
#' Example data for harvest control rule functions
#' A list containing data necessary to run \code{constrain},  \code{calcTAC},
#' and \code{calcObsCatch} functions' examples. Generated with an example run
#' of \code{recoverySim} using Fraser River salmon data.
#' @format A list with eight elements.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{stock}{A character vector of stock names, which are approximately
#'   equivalent to conservation units.}
#'   \item{mu}{A character vector of management unit names representing the MU
#'   that each stock belongs to.}
#'   \item{recRY}{A numeric vector representing examples of recruit abundance
#'   (millions of individuals) in a given return year.}
#'   \item{forecastMU}{A numeric vector representing examples of forecasted
#'   recruit abundance (millions of individuals). Note that
#'   although \code{length(forecastMU)} is equal to the number of stocks, the
#'   number of unique values is equal to the number of MUs because this is the
#'   scale at which test fisheries occur.}
#'   \item{adjustment}{A numeric vector representing median adjustments made to
#'   MU-specific total allowable catches intended to account for en route
#'   mortality.}
#'   \item{lowFRP}{A numeric vector representing MU-specific lower fishery
#'   reference points.}
#'   \item{highFRP}{A numeric vector representing MU-specific upper fishery
#'   reference points.}
#'   \item{mixCatch}{A numeric vector representing CU-specific true catches
#'   (incorporates outcome uncertainty).}
#' }
#' @source recoverySim model run with parameters provided by Pacific Salmon
#' Commission and Fraser River Sockeye Spawning Initiative (DFO)
CamFreshwater/samSim documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 10:22 a.m.