knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = file.path("..", "extdata"))


This script downloads a hundred images (one image per patient), as well as the associated single-cell data and cell segmentation masks from the breast tumour Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC) dataset described in the following publication:

Jackson, H.W., Fischer, J.R. et al. The single-cell pathology landscape of breast cancer. Nature 578, 615–620 (2020).

All data are openly available from zenodo.

Here, we will download single cell data and metadata, and process them to create a SingleCellExperiment object. We will then download the corresponding multichannel IMC images and cell segmentation masks and format them into CytoImageList objects using the cytomapper package.


dataset_name <- "JacksonFischer_2020_BreastCancer"
dataset_version <- "v2"
cat("Dataset version:", dataset_version)

Setting the working and output directories

# Temporary directory to unzip files
workdir <- tempdir()
Sys.setenv(workdir = workdir)

# Output directory
dataset_dir <- file.path(".", dataset_name)
if(!(dir.exists(dataset_dir))) dir.create(dataset_dir)

outdir <- file.path(dataset_dir, dataset_version)
if(!(dir.exists(outdir))) dir.create(outdir)

# Increase timeout period so that large files can be downloaded
timeout <- getOption('timeout')
options(timeout = 1000)

Single cell data

We will download single-cell data corresponding from [@JacksonFischer-2020-BreastCancer] from zenodo.

Download single cell data

Import function

Function to download and unzip files.

importData <- function(url, output_dir, filename) {
  # Download
  download.file(url, destfile = file.path(output_dir, filename))

  # Unzip
  system2("unzip", args = c("-o",
                            file.path(output_dir, filename),
                            "-d", output_dir),
          stdout = TRUE)

  # Remove zipped folder
  file.remove(file.path(output_dir, filename))

Single cell data

The first zip folder contains the main single-cell, sample and patient metadata. The single-cell locations and cluster labels are downloaded as separate zip folders because they were uploaded to zenodo separately at a later time point.

# Download dataset
url_cells <- ("")
zip_name <- ""
download.file(url_cells, destfile = file.path(workdir, zip_name))

# Unzip required files - Basel Cohort
system2("unzip", args = c(
    "-o", file.path(workdir, zip_name),
    "-d", workdir))
system2("unzip", args = c(
    "-o", file.path(workdir, zip_name),
    "-d", workdir))

# Unzip required files - Zurich Cohort
system2("unzip", args = c(
    "-o", file.path(workdir, zip_name),
    "-d", workdir))
system2("unzip", args = c(
    "-o", file.path(workdir, zip_name),
    "-d", workdir))

# Unzip panel file
system2("unzip", args = c(
    "-o", file.path(workdir, zip_name),
    "-d", workdir))

file.remove(file.path(workdir, zip_name))

Download single cell labels and locations

# Clusters
url_cluster <- ("")
importData(url_cluster, workdir, "")

# Cell locations
url_locations <- ("")
importData(url_locations, workdir, "")

Read in single-cell data

We read in single cell data linked to the Basel and Zurich cohorts, including single cell data, cell metadata, clinical data, antibody panel information, and cell clusters.

# Single cell expressions and spatial features
cells <- rbind(
    fread(file.path(workdir, "Data_publication/BaselTMA/SC_dat.csv")),
    fread(file.path(workdir, "Data_publication/ZurichTMA/SC_dat.csv"))

# Sample and clinical metadata
cell_meta_basel <- fread(file.path(workdir,
cell_meta_zuri <- fread(file.path(workdir,

cell_meta_zuri[, HER2Status := HER2]
cell_meta_zuri[ ,':=' (HER2 = NULL, ER = NULL, PR = NULL)]  

cell_meta <-
  data.frame(c(cell_meta_basel, sapply(
      setdiff(names(cell_meta_zuri),names(cell_meta_basel)), function(x) NA))),
  data.frame(c(cell_meta_zuri, sapply(
      setdiff(names(cell_meta_basel),names(cell_meta_zuri)), function(x) NA)))

# Panel information
panel <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Data_publication/Basel_Zuri_StainingPanel.csv"))

