sys_cond_table: Create standard CRSS system conditions table

crsso_get_sys_cond_tableR Documentation

Create standard CRSS system conditions table


Create the standard system conditions table (crsso_get_sys_cond_table()) using the prespecified set of CRSS slots (sys_cond_rwa())


crsso_get_sys_cond_table(zz, yrs)





Full data for all years/traces necessary for creating System Conditions table. zz should be a data frame returned from RWDataPlyr::getDataForAllScens() that contains all of the 17 variables necessary to create the system conditions table.


Vector of years to provide the system conditions for. Ex: 2017:2020


crsso_get_sys_cond_table() creates the standard system conditions table that is commonly created from CRSS results, e.g., slide 6 at The table reports the percent of traces that simulate various system conditions, e.g., Lake Powell operating tiers, through time.

sys_cond_matrix() is included for use with RWDataPlyr <= v0.5.0. It is a convenience function to save the user from having to routinely recreate the information to pass to RWDataPlyr::createSlotAggList() when creating the system conditions table. The matrix returned by sys_cond_matrix() contains all of the slots and their corresponding variable names that are expected in crsso_get_sys_cond_table(). This matrix should be passed to RWDataPlyr::createSlotAggList() to create the necessary slot aggregation list that RWDataPlyr::getDataForAllScens() uses. Since crsso_get_sys_cond_table() expects a specific set of variable names, this function ensures the slots from CRSS are correctly mapped to those expected variables.

sys_cond_rwa() is a convenience function to save the user from having to routinely recreate the RWDataPlyr::rwd_agg object that is necessary to create the standard CRSS system conditions table. The object returned by sys_cond_rwa() contains all of the slots and their corresponding variable names that are expected in crsso_get_sys_cond_table(). This RWDataPlyr::rwd_agg object should be passed to RWDataPlyr::rdf_aggregate() to aggregate the necessary data for crsso_get_sys_cond_table(), which expects a specific set of variable names. This function ensures the slots from CRSS are correctly mapped to those expected variables.


crsso_get_sys_cond_table() returns a named list with two matrices, i.e., system condition tables. The first matrix (fullTable) includes the system conditions for the specified years including the breakout of Lower Elevation Balancing releases. The second matrix (limitedTable) includes the system conditions without the Lower Elevation Balancing breakout.

sys_cond_matrix() returns a 17x5 character matrix.

sys_cond_rwa() returns a RWDataPlyr::rwd_agg object.


# use RWDataPlyr package to get the data for the system conditions table
rwa <- sys_cond_rwa()
scenFolder <- "ISM1988_2014,2007Dems,IG,Most"
scenName <- "scenA"
scenPath <- system.file('extdata','Scenario/',package = 'RWDataPlyr')
sysData <- RWDataPlyr::rdf_aggregate(
  rdf_dir = file.path(scenPath, scenFolder),
  scenario = scenName

sysCondTable <- crsso_get_sys_cond_table(sysData, 2018:2022)

# print out the limited table

BoulderCodeHub/CRSSIO documentation built on July 2, 2023, 5:15 p.m.