#' @include app_dependencies.R 04_DataQuality_utils.R
dependencies$DataQuality <-
data_quality <- function(check_fns = RmData::relevant_dq,
clarity_api = get_clarity_api(e = rlang::caller_env()),
app_env = get_app_env(e = rlang::caller_env())
) {
# Providers to Check ------------------------------------------------------
projects_current_hmis <- projects_current_hmis()
# The Variables That We Want ----------------------------------------------
vars <- make_vars()
# Clients to Check --------------------------------------------------------
served_in_date_range <- served_in_date_range()
ssvf_served_in_date_range <- ssvf_served_in_date_range()
.total <- length(check_fns)
.pid <- cli::cli_progress_bar(type = "iterator",
total = .total + 4)
dqs <- purrr::map(rlang::set_names(check_fns), ~{
i <- which(check_fns == .x)
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid,,
status = paste0(i,"/",.total,": ",stringr::str_remove(.x, "^dq\\_")))
fn <- getFromNamespace(.x, "RmData")
arg_names <- rlang::set_names(rlang::fn_fmls_names(fn))
arg_names <- arg_names[!purrr::map_lgl(rlang::fn_fmls(fn), is.logical)]
arg_names <- arg_names[arg_names != c("app_env")]
.call <- rlang::call2(fn, !!!purrr::map(arg_names, ~rlang::expr(app_env$dependencies[[!!.x]])), app_env = NULL)
out <- rlang::eval_bare(.call)|>
dplyr::distinct(PersonalID, EnrollmentID, Issue, .keep_all = TRUE) |>
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid,,
status = "Creating data quality table")
dq_main <- do.call(rbind, dqs) |>
unique() |>
dplyr::mutate(Type = factor(Type, levels = c("High Priority",
"Warning"))) |>
dplyr::filter(ProjectType != 14 |
ProjectType == 14 &
Issue %in% c(
"60 Days in Mahoning Coordinated Entry",
"Access Point with Entry Exits",
"No Head of Household",
"Missing Date of Birth Data Quality",
"Don't Know/Prefers Not to Answer Approx. Date of Birth",
"Missing DOB",
"Missing Name Data Quality",
"Incomplete or Don't Know/Prefers Not to Answer Name",
"Rent Payment Made, No Move-In Date",
"Invalid SSN",
"Don't Know/Prefers Not to Answer SSN",
"Missing Gender",
"Missing SSN",
"Missing Race and Ethnicity",
"Missing Relationship to Head of Household",
"Missing Veteran Status",
"Don't Know/Prefers Not to Answer Veteran Status",
"Missing County Served",
"Duplicate Entry Exits"
)) |>
dplyr::filter(Issue != "Old Outstanding Referral")
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid,,
status = "Finish dq_main")
# if (is_clarity()) {
# dq_main <- clarity.looker::make_linked_df(dq_main, UniqueID)
# dq_main <- clarity.looker::make_linked_df(dq_main, EnrollmentID)
# }
# Controls what is shown in the CoC-wide DQ tab ---------------------------
# for CoC-wide DQ tab
app_env$merge_deps_to_env(c("rm_dates", "Project"))
dq_main |>
{\(x) {
dq_past_year = HMIS::served_between(x, rm_dates$hc$check_dq_back_to, lubridate::today()),
# for project evaluation reporting
dq_for_pe = HMIS::served_between(x, rm_dates$hc$project_eval_start, rm_dates$hc$project_eval_end),
dq_main = x)
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid,
status = "Overlapping Project Stays")
dq_overlaps <- dq_overlaps()
cli::cli_progress_update(id = .pid,
status = "Eligibility Checks")
dq_eligibility_detail <- dq_check_eligibility()
# if (is_clarity()) {
# dq_eligibility_detail <- clarity.looker::make_linked_df(dq_eligibility_detail, UniqueID)
# dq_eligibility_detail <- clarity.looker::make_linked_df(dq_eligibility_detail, EnrollmentID)
# }
# NOTE See note in dq_overlaps
# if (is_sp()) {
# unsh_overlaps <- dq_overlaps(unsh = TRUE)
# }
# Missing Client Location -------------------------------------------------
# missing_client_location <- dq_missing_client_location(served_in_date_range, vars)
# Household Issues --------------------------------------------------------
# hh_children_only <- dq_hh_children_only(served_in_date_range, vars)