# Cluster labels (merge PhenoGraph cluster labels and metacluster labels)
pg_clusters_basel <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Cluster_labels/PG_basel.csv"), header = TRUE)
setnames(pg_clusters_basel, "PhenoGraphBasel", "PhenoGraph")

pg_clusters_zuri <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Cluster_labels/PG_zurich.csv"), header = TRUE)
pg_clusters <- rbind(pg_clusters_basel,

meta_clusters_basel <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Cluster_labels/Basel_metaclusters.csv"), header = TRUE)
meta_clusters_zuri <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Cluster_labels/Zurich_matched_metaclusters.csv"), header = TRUE)
meta_clusters <- rbind(meta_clusters_basel, meta_clusters_zuri)

clusters <- merge(pg_clusters, meta_clusters, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)

# Single-cell locations
locations_basel <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Basel_SC_locations.csv"), header = TRUE)
locations_zuri <- fread(file.path(
  workdir, "Zurich_SC_locations.csv"), header = TRUE)
locations <- rbind(locations_basel, locations_zuri)

# Remove data frames that are not needed anymore
remove(cell_meta_basel, cell_meta_zuri)
remove(locations_basel, locations_zuri)
remove(pg_clusters_basel, pg_clusters_zuri, pg_clusters)
remove(meta_clusters_basel, meta_clusters_zuri, meta_clusters)

Filter out non-breast images

img_to_remove <- paste(c("Liver", "control", "non-breast"), collapse = "|")
cells <- cells[grep(img_to_remove, cells$core, invert = TRUE), ]

Prepare data

Extract spatial information

We first extract channels related to spatial information, such as cell area or number of neighbors.

spatial_channels <- c(
  "Area", "Eccentricity", "Solidity", "Extent", "EulerNumber", "Perimeter",
  "MajorAxisLength","MinorAxisLength", "Orientation", "Percent_Touching",

# Spatial channels will go to the colData slot of the SCE
spatial <- cells[channel %in% spatial_channels, ]

# Marker expression levels will go to the assay slot of the SCE
cells <- cells[!channel %in% spatial_channels,]

Cell-level metadata

Here, we will collect all cell-specific metadata in a single DataFrame, which will constitute the colData entry of the final SingleCellExperiment object.

Columns are renamed for consistency with the other datasets.

# Wide format spatial single-cell info
cell_metadata <-
  spatial, "core + CellId + id ~ channel", value.var = "mc_counts")

# Subset and rename columns
cell_metadata <- cell_metadata[, .(
  image_name = core,
  cell_id = id,
  neighbors_number = Number_Neighbors,
  neighbors_percent_touching = Percent_Touching,
  cell_area = Area,
  cell_perimeter = Perimeter,
  cell_eccentricity = Eccentricity,
  cell_euler_number = EulerNumber,
  cell_extent = Extent,
  cell_major_axis_length = MajorAxisLength,
  cell_minor_axis_length = MinorAxisLength,
  cell_orientation = Orientation,
  cell_solidity = Solidity

# Add single-cell locations
locations <- locations[, .(
  cell_id = id,
  cell_x = Location_Center_X,
  cell_y = Location_Center_Y
cell_metadata <- merge(cell_metadata, locations, by = "cell_id")

# Add clusters
clusters <- clusters[, .(
  cell_id = id,
  cell_cluster_phenograph = PhenoGraph,
  cell_metacluster = cluster
cell_metadata <- merge(cell_metadata, clusters, by = "cell_id")

