
#' Calculate optimal collocation points from (sample) moments of a distribution
#' Calculates optimal collocation points from (sample) moments of the approximating distribution using the Golub-Welsch algorithm
#' Note: Using sample moments for a large sample from the approximating random variable gives
#' similar results as using theoretical. For example, using sample = rnorm(1e6) gives similar points
#' as using moment_fun = scmc::normal_moment_fun.
#' @param N The number of collocation points to calculate
#' @param moment_fun A function which takes one (unsigned) integer k and return the k-th moment of
#'   the distribution to use for collocation. Only 2*N moments are needed.
#' @param sample If moment_fun not specified, the sample from which to calculate the collocation
#'   points using the 2*N sample moments.
#' @return The N optimal collocation points for interpolation used in SCMC.
#' @export
optimal_points <- function(N, moment_fun = NULL, sample = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(sample))
    return(sample_optimal_points(sample, N))

  if (is.null(moment_fun))
    stop("Either a moment function or a sample must be provided.")

  moments <- c(1, sapply(1:(2*N), moment_fun))
  calc_optimal_points(moments, N)

#' Theoretical moments calculation
#' @param k The moment which to calculate
#' @param sd The standard deviation of the normal distibution (mean is assumed 0)
#' @return The k-th moment of the distribution.
#' @export
norm_moment_fun <- function(k, sd = 1) {
  if (k %% 2 == 1)

  n <- k/2
  sd^k * 2^n * gamma(n + 0.5) /sqrt(pi)

#' Gauss-Hermite quadrature nodes
#' Calculate Gaussian quadrature nodes for interpolation with regard to the
#' standard normal density as the weighting function
#' This is a wrapper for optimal_points(n, norm_moment_fun).
#' @param n The number of points to generate
#' @return A numeric vector containing n Gaussian quadrature nodes
#' @export
gaussian_nodes <- function(n) {
  nodes <- optimal_points(n, norm_moment_fun)

#' Chebyshev Nodes
#' Calculate Chebyshev points for interpolation
#' @param n The number of points to generate
#' @param interval The interval over which to calculate Chebyshev nodes
#' @return A numeric vector containing n Chebyshev nodes in the interval 'interval'
#' @export
chebyshev_nodes <- function(n, interval = c(0, 1)) {
  k <- seq_len(n)
  a <- interval[1]
  b <- interval[2]

  nodes <- (a+b)/2 + cos(pi * (2*k - 1) / (2*n)) * (b-a)/2
Blaza/scmc documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:41 a.m.