nauf.pmm.list: List of predicted marginal means objects for 'nauf' models.

Description Details


The nauf_pmmeans function returns an object of class nauf.pmm.list.


The nauf.pmm.list object contains a first element pmmeans which contains the predicted marginal means, and possibly additional contrasts elements depending on whether the call to nauf_pmmeans indicated that pairwise comparisons should be made. If the by argument was specified, there will be a numbered contrasts element for each level of the full interaction of the factors listed in the by argument. The object also has a specs attribute which contains information about the variables and subsets from the call to the function.

The object has summary and print methods which first print information from the specs attribute, and then pass addtional function arguments along to each element in the list. For frequentist regressions, the elements in the nauf.pmm.list are lsmobj-class objects. In this case, the summary and print methods for the nauf.pmm.list take arguments listed in summary.ref.grid (e.g. infer, type, adjust, etc.). For Bayesian regressions, the elements in the nauf.pmm.list are nauf.pmm.stan objects. In this case, the summary and print methods for the nauf.pmm.list take arguments which are listed in nauf.pmm.stan.

For posterior marginal means from a Bayesian nauf model, there is a method for as.shinystan which allows launch_shinystan to be used.

CDEager/nauf documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:24 a.m.