# Add sample and patient metadata
cell_meta <- cell_meta[, image_number := 1:.N]

# Rename columns
cell_meta <- cell_meta[, .(
  image_name = core,
  image_number = image_number,
  cells_per_image = Count_Cells,
  image_width = Width_FullStack,
  image_height = Height_FullStack,
  image_area = area,
  image_filename = FileName_FullStack,
  image_sum_area_cells = sum_area_cells,
  image_percent_tumor_cells = X.tumorcells,
  image_percent_normal_epithelial_cells = X.normalepithelialcells,
  image_percent_stroma = X.stroma,
  image_percent_inflammatory_cells = X.inflammatorycells,
  patient_id = PID,
  patient_age = age,
  patient_gender = gender,
  patient_status = Patientstatus,
  patient_disease_status = diseasestatus,
  pateint_menopausal = menopausal,
  patient_DFS_months = DFSmonth,
  patient_OS_months = OSmonth,
  patient_year_sample_collection = Yearofsamplecollection,
  TMA_location = TMALocation,
  TMA_x = TMAxlocation,
  TMA_y = yLocation,
  TMA_block_label = TMABlocklabel,
  TMA_UBTMA_location = UBTMAlocation,
  tumor_grade = grade,
  tumor_type = tumor_type,
  tumor_subtype = Subtype,
  tumor_clinical_type = clinical_type,
  tumor_location = location,
  tumor_size = tumor_size,
  tumor_primary_site = PrimarySite,
  tumor_primary_diagnosis = Ptdiagnosis,
  tumor_ER_status = ERStatus,
  tumor_HER2_status = HER2Status,
  tumor_HR_status = HR,
  tumor_PR_status = PRStatus,
  tumor_ERpos_ductal_ca = ER.DuctalCa,
  tumor_triple_neg_ductal = TripleNegDuctal,
  tumor_hormone_sensitive = hormonesensitive,
  tumor_hormone_resistant_after_sensitive = hormoneresistantaftersenstive,
  tumor_I_plus_neg = I_plus_neg,
  tumor_PTNM_M = PTNM_M,
  tumor_PTNM_N = PTNM_N,
  tumor_PTNM_T = PTNM_T,
  tumor_PTNM_radicality = PTNM_Radicality,
  tumor_microinvasion = microinvasion,
  tumor_lymphatic_invation = Lymphaticinvasion,
  tumor_venous_invasion = Venousinvasion,
  tumor_SN = SN,
  tumor_histology = histology,
  tumor_pre_surgery_Tx_type = Pre.surgeryTx,
  tumor_post_surgery_Tx_type = Post.surgeryTx,
  tumor_post_surgery_Tx = Post_surgeryTx,
  tumor_response = response

cell_meta[tumor_HER2_status == "+", ]$tumor_HER2_status <- "positive"
cell_meta[tumor_HER2_status == "-", ]$tumor_HER2_status <- "negative"
cell_meta[tumor_HER2_status == "", ]$tumor_HER2_status <- NA

We specify the cohort (Zurich or Basel), and merge the two cell metadata data frames.

# Specify the cohort of origin
cell_meta$patient_cohort <- ""
cell_meta[grep("BaselTMA", image_name), ]$patient_cohort <- "Basel"
cell_meta[grep("ZTMA", image_name), ]$patient_cohort <- "Zurich"

# Merg the data frames
cell_metadata <- merge(cell_metadata, cell_meta,
                       by = "image_name", all.x = TRUE)
cell_metadata <- DataFrame(cell_metadata)

Finally, we add unique cell ids as row names, add cell numbers, and order the cell metadata object based on image_number and cell_number.

# Cell ids are used as row names
cell_metadata$cell_number <- as.integer(sub(".*_", "", cell_metadata$cell_id))
cell_metadata$cell_id <- paste(cell_metadata$image_name,
                               cell_metadata$cell_number, sep = "_")
rownames(cell_metadata) <- cell_metadata$cell_id

# Rows are ordered by image and cell numbers
cell_metadata <- cell_metadata[order(cell_metadata$image_number,
                                     cell_metadata$cell_number), ]

Marker metadata

Here, we will collect all marker-related information and collect it in a DataFrame that will constitute the rowData slot of the SingleCellExperiment object.

We first rename markers for consistency with other datasets.

# Exclude gas channels
gas_channels <- c("Hg", "In115", "I127", "Pb", "Xe", "Ar")
cells <- cells[!grepl(paste(gas_channels, collapse = "|"), cells$channel),
               .(image_name = core, cell_id = id, channel, counts = mc_counts)]

# Fix marker and metal names
cells[, full_name := sub(".*Di ", "", channel)]
cells[, metal := sub("Di .*", "", channel)]
cells[, weight := sub(".*[A-Za-z ]", "", metal)]
cells[, metal := gsub("[0-9]+", "", metal)]
cells[, metal := paste0(metal, weight)]

cells[full_name == "Rutheni", `:=` (short_name = metal, full_name = metal)]
cells[full_name == "Iridium", `:=` (short_name = metal, full_name = metal)]

