.qbegin <- lubridate::floor_date(Sys.Date(), "quarter")
strip_id <- function(id) {
stringr::str_remove(id, "^(?:body\\-)?body\\_qpr\\_")
#' @family QPR
#' @title QPR UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module to generate the QPR UI.
#' @param id Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @param choices \code{(named list)} of arguments to \link[shinyWidgets]{pickerInput}.
#' `FALSE` to omit the choice drop-down selector. - choices must be provided
#' for the picker to show options. Defaults will be used for omitted arguments
#' unless arguments are explicitly set to `NULL`. Defaults are as follows:
#' `list(
#' inputId = ns("region"),
#' label = "Select Region(s)",
#' choices = choices$choices, #
#' options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(liveSearch = TRUE),
#' selected = NULL,
#' width = "70%"
#' )`
#' Default value for choices is found in *global.R* for each tabItem namespace.
#QUESTION Should there be defaults for options?
#' @param date_choices \code{(logical)} whether to show a date range picker
mod_qpr_ui <- function(id, choices = NULL, date_choices = NULL, ns = rlang::caller_env()$ns) {
# Create labeled Quarter List
# .quarter_labels <- rev(unique(zoo::Sys.yearqtr() - 6 / 4:zoo::Sys.yearqtr()
#+ 1 / 4))
# slider_choices <- rev(purrr::map(.qs, ~lubridate::yq(.x) - lubridate::days(1)))
# names(slider_choices) <- .quarter_labels
.id <- strip_id(id)
.defaults <- purrr::compact(list(
Dates = if (!isFALSE(date_choices)) list(
inputId = ns("date_range"),
start = lubridate::floor_date(lubridate::as_date(.qbegin - lubridate::dmonths(4)), "quarter"),
end = .qbegin
Regions = if (!isFALSE(choices))
inputId = ns("region"),
choices = qpr_tab_choices[[.id]]$choices,
multiple = FALSE
.user <- purrr::compact(list(
Dates = date_choices,
Regions = choices
if (UU::is_legit(.user)) {
# if there are
.defaults[names(.user)] <- purrr::map2(.defaults[names(.user)], .user, ~{
# replace default params with those supplied by user on a param by param
# basis, retaining defaults.
purrr::list_modify(.x, !!!.y)
# tabItem Output ----
title = "Report Details",
id = "about",
title = "Ohio BoS Performance Management Plan",
tags$p(a("Ohio BoS 2024 Performance Managment Plan", href = "https://cohhio.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Ohio-BoSCoC-2024-PMP_Final.pdf")),
collapsed = TRUE
title = "Performance Goals / How Measures Calculated",
iterate(qpr_expr[[.id]]$details, DT::DTOutput, "dt_measures"),
collapsed = TRUE
if (shiny::isTruthy(.defaults$Dates))
do.call(ui_date_range, .defaults$Dates)
if (shiny::isTruthy(.defaults$Regions))
do.call(ui_picker_program, .defaults$Regions)
iterate(qpr_expr[[.id]]$infobox, bs4Dash::infoBoxOutput, "ib_summary", width = 12)
iterate(qpr_expr[[.id]]$datatable, DT::DTOutput, "dt_detail")
#' @family QPR
#' @title QPR Server Functions
#' @description A shiny server Module to generate the header, slider, pickers
#' and plot for each tabitem.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @param header \code{(character)} The header text passed to the initial
#' \link[shiny]{h2} tag in the header.
#' @param ... Additional \code{(list/shiny.tag.list/shiny.tag)}s to be appended
#' to the header after the \link[shiny]{h2} tag with `header`. Defaults to
#' \code{list(h4(input$region), h4(paste(ReportStart, "to", ReportEnd)))} if
#' unspecified.
mod_qpr_server <- function(id, header, ...){
.id <- strip_id(id)
if (missing(header))
rlang::abort("Must provide header for mod_QPR_server(",id,")")
function(input, output, session){
ns <- session$ns
# Header
output$header <- shiny::renderUI({
server_header(header, date_range = input$date_range, ...)
# Process Data
data_env <- shiny::reactive(qpr_expr[[.id]]$expr, quoted = TRUE)
if (UU::is_legit(qpr_expr[[.id]]$infobox)) {
if (rlang::is_list(qpr_expr[[.id]]$infobox))
x <- qpr_expr[[.id]]$infobox
x <- list(qpr_expr[[.id]]$infobox)
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
output[[paste0("ib_summary",i)]] <- bs4Dash::renderbs4InfoBox(x[[i]], quoted = TRUE)
# output$ib_summary1 <- bs4Dash::renderbs4InfoBox(qpr_expr[[.id]]$infobox,
# quoted = TRUE)
if (rlang::is_list(qpr_expr[[.id]]$datatable)) {
for (i in seq_along(qpr_expr[[.id]]$datatable)) {
output[[paste0("dt_detail",i)]] <- DT::renderDT(server = FALSE, qpr_expr[[.id]]$datatable[[i]], quoted = TRUE)
} else {
output$dt_detail1 <- DT::renderDT(server = FALSE, qpr_expr[[.id]]$datatable, quoted = TRUE)
if (rlang::is_list(qpr_expr[[.id]]$details)) {
for (i in seq_along(qpr_expr[[.id]]$details)) {
output[[paste0("dt_measures",i)]] <- DT::renderDT(server = FALSE, qpr_expr[[.id]]$details[[i]], quoted = TRUE)
} else {
output$dt_measures1 <- DT::renderDT(server = FALSE, qpr_expr[[.id]]$details, quoted = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.