand from the website, or the request_id can be used to download data with the nc_data_dl() function.

nc_requests(username = "USER")
  request_id requestOrigin                     requestLabel      collection   status nrecords
2     155886           web                 steffi's test SK   SKATLAS1BE_DO approved    99872
3     155886           web                 steffi's test SK SKATLAS1BE_SUMM approved    42203
4     155886           web                 steffi's test SK      SKATLAS1PC approved    27916
2 date_type (s); project ('SKATLAS1BE_DO','SKATLAS1BE_SUMM','SKATLAS1PC')
3 date_type (s); project ('SKATLAS1BE_DO','SKATLAS1BE_SUMM','SKATLAS1PC')
4 date_type (s); project ('SKATLAS1BE_DO','SKATLAS1BE_SUMM','SKATLAS1PC')
sask <- nc_data_dl(request_id = 155886, username = "USER")

BirdStudiesCanada/naturecounts documentation built on June 30, 2023, 1:59 a.m.