Load data

Usually a RData file which stores all the dataset will be given. A sample RData can be found in /doc/sample_ccd.RData.

data.path <- paste0(find.package("cleanEHR"), "/doc/sample_ccd.RData")

Data overview

You can have a quick overview of the data by checking infotb. In the sample dataset, sensitive variables such as NHS number and admission time have been removed or twisted.


The basic entry of the data is episode which indicates an admission of a site. Using episode_id and site_id can locate a unique admission entry. pid is a unique patient identifier.

# quickly check how many episodes are there in the dataset.

There are 263 fields which covers patient demographics, physiology, laboratory, and medication information. Each field has 2 labels, NHIC code and short name. There is a function lookup.items() to look up the fields you need. lookup.items() function is case insensitive and allows fuzzy search.

# searching for heart rate
lookup.items('heart') # fuzzy search

|     NHIC.Code     |  Short.Name  |  Long.Name   |  Unit  |  Data.type  |
| NIHR_HIC_ICU_0108 |    h_rate    |  Heart rate  |  bpm   |   numeric   |
| NIHR_HIC_ICU_0109 |   h_rhythm   | Heart rhythm |  N/A   |    list     |

Inspect individual episode

# check the heart rate, bilirubin, fluid balance, and drugs of episode_id = 7. 
# NOTE: due to anonymisation reason, some episodes data cannot be displayed
# properly. 
episode.graph(ccd, 7, c("h_rate",  "bilirubin", "fluid_balance_d"))

Non-longitudinal Data

sql.demographic.table() can generate a data.table that contains all the non-longitudinal variables. A demonstration of how to do some work on a subset of data.

# contains all the 1D fields i.e. non-longitudinal
tb1 <- sql.demographic.table(ccd)

# filter out all dead patient. (All patients are dead in the dataset.)
tb1 <- tb1[DIS=="D"]

# subset variables we want (ARSD = Advanced respiratory support days,
# apache_prob = APACHE II probability)
tb <- tb1[, c("SEX", "ARSD", "apache_prob"), with=F]
tb <- tb[!is.na(apache_prob)]

# plot
ggplot(tb, aes(x=apache_prob, y=ARSD, color=SEX)) + geom_point()

Longitudinal data

To deal with longitudinal data, we need to first to transform it into a long table format.

Create a cctable

# To prepare a YAML configuration file like this. You write the following text
# in a YAML file. 
conf <- "
  shortName: hrate
  shortName: bp_sys_a
  dataItem: Systolic Arterial blood pressure - Art BPSystolic Arterial blood pressure
   shortName: sex
tb <- create.cctable(ccd, yaml.load(conf), freq=1)

# a lazy way to do that. 
tb <- create.cctable(ccd, list(NIHR_HIC_ICU_0108=list(), 

Manipulate on cctable

tb$tclean[, mean(NIHR_HIC_ICU_0108, na.rm=T), by=c("site", "episode_id")]

Data cleaning

To clean the data, one needs to write the specification in the YAML configuration file.

conf <-"
  shortName: hrate
  dataItem: Heart rate
  distribution: normal
  decimal_places: 0
      red: (0, 300)
      amber: (11, 150)
    apply: drop_entry
  missingness: # remove episode if missingness is higher than 70% in any 24 hours interval 
      yellow: 24
      yellow: 70 
    apply: drop_episode

ctb <- create.cctable(ccd, yaml.load(conf), freq=1)
ctb$filter.ranges("amber") # apply range filters

cptb <- rbind(cbind(ctb$torigin, data="origin"), 
              cbind(ctb$tclean, data="clean"))

ggplot(cptb, aes(x=time, y=NIHR_HIC_ICU_0108, color=data)) + 
  geom_point(size=1.5) + facet_wrap(~episode_id, scales="free_x")

CC-HIC/ccdata documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:23 a.m.