crssi_create_dnf_files: Create CRSS Natural Flow Input Files From Historical Record

View source: R/crssi_create_dnf_files.R

crssi_create_dnf_filesR Documentation

Create CRSS Natural Flow Input Files From Historical Record


crssi_create_dnf_files() creates the natural flow input files used by the Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) by applying the Index Sequential Method (ISM) to the historical natural flow record (or a subset of the historical record). crssi_create_dnf_files() is a convenience function that wraps the process of getting/formatting data (crss_nf() + sac_year_type_get() + crssi()), applying ISM (ism()), changing the dates to CRSS' future start year (reindex()), and then writing out the files (write_crssi()).


  oFiles = nf_file_names(),
  recordToUse = NA,
  overwriteFiles = FALSE



Either the string '"CoRiverNF"“, or the relative or absolute path to the excel workbook. When "CoRiverNF" is used, the data from the CoRiverNF data package is used. Otherwise, it should be a valid path to the natural flow Excel workbook.


Path to the top level directory where the trace folders and input files will be created. This folder should exist before using this function.


The year to start the trace files in. Data will be trimmed to start in this year.


The final year of data the trace files will contain.


A matrix of the file names (input into CRSS). The default uses nf_file_names(). This must be specified in the correct order, i.e., the same order as the nodes in the input Excel file.


The start and end dates of the natural flow record to perform ISM, if using something besides the full record. If it is NA, the full record will be used. Otherwise, it should be a vector of length 2, where the first entry is the start date and the second entry is the end date. The vector should be of type zoo::yearmon, and begin in January of some year, and end in December of some year.


Boolean. Should existing files be overwritten.


Input Data: The input data can be read from the natural flow workbook available at or from the CoRiverNF data package. It is much faster to use the data package rather than the Excel workbook, and the files created from the two sources will match identically if they are from the same natural flow release.

Other Files: In addition to creating the natural flow input files, data for two four other slots are also created. See write_crssi().

Scenario Number: The scenario number in crssi objects provides the user with a numeric representation of which supply scenario is used. The observed historical natural flows (used by this function) are supply scenario 1. For this supply scenario, the decimals of the supply scenario number represent the start and end year that the ISM method are applied to. For example, if you set recordToUse to c('1988-1','2012-12'), the decimal portion will be 19882012, where the first 4 numbers represent the start year and the second four numbers represent the end year. The supply scenario slot will be set to 1.19882012 in this example. This tells the user of CRSS that the supply scenario is the observed historical natural flows with the ISM method applied to the 1988-2012 data.


Invisibly returns crssi object.

See Also

nf_file_names(), crssi(), write_crssi()


## Not run: 
# will create 20 years for 25 traces based on the 1988-2012 record:
  startYear = 2017, 
  endYear = 2036, 
  recordToUse = zoo::as.yearmon(c('1988-1','2012-12'))

# path to excel file
iFile <- 'user/docs/NaturalFlows1906-2012_withExtensions_1.8.15.xlsx'
# will create 50 years for 107 traces based on the full (1906-2012) record:
  startYear = 2015, 
  endYear = 2064

# crssi_create_dnf_files() is a convenient wrapper around other functions
# in CRSSIO. The following should produce the same output. This would create
# the "stress test hydrology", which applies ISM to the 1988-present 
# hydrology
# wrapper: 
  startYear = 2020, 
  endYear = 2024, 
  recordToUse = zoo::as.yearmon(c('1988-1','2018-12'))

# individual steps:
# get data
flow <- CoRiverNF::monthlyInt["1988/2018"]
sac_yt <- sac_year_type_get()["1988/2018"]

# create crssi object
nf <- crssi(crss_nf(flow), sac_yt, scen_number = 1.19882018)

# apply ism
nf <- ism(nf, n_years_keep = 5)

# change times to start in 2020
nf <- reindex(nf, 2020)

# write the files
write_crssi(nf, "folder2/")

## End(Not run)

BoulderCodeHub/CRSSIO documentation built on July 2, 2023, 5:15 p.m.