# Add missing metal info
cells[full_name == "phospho Histone", `:=` (
  metal = "Eu153", full_name = "phospho-Histone H3 [S28]",
  short_name = "p_H3")]
cells[full_name == "phospho S6", `:=` (
  metal = "Er170", full_name = "phospho-S6 [S235/S236]",
  short_name = "p_S6")]
cells[full_name == "phospho mTOR", `:=` (
  metal = "Yb173", full_name = "phospho-mTOR [S2448]",
  short_name = "p_mTOR")]

# Clarify unclear names
cells[full_name == "cleaved", `:=` (
  full_name = "cleaved-PARP + cleaved-Caspase3", short_name = "cPARP_cCASP3")]
cells[full_name == "cerbB", `:=` (
  full_name = "Epidermal growth factor receptor-2", short_name = "HER2")]
cells[full_name == "Carboni", `:=` (
  full_name = "Carbonic anhydrase IX", short_name = "CA9")]

cells[metal == "In113", `:=` (full_name = "Histone H3", short_name = "H3")]
cells[metal == "La139", `:=` (full_name = "H3K27me3",
                              short_name = "H3K27me3")]
cells[metal == "Pr141", `:=` (full_name = "Cytokeratin 5",
                              short_name = "KRT5")]
cells[metal == "Nd142", `:=` (full_name = "Fibronectin", short_name = "FN1")]
cells[metal == "Nd143", `:=` (full_name = "Cytokeratin 19",
                              short_name = "KRT19")]
cells[metal == "Nd144", `:=` (full_name = "Cytokeratin 8/18",
                              short_name = "KRT8_18")]
cells[metal == "Nd145", `:=` (full_name = "Twist", short_name = "TWIST1")]
cells[metal == "Sm147", `:=` (full_name = "Cytokeratin 14",
                              short_name = "KRT14")]
cells[metal == "Nd148", `:=` (full_name = "Smooth muscle actin",
                              short_name = "SMA")]
cells[metal == "Sm149", `:=` (full_name = "Vimentin", short_name = "VIM")]
cells[metal == "Nd150", `:=` (full_name = "c-Myc", short_name = "c_Myc")]
cells[metal == "Sm152", `:=` (full_name = "CD3 epsilon", short_name = "CD3e")]
cells[metal == "Gd155", `:=` (full_name = "Slug", short_name = "SNAI2")]
cells[metal == "Tb159", `:=` (full_name = "p53", short_name = "p53")]
cells[metal == "Gd156", `:=` (full_name = "Estrogen receptor alpha",
                              short_name = "ERa")]
cells[metal == "Gd158", `:=` (full_name = "Progesterone receptor A/B",
                              short_name = "PGR")]
cells[metal == "Ho165", `:=` (full_name = "Beta-catenin",
                              short_name = "CTNNB")]
cells[metal == "Er167", `:=` (full_name = "E-Cadherin", short_name = "CDH1")]
cells[metal == "Er168", `:=` (full_name = "Ki-67", short_name = "Ki67")]
cells[metal == "Tm169", `:=` (full_name = "Epidermal growth factor receptor",
                         short_name = "EGFR")]
cells[metal == "Yb171", `:=` (full_name = "Transcription factor SOX-9",
                              short_name = "SOX9")]
cells[metal == "Yb172", `:=` (full_name = "von Willebrand factor",
                              short_name = "vWF")]
cells[metal == "Yb174", `:=` (full_name = "Cytokeratin 7",
                              short_name = "KRT7")]
cells[metal == "Lu175", `:=` (full_name = "Pan-cytokeratin",
                              short_name = "PanCK")]
cells[metal == "Ir191", `:=` (full_name = "Iridium 191", short_name = "DNA1")]
cells[metal == "Ir193", `:=` (full_name = "Iridium 193", short_name = "DNA2")]

# Add missing short names
cells[full_name %in% c("CD68", "p53", "CD44", "CD45", "GATA3", "CD20", "EpCAM"),
      short_name := full_name]

# Ruthenium channels
cells[startsWith(full_name, "Ru"),
      full_name := gsub("Ru", "Ruthenium ", full_name)]

We then import the panel and fix antibody clone names.

