
Summary of modifications to C. Holt's chum model

I) Addition of random number vectors within salmon-sim code (Dec. 11); replaced Jan. 17

II) Modifications to make model usable across species (Dec. 13/14)

Input parameters

Options for making code flexible

  1. nAges argument represents species and interacts w/ external functions
  2. nAges assumed to be static and relative ppn of each group changes to reflect species diversity

Option 2 selected for now

Code adjustments

III) CU-specific estimates within model (Jan. 3/4)

Code adjustments

IV) Change model outputs (Jan. 8/9; edited: Jan. 17, Jan. 24, Mar. 23)

V) Model inputs (Jan. 15; updated Feb. 12, updated Feb. 16, updated March 6)

Required files; Additional details in

  1. ...simInputs.csv contains simulation specific parameters that are shared among CUs
    • Can be modified manually by entering different values for specific simulations
  2. ...CUPars.csv contains CU-specific SR parameters and age estimates, as well as entries for different initial abundances and exploitation rates
    • Age proportions are estimated using all available data; ageTau excluded age classes that are never observed (i.e. age 2 for non-Harrison CUs)

Optional files

  1. To account for uncertainty in underlying SR relationship, parameters can now be input as medians (in cuPars.csv) or sampled from two additional input csvs - containing either 1000 samples per stock for Ricker or Larkin pars (e.g. fraserDat/rickerMCMCPars.csv)
    • To account for correlations among parameters, only one sample is drawn per stock, which contains each par necessary
  2. ...RecDatTrim.csv contains stock and age-specific recruitment data used to set initial age proportions and prime model with abundance TS
  3. ...CatchDatTrim.csv contains sector specific catch data
  4. Fraser only Added file containing cycle line specific fishery reference points drawn from FRSSI (tamRefPts.csv)

VI) Divided catches across multiple fisheries (Jan. 19 and 23; updated Feb. 7)

VII) Adjusted MSY calculation (Feb. 2)

VIII) ageTau parameter selection (Jan. 19 and Feb. 5)

IX) catchTau parameter selection (Jan. 19; Feb. 5; Feb. 19)

X) Replace first priming loop with true recruit/spawner abundance (Feb. 6,7)

XI) Add mortCalc function (Feb. 8)

XII) Add preliminary HCRs (Feb. 8, 13, 15;)

XIII) Account for gappy input data (Mar. 9)

XIV) Incorporate realistic estimates of forecast error (Mar. 16, Mar. 31, Apr. 27)

XV) Generate multi-simulation run outputs (Mar. 21, 22; Apr 23)

XVI) Switch from internal MVT AR to simple MVT Ricker model (Mar. 30, edited Apr. 17 w/ new function)

XVII) Pooled observation error (Mar. 31, Apr. 10)

XVIII) Ran profiler to ID bottlenecks (Apr. 10)

IXX) Streamline outputs generated by simRun.R (Apr. 14, Apr. 17)

XX) Changed external hierarchical model used to estimate SR pars for chum (Apr. 17)

XXI) Separated outcome uncertainty (Apr. 18)

XXII) Add weighted CV and agg CV estimates (Apr. 20)

XXIII) Identify optimal number of trials (Apr. 24; Apr. 29)

XXIV) Misc. productivity adjustments (May 7 - 8; May 15; May 21)

XXV) Add allocation variables (May 15; changed July 25)

XXVI) Divide catch observations by MU (May 18, 21)

XXVII) Cap recruitment (May 25)

XXVIII) Adjust TAM rule and exploitation rate calculations (May 29; edit Aug 16)

XXIX) Add custom correlation matrices (June 5)

XXX) Parameterize OU and obsCatch for Nass (June 7)

XXXI) Add single stock ER HCR (June 11; edited July 30)

OBSOLETE SEE NEW NOTE FOR SEP 25 - Single CU ERs coded to remove fixed proportion of Canadian TAC (currently fixed at 20%) - Added simple management lever so that this TAC is only exploited when recruitment has greater than lower benchmark in at least 50% of years in previous generation - Currently uses true recruitment and true sGen, but would be more realistic to switch to observed and estimated respectively

    singTAC[y, k] <- ifelse(sum(lowerBM[(y-gen):(y-1), k]) > (0.5 * gen), tacs[[3]], 0)

XXXII) Identified bottlenecks part II (June 20)

XXXIII) Re-introduce temporal autocorrelation (June 21)

XXXIV) Add proportion of fisheries open PM (July 19)

XXXV) Add skewness operating model option (July 24)

XXXVI) Adjust BMs for cyclic benchmarks (Aug 17)

XXXVII) Add harvest constraints to pseudo-TAM rule (Aug 30)

XXXVIII) Added catch PMs (Aug 30)

XXXIX) Adjust calcTAC and calcHarvRate functions (Sep 25)

Goal was to ensure that TACs that are calculated based on TAM rule and relative allocation to mixed vs. single-CU fisheries result in harvest rates that do not decline as fishery progresses

  1. Calculate TAC based on forecasted abundance at MU level relative to fishery reference points (cycle/MU-specific), after accounting for management adjustment for en route mortality calcTAC function
  2. Multiply calcTAC output by true proportional contribution of each CU (for mixed stock fisheries) or forecasted proportion (for single CU fisheries)
    • Accounts for fact that this is a managed process only in the latter case
  3. Convert adjusted TACs into harvest rates so that outcome uncertainty can be applied, then back convert to TACs; otherwise en route mortality results in single CU fisheries underharvesting
    • To ensure that harvest rates result in catches equivalent to TACs, the denominator of the HR calculation (i.e. recruit abundance) needs to decrease as we move from mixed to single stock fisheries
    • See calcHarvRate for details
  4. Subtract realized TAC from recruits with the constraint that the remaining

Potential issues - Because outcome uncertainty applied at multiple steps (both mixed stock fisheries, en route mortality) it is very possible that realized catch rates will not reflect proportions that are pre-specified - Management adjustment in TAM rule may not be sufficient to prevent overharvest in single stock CUs

XXXIX) Remove bias corrections (Sep 27)

XXXX) Add correlated en route mortality (Oct 3)

XXXXI) Update skewed and student-t operating model (Oct 3)

XXXXII) Update single stock HCR (Oct 15)

XXXXIII) Add AFE to TAM rule (Oct 16)

XXXXIV) Add forecast based secondary HCR (Nov 9)

XXXXV) Switched outcome uncertainty to additive (Jan 4)

XXXXVI) Switched outcome uncertainty to beta distribution (Jan 16)

XXXXVII) Remove forecast uncertainty from overlap constraint and TAM rule calculations (Jan 16)

XXXXVIII) Add capacity for independent parallel chains (Feb. 1)

49) Adjust upper and lower productivity treatments (Feb 8.)

50) Stabilize BMs relative to productivity changes (Feb 13)

51) Add divergent productivity trends (Feb 27; March 9)

52) Add normative period argument for benchmarks (Mar 15)

CamFreshwater/samSim documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 10:22 a.m.