
#' Example CU-specific plotting data
#' One of two example dataframes generated by \code{buildDataCU} or
#' \code{buildDataAg}.
#' @format A dataframe with 11 columns.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ppnMixed}{an example of a \code{keyVariable} (see \code{buidDataCU}
#'   help doc for details) referring to MPs that differ in how much TAC they
#'   allocate to mixed vs. single stock fisheries}
#'   \item{mp}{management procedure (TAM refers to pseudo-total allowable
#'   mortality rule)}
#'   \item{om}{operating model (technically this is inaccurate for this
#'   particular example, the different OM levels actually represent alternative
#'   secondary MPs)}
#'   \item{hcr}{harvest control rule (typically fixed exploitation rate vs.
#'   TAM)}
#'   \item{plotOrder}{numeric representing the order in which different key
#'   variable factors should be plotted}
#'   \item{cuName}{CU name}=
#'   \item{muName}{MU name}
#'   \item{var}{variable representing different performance metric outputs}
#'   \item{avg}{the median value for a given variable among trials}
#'   \item{lowQ}{the lower percentile value for a given variable among trials
#'   (defaults to 10th)}
#'   \item{highQ}{the upper percentile value for a given variable among trials
#'   (defaults to 90th)}
#' }
#' @source generated using \code{recoverySimulator.R}


#' Example aggregate plotting data
#' One of two example dataframes generated by \code{buildDataCU} or
#' \code{buildDataAg}.
#' @format A dataframe with 9 columns.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ppnMixed}{an example of a \code{keyVariable} (see \code{buidDataAg}
#'   help doc for details) referring to MPs that differ in how much TAC they
#'   allocate to mixed vs. single stock fisheries}
#'   \item{mp}{management procedure (TAM refers to pseudo-total allowable
#'   mortality rule)}
#'   \item{om}{operating model}
#'   \item{plotOrder}{numeric representing the order in which different key
#'   variable factors should be plotted}
#'   \item{var}{variable representing different performance metric outputs}
#'   \item{avg}{the median value for a given variable among trials}
#'   \item{lowQ}{the lower percentile value for a given variable among trials
#'   (defaults to 10th)}
#'   \item{highQ}{the upper percentile value for a given variable among trials
#'   (defaults to 90th)}
#' }
#' @source generated using \code{recoverySimulator.R}
CamFreshwater/samSim documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 10:22 a.m.