Man pages for CLippmann/ORA
Overrepresentation Analysis

adjMatrixTermsAncestorsFunction to return the adjacency matrix of input GO term...
certaintyFunction to calculate the certainty for a GO term.
checkORAparametersFunction to check if the parameters passed to 'dbtORA' are...
dbtORAFunction to do an ORA including the drawing of DAGs.
drawORATo draw the gene ontology DAG containing ORA results'...
GOroot2TermPathsFunction to get all paths from the gene ontology root of the...
hypergeoTestFunction to do a one-sided hypergeometric test.
importanceFunction to calculate the importance for given information...
infoValueFunction calculates the partial Shannon information of gene...
NCBI2GeneNameFunction to get GeneSymbol and GeneName for given NCBI...
ontologyNrReturns for given GOterm the corresponding gene ontology.
ORAFunction to calculate a overrepresentation analysis.
ORAfilenameFunction to complete the OutFile name passed to dbtORA with...
ORA-packagedata bionics toolbox: Overrepresentation Analysis
plotGOgraphFunction to draw and save gene ontology DAG.
remarkablenessFunction to calculate the remarkableness of a GO term.
termDescriptionYields description of inputtet GO-term.
termIdCasts GO-term numbers to GO-term IDs.
termNrCasts GO-term IDs to GO-term numbers.
termpathsHeadlinesCalculates headlines for each path from root to GO detail...
termsAncestorsFunction returns vector of all ancestors in ontology for...
updateORAdatabaseFunction to update the database used for ORA.
WriteORAresultsFunction to write lrn file of GO terms and the computed...
CLippmann/ORA documentation built on Feb. 4, 2020, 9:38 p.m.