nauf.stanreg: Class for fitted Bayesian models with 'nauf' contrasts.

Description See Also


Models fit with nauf_stan_lm, nauf_stan_glm, nauf_stan_glm.nb, nauf_stan_lmer, nauf_stan_glmer, and nauf_stan_glmer.nb have class nauf.stanreg and inherit from class stanreg (see stanreg-objects for details on the elements contained in the fitted model object). The stanreg methods for the generic functions listed in the stanreg-methods page (including those linked to in the 'See Also' section) work for nauf.stanreg models, with the same restrictions on the re.form argument described in the predict.nauf.merMod page when using the posterior_predict and predict functions. The only exception is that the kfold function from the rstanarm package cannot be used on nauf.stanreg objects; instead, nauf_kfold should be used. The nauf_ref.grid and nauf_pmmeans functions also work with nauf.stanreg objects, as do as.shinystan and launch_shinystan.

See Also

nauf_stan_glm, nauf_stan_glmer, nauf_contrasts, stanreg-objects, and stanreg-methods.

CDEager/nauf documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:24 a.m.