DNST_MASTER: DNAPL source term master

Description Usage Arguments Value


A convenient master function for DNAPL source terms when a MODFLOW data set and the contaminant data frames in the package are being used.


DNST_MASTER(result.file, description, x, y = NULL, mfdata, contnt, DNmodel,
  Dm.pars, pu, start.t = td::td(1, 1, 1925), end.t, dt = 20, fw = 1,
  fi = 1, fsphist = data.frame(year = c(1974, 1990), f = c(1, 0)),
  ndlpmfl = 1L, bph = 0, z0 = "base")



character string; file to save results to (should end with extension ".rds")


character string; information about the model and what it represents; this is saved with the results for your record


x and y co-ordinates of the spill with the same origin and units as mfdata; used to find the grid cell from which to read MODFLOW results; alternatively, if mfdata is not used, x and y can simply be given as information to be stored with the model


x and y co-ordinates of the spill with the same origin and units as mfdata; used to find the grid cell from which to read MODFLOW results; alternatively, if mfdata is not used, x and y can simply be given as information to be stored with the model


NetCDF object; MODFLOW data in NetCDF format (see GW.nc), from which the transient horizontal Darcy velocity through the source zone is determined


"TCE", "PCE", "TCA" or "TeCM"


function (as object or character string); function to create object of class DNAPLmodel, such as cstG.DNmodel


named or correctly ordered list; arguments for DNmodel (see formals), excluding hL, NLAY, Cs and rho; do.call is used


numeric [1]; the peak usage rate at the site ever - the national usage rate is normalised to give it a maximum value of pu; because cons is normalised, pu needn't be in the same units - it should be in the desired units of output and kg/day is suggested


numeric [1]; start and end time of the model, in days since 30/12/1899


numeric [1]; start and end time of the model, in days since 30/12/1899


numeric [1]; time step length, in days, usually in the order of tens of days


numeric [1]; proportion of imported solvent that becomes waste (between 0 and 1, 1 is suggested)


numeric [1]; proportion of spilt solvent that infiltrates to water table (between 0 1, 1 is suggested)


$year (num)
$f (num): fraction of imported solvent that is spilt, rather than disposed of safely
the transient safe disposal fraction of solvent by the site


integer [1] or [mfNLAY], where mfNLAY is the number of layers in the MODFLOW model; number of DNAPL model layers per MODFLOW layer (including any which are always dry at the location, although the values for these layers won't make any difference)


numeric [1] or [mfNLAY]; height of basal pools in each layer, or layer-by-layer: note that length-1 input for bph will put a basal pool in every MODFLOW layer, not just the bottom; put c(0, 0, ..., 0, h) if you want just the bottom layer to have a basal pool


numeric [1] or "base"; elevation of the base of the DNAPL model, with the same datum as mfdata; "base" instructs to use the bottom elevation of the lowest layer at x,y, read from mfdata


DNAPLSourceTerm object, which is also written to result.file. The results are returned invisibly as they will be too complex to be usefully printed to screen. Assign the results to an object or read from result.file using readRDS.

CJBarry/DNAPL documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:25 a.m.