# hh_no_hoh <- dq_hh_no_hoh()
# hh_too_many_hohs <- dq_hh_too_many_hohs()
# hh_missing_rel_to_hoh <- dq_hh_missing_rel_to_hoh()
# Missing Data at Entry ---------------------------------------------------
# Living Situation, Length of Stay, LoSUnderThreshold, PreviousStreetESSH,
# DateToStreetESSH, TimesHomelessPastThreeYears, MonthsHomelessPastThreeYears
# dq_missing_approx_date_homeless <- missing_approx_date_homeless(served_in_date_range, guidance, vars)
# dq_missing_previous_street_ESSH <- missing_previous_street_ESSH(served_in_date_range, guidance, vars)
# dq_missing_residence_prior <- missing_residence_prior(served_in_date_range, guidance, vars)
# dkr_residence_prior <- dkr_residence_prior(served_in_date_range, guidance, vars)
# dq_missing_LoS <- missing_LoS(served_in_date_range, vars = vars)
# dkr_LoS <- dkr_LoS(served_in_date_range, vars, guidance)
# dq_missing_months_times_homeless <- missing_months_times_homeless(served_in_date_range, vars, guidance, hc)
# dq_dkr_months_times_homeless
# invalid_months_times_homeless
# missing_living_situation
# dkr_living_situation
# DisablingCondition at Entry ----
# Thu Sep 09 13:53:45 2021
# Mahoning 60 days CE -----------------------------------------------------
# Extremely Long Stayers --------------------------------------------------
# Incorrect Destination ---------------------------------------------------
# RRH mover inners only
# SH
# TH
# SH
# TH
# SH
# Missing Project Stay or Incorrect Destination ---------------------------
# TH
# SH
# CountyServed (BoS ONLY for now)
# CountyPrior (BoS ONLY for now)
# Check Eligibility, Project Type, Residence Prior ------------------------
# dq_check_eligibility
# Rent Payment Made, No Move-In Date
# Missing Destination
# dq_dkr_destination
# Missing PATH Data -------------------------------------------------------
#* Length of Stay in Res Prior
### adult, PATH-enrolled, and:
### Length of Stay is null or DNC -> error -OR-
### Length of Stay is DKR -> warning
#* Engagement at Exit
### adult, PATH-enrolled, Date of Engagement is null -> error
#* Status Determination at Exit
### adult, PATH-Enrolled is not null
### Date of Status Determ is null -> error
# dq_path_status_determination
#* PATH Enrolled at Exit
### adult and:
### PATH Enrolled null or DNC -> error -OR-
#* Not Enrolled Reason
### adult
### PATH Enrolled = No
### Reason is null -> error
#* Connection with SOAR at Exit
### adult
### Connection w/ SOAR is null or DNC -> error -OR-
### Connection w/ SOAR DKR -> warning
# dq_path_SOAR_missing_at_exit
# Missing PATH Contacts
## client is adult/hoh and has no contact record in the EE -> error
## this is a high priority data quality issue
## if the contact was an "Outreach" record after 10/1/2019, it is being
## filtered out because they should be using CLS subs past that date.
# dq_missing_path_contact
# Incorrect PATH Contact Date
## client is adult/hoh, has a contact record, and the first record in the EE
## does not equal the Entry Date -> error
## if the contact was an "Outreach" record after 10/1/2019, it is being
## filtered out because they should be using CLS subs past that date.
# Duplicate EEs -----------------------------------------------------------
# this could be more nuanced but it's ok to leave it since we are also
# looking at overlaps
#duplicate_ees <- dq_duplicate_ees()
# Future Entry Exits ------------------------------------------------------
# PSHs in the old days before Move In Dates would definitely have been entering
# their clients prior to their Entry Date since back then the Entry Date was the
# day they moved in. So they're excused from this prior to Move In Date's existence.
#future_ees <- dq_future_ees()
#future_exits <- dq_future_exits()
# HoHs Entering PH without SPDATs -----------------------------------------
#ph_without_spdats <- dq_ph_without_spdates()
