
#' CoRiverNF: A data only package containing natural flow data for the Colorado 
#' River Basin
#' The CoRiverNF package provides total and intervening natural flow data for 29 
#' locations in the Colorado River Basin.  
#' Natural flow represents the flow that would have  occurred at a location, had 
#' depletions and reservoir regulation not been present upstream of that 
#' location. The total natural flow represents the total flow in the entire 
#' basin above a given gage. The intervening natural flow represents only the 
#' flow that originates upstream of a given gage, but below all upstream gage 
#' locations. 
#' The package provides 6 different data sets:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Monthly total natural flow (\code{\link{monthlyTot}})
#'   \item Monthly intervening natural flow (\code{\link{monthlyInt}})
#'   \item Calendar year total natural flow (\code{\link{cyAnnTot}})
#'   \item Calendar year intervening natural flow (\code{\link{cyAnnInt}})
#'   \item Water year total natural flow (\code{\link{wyAnnTot}})
#'   \item Water year intervening natural flow (\code{\link{wyAnnInt}})
#' }
#' The data are stored as [xts::xts] objects. See 
#' `vignette('CoRivNatFlow', package = 'CoRiverNF')` for examples of taking 
#' advantage of this object type.
#' The natural flows are recomputed annually and are subject to change without 
#' notice. All methods are fully desribed at 
#' \url{http://www.usbr.gov/lc/region/g4000/NaturalFlow/current.html.}
#' @source \url{http://www.usbr.gov/lc/region/g4000/NaturalFlow/current.html}
#' @docType package
#' @name CoRiverNF
BoulderCodeHub/CoRiverNF documentation built on April 28, 2023, 4:15 a.m.