v_{} functions

Functions to deal with raster data representing environmental information

import4D: rename to v_import

Changes in arguments:

importTIF: include in v_import

importASC: include in v_import

o_{} functions

Functions to deal with occurrence data


Changes in argumets:


This function should be paired with the function to test spatial correlation (testSpatialCorrelation()). Maybe o_thinning() should be s_thinning() and testSpatialCorrelation() should be s_spatial_cor(), so if there are variables with a high spatial correlation for the presences, the user can apply thinning and/or remove the offending variables. This should be done most likely before assessing multicollinearity.

Changes in arguments:

s_{} functions

Functions for variable selection and reduction of multicollinearity

BlasBenito/sdmflow documentation built on April 10, 2020, 2:31 a.m.