cells$name <- cells$channel

# Select columns
panel <- panel[, .(
  channel = FullStack,
  metal = `Metal Tag`,
  antibody_clone = `Antibody Clone`

# Fix antibody clones names
panel[metal == "Gd158", antibody_clone := "EP2 + SP2"]
panel[metal == "Yb176", antibody_clone := "F21-852 + C92-605"]
panel <- panel[!duplicated(metal), ]
panel <- panel[metal %in% unique(cells$metal)]
panel[antibody_clone == "", antibody_clone := NA]
panel[metal == "Sm147", `:=` (antibody_clone = "polyclonal_CK14")]
panel[metal == "Eu153", `:=` (antibody_clone = "HTA28")]
panel[metal == "Gd156", `:=` (antibody_clone = "polyclonal_anti_rabbit_IgG")]
panel[metal == "Er167", `:=` (antibody_clone = "36/E-Cadherin")]
panel[metal == "Yb172", `:=` (antibody_clone = "polyclonal_vWF")]

# Merge all panel information
panel <- merge(unique(cells[, .(metal, name, full_name, short_name)]),
               panel, by = "metal")

Finally, we convert the panel table to a DataFrame and add target short_names as row names.

panel <- panel[order(panel$channel), ]
panel <- as(panel, "DataFrame")
rownames(panel) <- panel$short_name

Counts matrix

Here, we will prepare the counts matrix that will be stored in the assay slot of the SingleCellExperiment object.

We extract marker expression values from the cells table and convert them to a matrix. We then order the counts matrix by cell_id and short_name. We then convert cell_id to the {image_number _ cell_number} format for consistency with other datasets.

# Filter "cells" data frame
cells <- cells[!$short_name), ]
cells <- cells[cells$image_name %in% cell_metadata$image_name, ]

# Create count matrix
counts <-, "cell_id ~ short_name",
                           value.var = "counts")
row_names <- counts$cell_id
counts[, cell_id := NULL]
counts <- as.matrix(counts, rownames = NULL)
rownames(counts) <- row_names

counts <- counts[order(match(rownames(counts), rownames(cell_metadata))),
                 order(match(colnames(counts), rownames(panel)))]

# Add cell_id
cell_metadata$cell_id <- paste(cell_metadata$image_number,
                               cell_metadata$cell_number, sep = "_")
rownames(cell_metadata) <- cell_metadata$cell_id

rownames(counts) <- rownames(cell_metadata)

Create SingleCellExperiment object

Create the object

We have now obtained all metadata and feature data to create the SingleCellExperiment object.

sce <- SingleCellExperiment(
  assays = list(counts = t(counts)),
  rowData = panel,
  colData = cell_metadata

Counts transformations

We apply two different counts transformations: - exprs: arcsinh-transformed counts (cofactor = 1). - quant_norm: censored + quantile-normalized counts.

assay(sce, "exprs") <- asinh(counts(sce) / 1)

quant <- apply(assay(sce, "counts"), 1, quantile, probs = 0.99, na.rm = TRUE)
assay(sce, "quant_norm") <- apply(assay(sce, "counts"), 2,
                                  function(x) x / quant)
assay(sce, "quant_norm")[assay(sce, "quant_norm") > 1] <- 1
assay(sce, "quant_norm")[assay(sce, "quant_norm") < 0] <- 0

Subset patients and images

We first subset the Zurich cohort to one image per patient.

sce_zurich <- sce[, sce$patient_cohort == "Zurich"]
mainExpName(sce_zurich) <- paste(dataset_name, "Zurich", dataset_version,
    sep = "_")

# Randomly select one image per patient
coldata_zurich <-
image_sub_zurich <- coldata_zurich[
    coldata_zurich[, .I[sample(.N, 1)], by = patient_id]$V1]$image_name

# Select 100 patients from the Zurich cohort
sce_zurich <- sce_zurich[, sce_zurich$image_name %in% image_sub_zurich]

For the Basel cohort, we select a set of a hundred patients as an example dataset. For consistency, the selection is based on a subsetting vector obtained from the first imcdatasets version.