# Missing Income at Entry -------------------------------------------------
# IncomeBenefits <- IncomeBenefits %>% select(-DateCreated)
# Not calculating Conflicting Income Amounts bc they're calculating the TMI from the
# subs instead of using the field itself. Understandable but that means I would
# have to pull the TMI data in through RMisc OR we kill TMI altogether. (We
# decided to kill TMI altogether.)
# Missing Income at Exit --------------------------------------------------
#missing_income <- dq_missing_income()
#conflicting_income <- dq_conflicting_income()
# Overlapping Enrollment/Move In Dates ------------------------------------
# this only pulls the most recent EE in the overlap and I think that's fine but
# some users won't like being flagged for it if it's someone else's fault
# but you can't tell whose fault it is from the data so...
#staging_overlaps <- dq_staging_overlaps()
#same_day_overlaps <- dq_overlaps()
# rrh_overlaps <- dq_overlaps_rrh()
# psh_overlaps <- dq_overlaps_psh()
#unsh_overlaps <- dq_overlaps(unsh = TRUE)
# Missing Health Ins ------------------------------------------------------
#missing_health_insurance_entry <- dq_missing_hi_entry()
#missing_health_insurance_exit <- dq_missing_hi_exit()
#conflicting_health_insurance <- dq_conflicting_hi_ee()
# Missing, Unlikely, or Conflicting NCBs ---------------------------------------------------
# Unlikely NCBs -----------------------------------------------------------
# Missing NCBs at Exit ----------------------------------------------------
# dq_conflicting_unlikely_ncbs
# dq_missing_ncbs
# SSI/SSDI but no Disability (Q) ------------------------------------------
# check_disability_ssi <- dq_check_disability_ssi()
# Non HoHs w Svcs or Referrals --------------------------------------------
# SSVF projects should be showing this as an Error,7 whereas non-SSVF projects
# should be showing it as a warning, and only back to Feb of 2019
# services_on_hh_members <- dq_services_on_hh_members()
# services_on_hh_members_ssvf <- dq_services_on_hh_members_ssvf()
# referrals_on_hh_members_ssvf <- dq_referrals_on_hh_members_ssvf()
# AP entering project stays -----------------------------------------------
#aps_with_ees <- dq_aps_with_ees
# NOTE Stray Services? See load_services
# Stray Services (fall outside EE) ----------------------------------------
# Because a lot of these records are stray Services due to there being no
# Entry Exit at all, this can't be shown in the same data set as all the other
# errors. I'm going to have to make this its own thing. :(
# stray_services <- Services_enroll_extras |>
# dplyr::filter(stray_service) |>
# dplyr::select(-stray_service)
# Services_enroll_extras <- Services_enroll_extras |>
# dplyr::filter(!stray_service) |>
# dplyr::select(-stray_service)
# stray_services_warning <- dq_stray_services(stray_services)
# Side Door ---------------------------------------------------------------
# moved to Data_Quality_plots
# SSVF --------------------------------------------------------------------
# ssvf_served_in_date_range <-
# ssvf_served_in_date_range()
# veteran_missing_year_entered <- dq_veteran_missing_year_entered()
# veteran_missing_year_separated <- dq_veteran_missing_year_separated()
# veteran_missing_branch <-
# dq_veteran_missing_branch()
# veteran_missing_discharge_status <- dq_veteran_missing_discharge_status()
# dkr_client_veteran_info <- dq_dkr_client_veteran_info()
# ssvf_missing_percent_ami <- dq_ssvf_missing_percent_ami()
# ssvf_hp_screen <- ssvf_served_in_date_range %>%
# filter(ProjectType == 12 &
# RelationshipToHoH == 1 &
# (is.na(HPScreeningScore) |
# is.na(ThresholdScore))) %>%
# mutate(Issue = "Missing HP Screening or Threshold Score",
# Type = "Error",
# Guidance = guidance$missing_at_entry) %>%
# select(all_of(vars$we_want))
dq_providers <- rlang::set_names(projects_current_hmis$ProjectID, projects_current_hmis$ProjectName)[order(projects_current_hmis$ProjectName)]
# APs without referrals ----
# Mon Sep 20 16:31:46 2021
dq_aps_no_referrals <- dqu_aps(data_APs = FALSE, Referrals = Referrals_full)
dq_APs <- dqu_aps(Referrals = Referrals_full)
app_env$gather_deps(dq_providers, dq_aps_no_referrals, dq_APs, dq_eligibility_detail)
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