TimeVaryingCovariate: Create a time-varying covariate. This covariate will be...

View source: R/covariate.R

TimeVaryingCovariateR Documentation

Create a time-varying covariate. This covariate will be implemented using EVID=2 rows in the exported dataset and will not use interruption events.


Create a time-varying covariate. This covariate will be implemented using EVID=2 rows in the exported dataset and will not use interruption events.


TimeVaryingCovariate(name, table)



covariate name, character


data.frame, must contain the mandatory columns 'TIME' and 'VALUE'. An 'ID' column may also be specified. In that case, ID's between 1 and the max number of subjects in the dataset/arm can be used. All ID's must have a VALUE defined for TIME 0.


a time-varying covariate

Calvagone/campsis documentation built on Feb. 13, 2025, 10:21 p.m.