stratify: Stratify raw Breeding Bird Survey data

View source: R/stratify.R

stratifyR Documentation

Stratify raw Breeding Bird Survey data


Assigns each bird count data point and each route a strata based on its geographic location and the stratification as specified by the user.


  by = NULL,
  sample_data = FALSE,
  bbs_data = NULL,
  lump_species_forms = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  stratify_by = NULL



String argument of stratification type. Options are "state", "bcr", "latlong", "bbs_cws", "bbs_usgs"


Should just sample data (just Pacific Wren) be used? Defaults to FALSE.


Raw BBS data saved as a list of 3 data frames. Not necessary if you have already run fetch_bbs_data


Logical, default is TRUE, indicating that for species with multiple forms, the "unidentified" form is replaced by the sum of observations for all forms (including the original unidentified obs). The underlying BBS database includes separate data for each form, and these separate forms are retained with their original names. The original unidentified category for observations that were not specific to a particular form are replaced by the combined observations. If the user wishes to keep the unidentified form separate, this can be set to FALSE


Should progress bars be suppressed?


Deprecated in favour of 'by'


Large list (3 elements) consisting of:


Dataframe of stratified bird data


Dataframe of stratified route data


Dataframe of stratified species data


Argument used for stratification


# Toy examples using Pacific Wren sample data

# Stratify by CWS USGS stratifications
data_strat <- stratify(by = "bbs_usgs", sample_data = TRUE)

# Stratify by Bird Conservation Regions only
data_strat <- stratify(by = "bcr", sample_data = TRUE)

# Stratify by CWS BBS stratifications
data_strat <- stratify(by = "bbs_cws", sample_data = TRUE)

# Stratify by State/Province/Territory only
data_strat <- stratify(by = "state", sample_data = TRUE)

# Stratify by blocks of 1 degree of latitude X 1 degree of longitude
data_strat <- stratify(by = "latlong", sample_data = TRUE)

# To stratify the entire dataset, simply set the sample_data = FALSE,
# or drop that argument altogher. The function then requires fetch_bbs_data()
# to have been run (takes about 10 minutes). Stratification of the entire dataset
# may take up to 3 minutes.

BrandonEdwards/bbsBayes documentation built on Aug. 11, 2024, 9:33 a.m.