Man pages for BrandonEdwards/bbsBayes
Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of North American BBS Data

bbsBayes-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'bbsBayes'.
bird_sampleSample point count data per species (Pacific Wren only)
extract_index_dataExtract index data
fetch_bbs_dataFetch Breeding Bird Survey dataset
generate_indicesGenerate regional annual indices of abundance continent and...
generate_mapGenerate a map of trends by strata.
generate_trendsGenerate regional trends continent and strata and optionally...
geofacet_plotGenerate a geofacet plot of population trajectories by...
get_composite_regionsGet the area of each strata
get_final_valuesGet final values of JAGS model
get_mcmc_listObtain MCMC list from jagsUI object
get_prepared_dataGet the prepared species dataset used for JAGS
get_species_aouGet BBS numerical code of a species
get_strata_areaGet the area of each strata
load_bbs_dataLoad Breeding Bird Survey dataset into R Session
load_mapLoad a map of of the geographic strata.
load_sample_dataLoad Sample Breeding Bird Survey dataset into R Session
lppdCalculate log posterior predictive density
model_to_fileSave model to text file
plot_indicesGenerate plots of index trajectories by stratum
prepare_dataWrangle data to use for modelling input
r_hatGenerate Gelman-Rubin's R-Hat statistic
route_sampleSample route data per year run (Pacific Wren only)
run_modelRun JAGS model for prepared species data
species_sampleSample North American bird species list (Pacific Wren only)
stratifyStratify raw Breeding Bird Survey data
BrandonEdwards/bbsBayes documentation built on March 3, 2023, 9:55 a.m.