image_sub_basel <- c("BaselTMA_SP41_257_X3Y1", "BaselTMA_SP41_166_X15Y4",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_153_X7Y5", "BaselTMA_SP41_58_X15Y1", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_135_X8Y5", "BaselTMA_SP41_220_X10Y5", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_284_X7Y2", "BaselTMA_SP41_18_X13Y5",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_42_X14Y5", "BaselTMA_SP41_141_X11Y2",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_177_X16Y5", "BaselTMA_SP41_45_X3Y3",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_117_X13Y3", "BaselTMA_SP41_57_X8Y6",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_227_X9Y6", "BaselTMA_SP41_234_X10Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_86_X15Y3", "BaselTMA_SP41_214_X15Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_237_X16Y6", "BaselTMA_SP41_61_X3Y4",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_186_X5Y4", "BaselTMA_SP41_38_X4Y7",
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_114_X13Y4", "BaselTMA_SP41_11_X13Y7", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_112_X5Y8", "BaselTMA_SP41_53_X6Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_129_X7Y8", "BaselTMA_SP41_203_X8Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_101_X10Y8", "BaselTMA_SP41_255_X12Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_267_X13Y8", "BaselTMA_SP41_48_X14Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP41_212_X1Y9", "BaselTMA_SP41_63_X4Y9", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_13_X5Y8", "BaselTMA_SP42_51_X1Y2", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_120_X5Y2", "BaselTMA_SP42_217_X1Y3", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_10_X1Y5", "BaselTMA_SP42_160_X13Y5", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_98_X11Y5", "BaselTMA_SP42_91_X11Y3", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_192_X8Y5", "BaselTMA_SP42_185_X7Y5",
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_145_X1Y4", "BaselTMA_SP42_16_X3Y4", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_275_X5Y4", "BaselTMA_SP42_89_X4Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_56_X2Y6", "BaselTMA_SP42_130_X1Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_136_X9Y4", "BaselTMA_SP42_158_X12Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_261_X11Y6", "BaselTMA_SP42_174_X9Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_279_X14Y6", "BaselTMA_SP42_152_X15Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_176_X3Y7", "BaselTMA_SP42_99_X5Y7", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_273_X6Y7", "BaselTMA_SP42_5_X8Y7", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_236_X11Y7", "BaselTMA_SP42_169_X3Y8",
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_184_X6Y8", "BaselTMA_SP42_71_X8Y8",
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_179_X13Y8", "BaselTMA_SP42_163_X1Y9", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP42_59_X3Y9", "BaselTMA_SP43_87_X15Y4", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_142_X5Y1", "BaselTMA_SP43_17_X11Y4", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_233_X13Y7", "BaselTMA_SP43_243_X13Y3", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_278_X3Y2", "BaselTMA_SP43_124_X10Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_180_X5Y2", "BaselTMA_SP43_4_X15Y3", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_118_X13Y5", "BaselTMA_SP43_119_X9Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_266_X7Y8", "BaselTMA_SP43_122_X12Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_49_X1Y5", "BaselTMA_SP43_244_X3Y1", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_47_X16Y4", "BaselTMA_SP43_200_X9Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_90_X7Y6", "BaselTMA_SP43_147_X6Y6",
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_207_X1Y6", "BaselTMA_SP43_93_X15Y5", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_97_X16Y6", "BaselTMA_SP43_66_X15Y6", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_235_X11Y2", "BaselTMA_SP43_107_X4Y7", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_170_X3Y3", "BaselTMA_SP43_209_X11Y1", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_50_X7Y1", "BaselTMA_SP43_43_X5Y5", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_199_X8Y5", "BaselTMA_SP43_115_X4Y8", 
                     "BaselTMA_SP43_226_X6Y9", "BaselTMA_SP43_269_X5Y9")
# Subset the Basel cohort
sce_basel <- sce[, sce$patient_cohort == "Basel"]
mainExpName(sce_basel) <- paste(dataset_name, "Basel", dataset_version,
    sep = "_")

# Select 100 patients based on the subsetting vector above
sce_basel <- sce_basel[, sce_basel$image_name %in% image_sub_basel]

Save on disk

We save the SingleCellExperiment object for upload to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub").

# Full dataset
mainExpName(sce) <- paste(dataset_name, "FULL", dataset_version, sep = "_")
saveRDS(sce, file.path(outdir, "sce_full.rds"))

# Subampled Basel cohort
saveRDS(sce_basel, file.path(outdir, "sce_basel.rds"))

# Zurich cohort
saveRDS(sce_zurich, file.path(outdir, "sce_zurich.rds"))

Clean up

Finally, we remove the downloaded files and generated objects to save storage space.

remove(cells, cell_metadata, spatial, counts, locations, clusters, row_names)

file.remove(file.path(workdir, "Basel_SC_locations.csv"),
            file.path(workdir, "Zurich_SC_locations.csv"))
unlink(file.path(workdir, "Data_publication"), recursive = TRUE)
unlink(file.path(workdir, "Cluster_labels"), recursive = TRUE)

Images and masks

Here, we will download multichannel images from [@JacksonFischer-2020-BreastCancer], as well as the corresponding cell segmentation masks. Images and masks correspond to the data in the SingleCellExperiment object and will be formatted into CytoImageList objects.

