
Defines functions coverage.rand

#' Calculate the proportion of a square species range that is covered by a
#' random reserve network
#' @param res.num logical square matrix, with row/column dimension `PR.x`,
#'    indicating which of the planning units within the planning region are
#'    reserves
#' @param range.x length of one side of the species range
#' @param PR.x number of planning units along the side of the planning region
#' @param c1 length-2 vector giving the lower left coordinate of the species 
#'    range. Defaults to a random location in the planning region
#' @return fraction of the species range that is included in reserves
#' @details There appears to be no error checking to ensure that the whole 
#'    species range is within the planning region. In fact, it seems that the 
#'    upper bound on c1 should be `PR.x - range.x`. 
coverage.rand <-
function(res.num, range.x, PR.x, c1 = runif(2, 1, PR.x)) {
  c2 = c1 + range.x
  cf1 = floor(c1)
  cf2 = floor(c2)
  if (range.x < 1) {
    if (cf1[1] == cf2[1]) {
      if (cf1[2] == cf2[2]) { # Range entirely w/in one PU
        frac = res.num[cf1[1],cf1[2]]
      } else { # Range in 2 PUs in direction 2
        div = (cf2[2] - c1[2])/range.x
        frac = sum(res.num[cf1[1],cf1[2]:cf2[2]] * c(div, 1-div))
    } else { # spans a PU boundary in direction 1
      if (cf1[2] == cf2[2]) { # Range in 2 PUs in direction 1
        div = (cf2[1] - c1[1])/range.x
        frac = sum(res.num[cf1[1]:cf2[1],cf1[2]] * c(div, 1-div))
      } else { # Range in 4 PUs
        div1 = (cf2[1] - c1[1])/range.x
        div2 = (cf2[2] - c1[2])/range.x
        frac = sum(res.num[cf1[1]:cf2[1],cf1[2]:cf2[2]] *
                     matrix(c(div1*div2, (1-div1)*div2, div1*(1-div2), (1-div1)*(1-div2)),2,2))
  } else if (range.x == 1) { # Range in 4 PUs
    div1 = (cf2[1] - c1[1])/range.x
    div2 = (cf2[2] - c1[2])/range.x
    frac = sum(res.num[cf1[1]:cf2[1],cf1[2]:cf2[2]] *
                 matrix(c(div1*div2, (1-div1)*div2, div1*(1-div2), (1-div1)*(1-div2)),2,2))
  } else {
    if (cf2[1]-cf1[1] == 1 & cf2[2]-cf1[2] == 1 ) { # Range in 4 PUs
      div1 = (cf2[1] - c1[1])/range.x
      div2 = (cf2[2] - c1[2])/range.x
      frac = sum(res.num[cf1[1]:cf2[1],cf1[2]:cf2[2]] *
                   matrix(c(div1*div2, (1-div1)*div2, div1*(1-div2), (1-div1)*(1-div2)),2,2))
    } else {  # General purpose calculation
      # First do corners
      d11 = cf1[1] + 1 - c1[1]
      d12 = cf1[2] + 1 - c1[2]
      d21 = c2[1] - cf2[1]
      d22 = c2[2] - cf2[2]
      Ares = res.num[cf1[1],cf1[2]] * d11*d12 +
        res.num[cf2[1],cf1[2]] * d21*d12 +
        res.num[cf2[1],cf2[2]] * d21*d22 +
        res.num[cf1[1],cf2[2]] * d11*d22
      # Now do sides as needed
      if (cf2[1] - cf1[1] > 1) {
        for (ii in (cf1[1]+1):(cf2[1]-1)) {
          Ares = Ares + res.num[ii,cf1[2]] * d12 + res.num[ii,cf2[2]] * d22
      if (cf2[2] - cf1[2] > 1) {
        for (ii in (cf1[2]+1):(cf2[2]-1)) {
          Ares = Ares + res.num[cf1[1],ii] * d11 + res.num[cf1[2],ii] * d12
      # Now do interior PUs as needed
      if (cf2[1] - cf1[1] > 1 & cf2[2] - cf1[2] > 1) {
        Ares = Ares + sum(res.num[(cf1[1]+1):(cf2[1]-1), (cf1[2]+1):(cf2[2]-1)])
      frac = Ares/range.x^2
BruceKendall/ignorant-conservation documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:48 a.m.