nauf.merMod: Class for fitted mixed effects models with 'nauf' contrasts.

Description Slots Generic Methods See Also


Models fit with nauf_lmer have class nauf.lmerMod (inheriting from lmerMod) and models fit with nauf_glmer and nauf_glmer.nb have class nauf.glmerMod (inheriting from glmerMod).



See merMod.

Generic Methods

There are S3 methods specific to the nauf.lmerMod and nauf.glmerMod classes for the generic functions predict and anova, which behave differently from the methods for merMod objects. Other methods for generic functions from the stats, MASS, and lme4 packages should work as they would for merMod objects, with the exception of the method for the simulate function, for which the nauf method has more limited options than simulate.merMod, and is not meant for end user use at this time (the method is necessary for the PB method to work for anova). If you encounter a generic function in these packages which does not function properly, please report the issue at

See Also

nauf_glmer, nauf_contrasts, and merMod.

CDEager/nauf documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:24 a.m.