Download images and masks

We download the zip file containing images and masks.

# Download images and masks
url_images <- ("")
importData(url_images, workdir, "")

Cell segmentation masks

We will import and process cell segmentation masks to make them compatible with the cytomapper package.

Import masks

We unzip cell segmentation masks and read them into a CytoImageList object.

# Unzip
fn <- file.path("OMEnMasks", "")
system2("unzip", args = c("-o", file.path(workdir, fn),
                          "-d", workdir),
        stdout = TRUE)

# Load all masks
masks <- loadImages(file.path(workdir, "Basel_Zuri_masks"),
                    pattern = "_full_maks.tiff")

# Clean-up
tiffs_delete <- list.files(file.path(workdir, "Basel_Zuri_masks"))
file.remove(file.path(workdir, "Basel_Zuri_masks", tiffs_delete))
file.remove(file.path(workdir, fn))


The masks are 16-bit images and need to be re-scaled in order to obtain integer cell ids.

# Before scaling

masks <- scaleImages(masks, value = (2 ^ 16) - 1)

# After scaling

Fix cell IDs

Occasionally a single-cell ID is skipped in the masks but in the single-cell data the cell numbers were renamed sequentially. Therefore, the single-cell IDs in the masks also have to renamed sequentially in order to correspond to the cell numbers from the single-cell data.

# Rename single-cell IDs sequentially in each mask
for (n in names(masks)){
  imageData(masks[[n]]) = plyr::mapvalues(

Add mask names

Next, we add image names to masks objects, these names correspond to the image_name column in colData(sce). This information is stored in the metadata columns of the CytoImageList objects and is used by cytomapper to match single cell data, images and masks.

names(masks) <- gsub("_full_maks", "_full.tiff", names(masks))
mcols(masks)$image_filename <- names(masks)
masks <- masks[names(masks) %in% sce$image_filename]

# Add image metadata
mcols(masks) <- merge(
  unique(colData(sce)[, c(
      "image_filename", "image_name", "image_number")]),
  by = "image_filename")

Create cohort-specific subsets

We create two objects containing the masks from the Basel and Zurich cohorts.

We subset the masks to the hundred images contained in the SingleCellExperiment objects.

# Basel cohort
masks_basel <- masks[grep("BaselTMA", names(masks))]
masks_basel <- masks_basel[names(masks_basel) %in% unique(

names(masks_basel) <- mcols(masks_basel)$image_name

# Zurich cohort
masks_zurich <- masks[grep("ZTMA", names(masks))]
masks_zurich <- masks_zurich[names(masks_zurich) %in% unique(

names(masks_zurich) <- mcols(masks_zurich)$image_name

# All masks
names(masks) <- mcols(masks)$image_name

Save on disk

Finally, we will save the generated CytoImageList objects for uploading to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub").

# All masks
saveRDS(masks, file.path(outdir, "masks_full.rds"))

# Basel cohort
saveRDS(masks_basel, file.path(outdir, "masks_basel.rds"))

# Zurich cohort
saveRDS(masks_zurich, file.path(outdir, "masks_zurich.rds"))

Multichannel images

We will import and process multichannel images to make them compatible with the cytomapper package.

For memory space reasons, we will generate one image subset for the Basel cohort and one for the Zurich cohort. The images will be subsetted to correspond to the single cell data in the sce_basel and sce_zurich objects. We will first process images from the Basel cohort and then repeat the same steps for the Zurich cohort.

Import images

We unzip images and read them into a CytoImageList object.

fn <- file.path("OMEnMasks", "")
system2("unzip", args = c("-o", file.path(workdir, fn),
                          "-d", workdir),
        stdout = TRUE)

Loading all tiffs would require too much memory, so we delete all the tiff files that we do not want to keep. We then use the loadImages function of the cytomapper package to read the images into a CytoImageList object.

tiffs_all <- list.files(file.path(workdir, "ome/"))
tiff_delete <- tiffs_all[!tiffs_all %in% sce_basel$image_filename]
file.remove(file.path(workdir, "ome/", tiff_delete))

# Load the images as a CytoImageList object
images_basel <- loadImages(file.path(workdir, "ome/"), pattern = "_full.tiff")
file.remove(file.path(workdir, "ome/", tiffs_all))

Add image names and numbers

Next, we add image names to image objects, these names correspond to the image_name column in colData(sce). This information is stored in the metadata columns of the CytoImageList objects and is used by cytomapper to match single cell data, images and masks.

mcols(images_basel)$image_filename <- paste0(names(images_basel), ".tiff")
images_basel <- images_basel[
    mcols(images_basel)$image_filename %in% sce_basel$image_filename]
mcols(images_basel) <- merge(
  unique(colData(sce_basel)[, c(
      "image_filename", "image_name", "image_number")]),
  by = "image_filename")

Subset channels

Here, we exclude image channels that are not present in the SingleCellExperiment object.

panel <- rowData(sce)
panel <- panel[order(panel$channel), ]

images_basel <- getChannels(images_basel, panel$channel)

Add channel names

Finally, we will add protein short names as channel names of the images object. These short names correspond to the row names of the SingleCellExperiment object and to the short_name column of rowData(sce).

channelNames(images_basel) <- rownames(panel)

Check image names

We make sure that image names and masks names are the same so that they can be matched with cytomapper.

names(images_basel) <- mcols(images_basel)$image_name

Save on disk

Finally, we save the generated CytoImageList images for uploading to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub").

saveRDS(images_basel, file.path(outdir, "images_basel.rds"))


Zurich cohort

To import and format images from the Zurich cohort, we perform the exact same steps as we just did for the Basel cohort.

Unzip images

system2("unzip", args = c("-o", file.path(workdir, fn),
                          "-d", workdir),
        stdout = TRUE)

Loading all tiffs would require too much memory, so we delete all the tiff files that we do not want to keep. We then use the loadImages function of the cytomapper package to read the images into a CytoImageList object.

tiffs_all <- list.files(file.path(workdir, "ome/"))
tiff_delete <- tiffs_all[!tiffs_all %in% sce_zurich$image_filename]
file.remove(file.path(workdir, "ome/", tiff_delete))

# Load the images as a CytoImageList object
images_zurich <- loadImages(file.path(workdir, "ome/"), pattern = "_full.tiff")
file.remove(file.path(workdir, "ome/", tiffs_all))

Next, we add image names to image objects, these names correspond to the image_name column in colData(sce). This information is stored in the metadata columns of the CytoImageList objects and is used by cytomapper to match single cell data, images and masks.

mcols(images_zurich)$image_filename <- paste0(names(images_zurich), ".tiff")
images_zurich <- images_zurich[
    mcols(images_zurich)$image_filename %in% sce_zurich$image_filename]
mcols(images_zurich) <- merge(
  unique(colData(sce_zurich)[, c(
      "image_filename", "image_name", "image_number")]),
  by = "image_filename")

Here, we exclude image channels that are not present in the SingleCellExperiment object.

panel <- rowData(sce)
panel <- panel[order(panel$channel), ]

images_zurich <- getChannels(images_zurich, panel$channel)

We add protein short names as channel names of the images object. These short names correspond to the row names of the SingleCellExperiment object and to the short_name column of rowData(sce).

channelNames(images_zurich) <- rownames(panel)

We make sure that image names and masks names are the same so that they can be matched with cytomapper.

names(images_zurich) <- mcols(images_zurich)$image_name

Finally, we save the generated CytoImageList images and masks objects for uploading to r Biocpkg("ExperimentHub").

saveRDS(images_zurich, file.path(outdir, "images_zurich.rds"))


Clean up

Remove all files from the temporary working directory.

downloaded_files <- list.files(workdir)
downloaded_files <- downloaded_files[!downloaded_files %in% "BiocStyle"]
unlink(file.path(workdir, downloaded_files), recursive = TRUE)

# Reset original timeout value
options(timeout = timeout)

Session information



BodenmillerGroup/imcdatasets documentation built on March 20, 2024, 9:24 a.m.